User Reviews (1)

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  • I saw this film at the San Francisco Film Festival. It was much better than I expected.

    The film is well-written and directed, and the actors all quite good. The whole story is intriguing, with every detail and nuance there for a reason. The mystery engages you from the very beginning. You quickly want to figure out what is going on and how the people in the film are connected to each other. It takes awhile before the whole thing becomes clear. This is the kind of film that keeps you guessing and then at the end I wanted to see it again to appreciate all the little clues along the way. I greatly enjoyed talking with a friend afterward about all the different facets of the relationships and how it all made perfect sense at the end.

    The cultural aspects are fascinating, with settings in Israel and France. All the characters are interesting people, authentic people with depth and authenticity, nothing phony or superficial about them. I would like to be friends with all these characters.