User Reviews (3)

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  • mikestar-7135519 April 2023
    By the standards of the new Night Court, this was pretty good. They gave Larroquette 80% of the dialogue and let him show some semblance of his old personality, and the result was some laughs. The other characters, who are usually lifeless and offer next to nothing, even got off some good lines here and there. They really have no idea who the prosecutor is, and Neil is somehow in love with Abby (not a spoiler, he's said it for almost the whole series) despite the fact they have had almost no interaction but we have to take we can get with this show. If you laugh a few times at 2023 Night Court, you take it.
  • This is a top 5 episode for season one. Why? Because it's one of those episodes where we see Dan at odds with Abby just like when he would be at odds with Harry.

    An app creator thrusts himself into a court case with the purpose of trying to get investors for his app. Dan, who's at his best when he's sleazy, is ALL IN on this "get rich quick" scheme. Abby not so fast. She has secret info on this app mogul to indicate he's a fraud. Enjoyable episode. Dan has some great lines. So funny when he slam shuts the lap-top while Abby was video chatting with her Rand. Gotta love Dan's sleazy non-caring personality in this one. Oh and Neil is developing the personality of an awkward, not so bright, easily influenced person. Dan eats him alive. Lol.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am reviewing episode 13 of Season 1 of the Night Court Revival. It is called Past Apps.

    This is another substandard sitcom episode of this revival.

    As for the positives, John Laroquette and Kapil Talwalkar give great performances here. Also, the episode is bestowed with a decent laugh quotient. Also, the sets are well maintained and you have the dependability of the good old laugh track. The ending of the episode is also good where Abby finds out about Neil's crush on her from Gurgs. The scene where Dan interrogates Abby is also a highlight.

    The negatives here are the performances of the rest of the cast that are not John Laroquette and Kapil Talwalkar, a very poorly written teleplay, and a lack of good pacing in general. Where a standard episode of a sitcom earns a 7/10 from me, this earns a 5. Take that for what you will.

    Next time, I'll be reviewing the fourteenth episode. Stay tuned!