User Reviews (9)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    To me, the movie had the potential to be good, but it stopped just shy of being OK. It starts off with a businessman who is a total douche bag and he "almost" gets into an accident. After that, he starts seeing things and people who have already died. He meets up with people whom he's wronged in the past and sees how they have turned out and what happened to them. It's basically one of those types of movies where someone's dead and doesn't know it, and he has to right his wrongs within 24 hours. There's no sex or nudity. There's some cussing and some of the scenes could be frightening if you are sensitive to certain things. All in all, I wouldn't recommend this movie. Maybe the only time that I would is if you are desperate and don't mind if a movie puts you to sleep.
  • dukeakasmudge13 February 2015
    I just read on IMDb that Joseph Ciminera who played Bret & directed this movie has his own cooking show on PBS which I thought was cool.Anyways, Talk about weird, Purification was a weird movie.I felt like I was watching an episode of The Twilight Zone (A 1 hour & 23 minutes episode) for mostly all of the movie then at the very end, It seemed to go religious on me.I don't know if Purification was suppose to be a horror flick, a movie with a hidden message or a horror movie with a hidden message (Maybe somebody can explain it to me) The best thing about Purification was Joeseph Ciminera's character Bret.He played a straight up D-Bag A-Hole & he played it well.He's a guy you LOVE to HATE.I don't know if this is a movie that's worth taking a looking at but I do know if this is a movie you do take a look at, You won't be looking at it more than once
  • Warning: Spoilers
    THIS MOVIE SUCKS DON'T BE DECEIVED! Probably not any spoilers because it's SO OBVIOUS. I'm compelled to write this review because 5 of the 6 reviews have obviously been written by cast members or friends of cast members and I fell for it. THIS MOVIE SUCKS DON'T BE DECEIVED!

    The crux of the story is not dissimilar to A Christmas Carroll except far less scary or thrilling. A well off self absorbed and greedy man *almost* gets hit by a car at the start of the movie. The car stops just short of running him over and he continues on his way. It's super obvious that he was killed but he doesn't know it.

    From that moment on he starts seeing people who have died, starting with a little girl who we find out later is his daughter, and when he touches them he sees a vision of their story. A number of the ghost's deaths can be attributed to his own selfish actions and the consequences they had on these people. Others are completely random. None of them are the least bit believable.

    His dead mother's house was left to his brother who has a drug addiction. After receiving a letter stating that the house is to be foreclosed on he goes to confront his brother. He finds his brother shooting up in a closet and has an argument with him and leaves. For the next hour of the movie he sees more dead people.

    Because he's seeing all this weird stuff he calls his doctor. His regular doc is not available so he has to talk to a different one. After seeing a series of weird events he returns to his brothers house and his brother tells him that they are both dead and he has 24 hours to change his behavior. He doesn't believe him and leaves. Cut to a church and he's standing outside when the doctor appears and tells him his brother was telling the truth and that his brother is not going to heaven because he overdosed and killed himself but it's not to late for him to change his ways. At this point the movie takes on a decidedly religious tone and unfolds with all the subtlety and cleverness of a Chick tract (except less scary or thrilling and poorer dialogue). Mercifully there's only about 12 minutes left in the film.

    In the final moment of the film he is walking down a street where a bunch of people who are dead are doing and saying unusual things when he sees a girl who's wondering around and asking no one in particular "where's my mommy?" She wonders into the street where a car is fast approaching and he shoves her out of the way and is struck by the car. While he's lying on the ground quivering and dying the devil appears and and says that he did a good deed by pushing the girl out of the way. The devil asks him to stay with him, says some other really stupid stuff then disappears. The protagonist stands there looking at his body on the ground when his daughter takes him by the hand and they go off to heaven...or something, I don't know. I just wanted it to be over by that point and thankfully it was.

    The dialogue was pretty awful. Most of the conversations sounded very forced and would never occur between real people. The acting was even worse. It's an entirely clean "horror" movie in that there is no violence or gore shown and no makeup effects. That and the combination of seriously horrible acting and terrible dialogue makes this an excruciating experience. Everything that is suppose to be creepy falls entirely flat because it seems to have come from the imagination of what a 10 year old would think is scary, and I have no idea where they get off claiming the "thriller" part of horror/thriller.
  • DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE RATINGS THAT GIVE THIS MOVIE 10/10!! I fully believe that these are friends or people with a vested interest in this "film". The acting is laughable; the plot is predictable; and u will definitely lose a few brain cells if u even make it to the end...I checked out in about 25 mins into the movie because I couldn't allow myself to watch such a joke..let me be nice..this might be a high school senior project or just a wannabe M Night Shymalan (forgive me if it's misspelled)...Please people..don't do it to yourselves and don't get sucked into that 10/10 is hands down the most bootleg no budget having movie I have ever not watched in its entirety.
  • sarahjasmine739 August 2014
    Although the acting is a bit choppy, the storyline was really good. I don't watch too many low-budget movies, but this one is one of the more decent ones.

    I can't say I found the background music too harsh; it was just right as it didn't interfere with the movie.

    The acting by the main character was off a bit at times, so that you did lose that you were in the story and realized it was just a movie. I don't like that. I want to lose myself in the movie.

    I can't find fault in the story itself. It was good. Although by the first third of the movie I had a feeling I knew what was going on (and I was right), it didn't take away from the story. I still wanted to know what was going to happen with this character and what he was going to do. It was frustrating at times, because I kept putting myself in his situation, where I didn't know what really was going on with me. But it came out being more like how things happen in a dream: you expect since VVV happened, then the next thing the character would NORMALLY do would be to BBB. I really wanted to get in there and shake some sense into him.

    I really think you should give this movie a chance. Like I said, the acting is a little off, but don't let that hold you back from seeing a good story come to life.
  • Just seen this film online. Hollywood needs to grab this director Joe Ciminera. Fine job all the way. I'm all about horror and it seemed like this movie was very different This movie is a mind twist so you will need to pay close attention Must see it if you like movies similar to the old twilight zones

    I'm not sure if its in theaters anymore This was an independent movie made on a micro budget I read that there was NO script at all Seems amazing that this could be put together without one Go see it.

    The acting was very good. There are only a couple of b list actors overall I thought every part held it down nicely
  • I saw this movie at a local independent theater with my girlfriend. Before we paid for our tickets we looked at the posters for the movies shown there and the poster for "Purification" definitely looked the most interesting. Going into this movie I thought it would be brainless entertainment that wouldn't be great but would satisfy my crave for horror movies. I was more than surprised when I saw how awesome this movie was. The plot was original, the acting was superb and the story was a lot of fun! The writer, director and star of the film is a guy named, Joe Ciminera who has only done this movie and a few cooking shows. Hopefully, he will make more horror films like these because this film alone shows he has a lot of talent. If you haven't seen it yet, see it! Highly recommended!
  • cristinev26 June 2012
    First time I saw purification, its getting me excited that my eyes can't hardly blink. The story really emphasized the creation of a natural movie with feelings and unscripted words. People are often quick to criticize others for the sins they have committed in their lives, and often place judgment on them if they're unable or unwilling to redeem themselves. Ciminera also memorably showcased the deterioration of Bret's mental and emotional states throughout the course of "Purification" as his own past comes back to haunt him. He wants to help his brother become sober and help save their family home from going into foreclosure, but is torn over his conflicting belief that people only have themselves to blame for their difficulties. But once people are faced with correcting the mistakes they have made, they come to realize how difficult it truly is to change. If you see the full videos of this, you can think of watching these a million times with no regrets and fed-up: Saying, Is this really happening to us, of course, this will occur to anybody.
  • Purification is a great movie! It has a lot of young and up and coming actors/actresses such as Daniella Ventura who played a Great role as Chloe Fitzpatrick Bret Fitzpatrick's younger sister. The Director, writer, and lead role of this film Joe Ciminera is a great writer, director, and actor and will be making a lot more great films. Daniella Ventura is a great and amazing actress as well and will be making a lot more movies in the future. I also believe that this film is the best Horror film of 2012 and possibly the best of this decade! Overall this film is a must see and I give this film a 10/10. Trust me this is a great film.