User Reviews (6)

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  • Saw this at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival.

    "Mutt" is a story about the character of Feña, a young trans guy bustling through life in New York City, is afflicted with an incessantly challenging day that resurrects ghosts from his past. This is director Vuk Lungulov-Klotz first feature film and it proves there is passion behind this project. As a whole, the film is decent with strong performances and concepts explored.

    Throughout, the film has beautiful camerawork as the 1:33:1 aspect ratio helps to create the atmosphere of tension and the chaotic scenario. The performances are pretty good especially Lío Mehiel and Cole Doman as both were able to capture all emotions of raw, stress, anger, and such. Alongside with a nice soundtrack and some interesting commentary on post-transition.

    I understand where the narrative is heading as the narrative explores about gender transitioning, reconnecting with loss loved ones and all but while there are some interesting moments, the narrative doesn't always have an strong impactful as certain moments felt a bit dull. The characters have their interesting moments but some of the characters were a little difficult to connect with. I understand why the characters are written that way but certain characters didn't feel fleshed out enough to really connect with fully.

    The production is solid and there were some moments that were pretty genuine on the emotional levels. Post Trans-transition is a concept that could be explored more in-depth and "Mutt" isn't the best one but it's an decent film that explores the subject.

    If you want another film about post trans-transition, I recommend "52 Tuesdays".

    Rating: B-
  • I love the Idea of Trans male finding his true love in the middle of the wet streets, it's almost perfect happy ending like Disney movie.

    The red bathroom club are just as brilliant as laundromat kiss, the basketball court rain and the mad latino dad, the little sister and the perfect roommate. Everything is so scenicly cute.

    But, somehow it also makes me angry. Can they just gives us a perfect happy ending? Do we need happy ending? Do we still deserve to be loved? What is happy ending? Are you happy that you can finally leaving your mom cuz you don't like her homemade cookies? Are we happy that finally we can be ourselves and also mad cuz they can't be themselves? Is there an ego or selfishness?

    What about our dad? He's so busy with his idea of perfect world that includes us in it, but somehow we feel so outsiders. Can that rain come again? So I can wake him up from his perfect dreams?

    I hate to be heartbreakers, at least it didn't hurt as much as heartbroken 💔 😢
  • Quite literally loved the movie, the characters and all of the carefully crafted shots. Nuance in everything and the grand drama of it all put together a movie I will certainly watch again. This will be a movie I recommend to my straight friends who may not get "it". Hell, I needed to see it too.

    It is so heartbreaking sometimes to see this character marred in so much pain. Yet, there's also such grandeur, strategy and weight put into the tenderness that exists on the other side of the coin; with the REAL person, once you've embraced the parts of yourself that everyone denied. The ones that make an effort to understand, are the ones that are meant to stay with you.

    The rest, can be let go of.

    Love will always conquer.

    Please. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie.
  • This is an entertaining movie. You have to have that even before you get into the Trans issues. There is so much I do not understand about Trans people. This movie went a long ways toward increasing that understanding. I have always accepted and supported trans. That's not the issue. The why is the issue. This movie dives into relationships and how a Trans person is affected and who they choose to love (at least in this movie). I appreciate the efforts by the performers. There is surprisingly good acting thru out this film; by a variety of actors. There is still so much about Trans is still an 'unknown'. However, this movie definitely explains a lot. This movie makes me want to learn more about Trans and seek greater understanding.
  • percvy23 November 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed this movie. Everything from the writing to the acting to the cinematography was excellent. The movie follows Feña, a Hispanic trans man trying to navigate in New York. It takes place over a single day, creating a frenzied and hectic pace, yet the movie is jam packed with character centered moments that flesh out the cast. At some points it feels more like a play than a movie, with long back and forths between characters or monologs. Feña gets plenty of personality, and is extremely relatable to me, even in his flaws. I like how we see him interact differently to the people in his life depending on his level of intimacy with each of them. The movie is also expertly shot, with the cinematography giving the movie a distinct feeling and atmosphere. The New York setting is not overt, but utilized well, showing off architecture and art from the city. This gives the movie an artsy, indie feel, capturing the chaotic feeling of being in your mid-twenties. The writing at points between Feña and his ex John can be cringeworthy, but are grounded in the other scenes and are logical for the characters. Definalty recommend the watch, as well as Vuk LK's other work, which also centers trans leads.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This incredible drama, by a great director, showcasing some promising and acclaimed actors, and some poignant and ever important questions, is definitely a masterpiece in every sense of the word.

    The actors all do an incredible job, very career defining indeed, and very emotional, real, and very complex indeed. All of this accompined by a great script for the ages, showcasing some truly important issues and questions like never before. Wonferfully written and paced.

    The cinematography, cutting and editing i extraordinary, very beautifully put together indeed.

    Overall, definitely an incredible film that I would very much recommend for any lover of film!