• Mild
  • A group of women surround a young woman, and they shout and pull her hair until two young men come to rescue her; one of the women grabs one young man's hair and tries to rip his shirt until the two young men and the young woman get away and we later hear the young man talking about how the women had tried to tear his shirt and pull his hair.
  • A young man shouts at three young men and a young woman and slams his hand on a table dramatically.
  • A young man shouts at a young woman; the young woman is obviously upset and walks away.
  • A young man shouts at an elderly woman.
  • A young man chides a young woman for being different.
  • A young woman talks about how she was surrounded by a group of women that were trying to attack her.
  • A young man is entranced by staring at two dead fish, their jaws hanging slack from a pole.
  • A young woman tries to use an unseen energy to bring life back to a dead rabbit.
  • A young man hits a young woman on the head playfully.
  • A young woman throws sand at a young man playfully.
  • Four young men tackle and wrestle one another on a beach and in the ocean playfully.
  • Three young men pantomime jokingly that they are going to hit a young woman with driftwood.
  • A young woman rides in a car, partially sitting on the door with her torso sticking out of the window.
  • A young man says that a young man had eaten and then threw up in a hallway.
  • A young man advises three young men and a young woman that they should not be near the kitchen area of a camp ground, in case they throw up from doing drugs.
  • A young woman tells several young men that she has to urinate and will urinate out of her genitals.
  • A young man has his back to a young woman and he begins to urinate (we hear the sound of urination) as the young woman watches (we do not see the stream of urine).
  • A woman pulls down her underwear to urinate in public and we hear two women joking about the woman urinating in public (we see no nudity or urination).
  • A young man jokes with another young man that they need to buy tampons because a young woman is coming on a trip with them.