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  • Mercy Road is a 2023 thriller co-written and directed by John Curran (Chappaquiddick, Eden, Bloom, Tracks, Stone, and The Painted Veil). It was co-written by Jesse Heffring (Being Rachel, The Forgotten Ones, Sigma, and Coil) and Christopher Lee Pelletier. After committing an impulsive, vicious crime while searching for his missing daughter, a frantic father (played by: Luke Bracey from Point Break, G. I. Joe: Retaliation, Elvis, American Dream, Hacksaw Ridge, The November Man, and Lucky Day) goes on the run from law enforcement and soon begins receiving chilling calls from an unknown entity claiming to know her whereabouts. As he faithfully follows the caller's increasingly unhinged instructions, he is driven perilously close to the edge of sanity while discovering exactly how far he is willing to go to save his child!!!!

    Mercy Road is a nice little independent thriller from director John Curran. This one has a very simple concept and execution that mainly deals with one main character. Luke Bracey has always been a solid actor, they were really trying to push him here in America a few years ago but none of his films performed as good as they hoped so he's mainly a supporting or character actor these days so it's cool to see him as the lead here. He really carries Mercy Road with his turn here. Toby Jones is great in this, he elevated the feature and Bracey with his presence here. Like I said before, this is basically a one person movie but it does have a very small cast and everyone is solid in Mercy Road. It kinda has a Hitchcock meets Lynch vibe to it. It's unique, I can see it not being for everyone but if you get it then you'll really enjoy it. RECOMMENDED!!!!
  • I struggle to watch a film like this where I stare at a character that is busy talking through a phone the whole time. The short summary: a dude is in a frantic state of mind while he's white knuckle driving and yelling through a phone with several different characters. There are some tidbits of info and an intense sound score, so you can eventually figure out what has happened, but that's the gist of the whole feature. Maybe there's a metaphor in here, or maybe it's as simple as it sounds, I dont know, but I ended uo skipping forward to relieve the monotony. Added a star for the spider scene.
  • This movie is trash. It's intense, yes, but it makes absolutely no sense!! It's insanely monotonous...a guy in his truck the ENTIRETY of the movie. BORING!! The phone calls are frantic and the phone ringing constantly is ANNOYING!! The fact that the scenery (outside the truck) is dark and foggy is bothersome. I'd personally rather watch a movie that is 'bright'. Night scenes are perfectly fine, but the whole movie? PASS!! The ending is ridiculous and makes no sense. Not to mention that you have to surmise (from various phone conversations) what has transpired before he gets in his truck. The man on the phone that appears to have eyes and ears on him is absolutely unbelievable and not in a good way! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WATCHING THIS MOVIE! I repeat...DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. Keep scrolling!! Thank me later.
  • If you enjoy movies and good cinema, this is not for you. If you enjoy audio books with pictures then is what you want. There is no acting only a character and his cellphone exchanging dialogue. The is no scenery just dark and occasionally distant lights. Albeit the occasional siren and flashing lights. One thing that was never explained and seemed. Gratuitous was that spider.. Do Aussies not know what to do with creepy crawlers? This so called film is lacking all the requirement for a movie i.e. Characters, story and of course acting. Money for this production was wasted since there was nothing to produce or direct. I'm sorry I wasted my time, I hope you don't waste yours.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'll keep the top spoiler free and then add a space between the spoilers. Basically, if you like the film Locke or Buried, then you'll most likely like this one because it's the same style.

    The only bit of this film that actually annoyed me was the bad CGI of the exterior vehicle shots. I'm assuming the budget was slim but.. the film was good enough to watch and ignore that detail.

    The acting, intensity, callbacks you forgot about, sound design, and script were all great.


    The ending of the film did leave me with questions. It feels open ended which I'm not traditionally a huge fan of but this time it didn't sting as bad. It's hard to depict reality which works for the story and the viewer.

    Though out the film they ask him to bring Ruby back, and is she safe, all implying everyone believes he has her. As the viewer by Tom's depiction he knows, and we know, that she is kidnapped and he's trying to save her.

    Once we get closer to the end of the film Tom starts to let up and tells the negotiator he just needs 19 minutes which from her perspective probably makes him sound crazy. He ends up saying it to himself without answering her or explaining which further makes him sound off the rocker.

    Now that there's some doubt in the viewer, when the multiple scenarios of Tom pop in and out of the police being there and him holding his daughter to no one being there but his daughter., you are equally confused and uncertain.

    The last scene shows the scenario where the cops are there. Tom gets out of the car with the gun. Then it shows Ruby's perspective and yet again two different versions. She sees the roof of the car in the darker scenario where it was the two of them, and then it shows bloody handprints in the roof of the car and police lights (implying Tom died).

    Then the last shot stops of Ruby's face smiling. Wtf lol. It was great. It then makes you wonder if she did everything or is she just happy cause she hates her dad and he's dead. Did she make a deal with The Associate? Was he even real? Did Tom shoot himself in the car and the rest was all a dream?

    I don't think there's a definitive answer. And I think that's the point. It feels intentionally open ended for the viewer to decide. If that's not the case well then I am nowhere smart enough.

    Anyway go give it a shot; it was great. See what you think happened.
  • This has Lynch and Hitchcock vibes.

    This is mostly a about a man driving while trying to do something about a massive crisis in his life.

    He does something heinous, but understandable, and we/he left to pick up the pieces.

    There's something so interesting about this and modern life. People say "you never know what's going on in someone's life", but in this case his daughter is missing but still the people he works with are complaining about a task he should've done two days ago. As a viewer that's obviously a distraction.

    However the most interesting thing is how the protagonist can't be trusted, but I believe the picture was real.

    But was the associate real, or was that something he invented as a coping mechanism to justify what he did to save his daughter?
  • BandSAboutMovies7 December 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    After committing an impulsive, vicious crime while searching for his missing daughter, Tom (Luke Bracey) goes on the run from law enforcement. He's trapped in his truck, trying desperately to reach his daughter Ruby (Martha Kate Morgan), dealing with calls from his ex Terri (Alex Malone), having hostage negotiators call and most frightening, talking to The Associate (Toby Jones), a man who asks him how far he'll go to save his child.

    Directed by John Curran, who wrote this with Jesse Heffring and Christopher Lee Pelletier, this film asks a lot of Bracey who more than overdelivers. He's the only character on screen for so much of this and we're trapped inside the same space that he is.

    Shot on a virtual set, we never really see much of what exists outside the inside of the truck. And that's perfect. When so many movies give everything away, this is one that remains ambiguous, even at times frustratingly so. Yet I see any limitations as positives, as this feels like an experiment and a director and lead trying to do something different. A man is falling to pieces and he can't stop driving, trying to fix things that can't be fixed. Now that's a movie.