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  • This is surely the best film on cities and urban planning that I have watched in quite some years. The film offers several original perspectives on urban planing and what we need for our cities to be like to actually deserve the epithet 'best in the world'. It thereby severely challenges the ways, in which we have learned to evaluate cities like Copenhagen, and as such poses a great lesson for all cities that are facing challenges and want to become better. I watched the film in Copenhagen, where it managed to stir up fruitful discussions, and it has apparently done the same in cities like NYC, Rotterdam, Bergen, Milano, Bologna, Budapest, Bucharest, Wien Prague, Zürich and Hamburg, in many cases as the opening festival act. An important film for all festivals and a must see.
  • Hardly worth a watch considering it tries to be a documentary while being a disguised piece of propaganda for a desperance and struggling artist. Clearly a last chance attempt at scraping together some money for a hobby film project down the line.

    This is not meant for public viewing in the way documentaries were. It's at best a video for a reddit forum's insane thought on specific subjects.

    At worst it's a failed cashgrab attempt for sale to national TV. (Which it failed miserable at)

    Pathetic honestly.

    I could but up the boring explanation why it's a childish tought process behind this documentary, but you probably already stopped reading by now.