User Reviews (67)

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  • I should preface this post with the fact that I'm left-leaning. Especially owing to autoimmune disease and cancer prevalence in my family, I'm someone who still takes a certain level of precaution with covid, as with all other communicable illnesses.

    Most unfortunately, the pandemic has been a divisive stain on the hearts of minds of people across the globe, but this division is seemingly more acutely felt here in the states; so many of us have picked a narrative to believe and are deaf to any questioning of that subscribed narrative.

    I'm going to ask that you as a viewer do start questioning your own agenda, and try to watch this flick with a completely open mind.

    I was one of those who has severe complications from the vaccine involving blood clots. Then, there were others in my familiar who had similar events and a few people that died suddenly after receiving the covid shots like those spoken of within this film. Every single one of us swept under the rug by VAERS and medically gaslit by our doctors. And every single one of these medically significant events or deaths coincides with the timing of the COVID vaccine.

    What this documentary gets right is that it gives a voice to those of us who have experienced a decline in health since receiving the vaccine, and to the voiceless dead who can no longer speak. It doesn't show "hard evidence" simply because of the absolute refusal of public officials, medical associations and the CDC to interface with the many questions raised by those interviewed. However, the information within these questions and stories are a telling all their own- especially obvious to those of us who have been collateral damage to the vaccine.

    Now, the whole conspiracy angle of the documentary about being a mechanism of a population control agenda is slightly off putting. While I absolutely do believe the intentions of the powerful may not always be for the greater good and that it is a possibility that there is nefarious intent, I do think it's far more feasible that ignoring the consequences of the vaccine on the population and continuing to tow the line of the vaccine being completely safe has a basis in restoration of the economy. If the prevailing institutions were to truly and honestly explore vaccine induced disability and death alongside the fact that you can still spread COVID after vaccination, it would be a devastating admission which would undermine economic recovery and likely lead to an even worse economy than we are having right now, and would end many politicians' respective careers. Either way, I can speak from experience that these public officials absolutely do not care that the vaccine is causing harm.

    As well, I would ask others who are also to the left to please stop immediately shutting down those who have experienced debilitating consequences to vaccination simply because it does not fit within the story you have adhered to. It's important now more than ever that the people begin to listen to each other's experiences.
  • This film can be easily dismissed as a conspiracy crackpot's dream, and if I were to see this at any other time in my life, I would have dismissed it like a Bigfoot movie filmed with night-vision goggles. Trouble is, I cannot dismiss this film because I know four relatively young and healthy men, each under 55, who died suddenly within the past year. One friend, found dead in his sleep. Another walking up the stairs to his home. Another at a restaurant. The other has yet to be explained to me. Naturally, one gets curious but so far so autopsy results have not been revealed or shared-- at least not to me. I don't expect family members to rush to tell me the cause of death because of privacy issues, but since most people instantly assume drugs or suicide, you'd think the families would tell you, "No, it was not drugs," but they haven't. Do they themselves even know? Did they get a straight answer from a medical examiner? There is something odd about that no matter how you look at it. In fact, one of the dead didn't even get an autopsy. He was 52 and perfectly healthy. Found dead in his bed. Cause of death was chalked up as "natural causes." .Why do I personally know 4 young men who dropped dead in the past 18 months?
  • This documentary puts all sorts of strings together and it ends up into the realm of conspiracy theories. Is the vaccine a bioweapon, was it introduced to decrease the population, is it the UN/WEF/Gates agenda? I am not sure and there is no evidence either. BUT the data doesn't lie. Nor the obituaries in the newspapers. My local newspaper now is filled for 50% of obituaries. Unheard of. Also lots of pregnant women losing the baby, including famous ones. A 500% increase in dead athletes. It is clear the vaccines are to blame but the media is silent. That's why I am happy someone made this documentary to show what's going on despite not being 100% true. See it and judge for yourself. Big pharma is evil, I am sure of it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Those of us that understand the medical malpractice industrial complex, understand the issues raised in the documentary intimately. I'm so happy to see this documentary being reviewed on IMDB...It's so important for people to see...

    It's staggering and horrifying to see so many apparently healthy and active young people go into convulsions and DIE...I've been following the paradigm since it was first exposed with the H1N1 flu vaccine back in 2008...At that time, the internet was less censored and many doctors gave symposiums on the dangers of the vaccines...Yet, so many people took them. I've lost family to them, they trusted known liars...This movie puts the nail in the coffin.
  • The haters of this documentary will automatically and expectedly tie it to the evil Donald Trump and/or MAGA supporters. But, if they would only try to be objective and take the information provided, with other alternative sourced information, they would be surprised by what is actually going on with the vaccine mandates. More and more information is coming out about the adverse side effects of the vaccines, and this is just another example. Why wait another ten years or more to accept they were bad for us, like pain killers? Stop putting all your trust in government and big pharma. One is abusing its power and one is making billions. Both are reaping the rewards of the sheep just blindly following along. Or, following along because "their side" is in charge.
  • ppphrc30 November 2022
    Bravo for the brave writers and directors of this documentary. It is time for people to really talk about the possibilities of what is happening. Many will scoff at this and call it false information. It is time to educate and this is a step in the right direction to open the dialogue about it all. "When he opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!" And I looked and behold a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth"
  • If you're a serious person investing in your own research, read Jonathan Jarry's article "The Anti-Vaccine Documentary "Died Suddenly" Wants You to Feel, Not Think".

    Compressed take aways:

    • post-mortem blood clots are absolutely common and develop for myriad reasons.

    • many of the people filmed collapsing did not die or were filmed before the vaccine was available.

    • most of the embalmers/experts expressing clot shock were blurred out and anonymous so could just be actors reading lines, who knows?

    • there was ZERO mention if the corpses featured were of people who'd been vaccinated, kinda matters, right? If citizens of the USA, their vax rate is exceptionally low. The weird clots could equally have been from Covid.

    • the list of Canadian doctors "dropping like flies" from the "jab" is total BS; you can google their actual causes of death.

    Of course, there will always be rare adverse effects from vaccines; but, ascribing the Covid vaccine to virtually every death since its rollout reveals the distortion here.

    In my Canadian province, population 4.4 million, 91% of 12+ population have received one dose, nearly 88% of 12+ population have received two doses. Close to 10 million doses delivered - if so deadly, where are the mass casualties?

    The number of deaths in my province is up by about 5,000; but, the notable increase of "unknown origin" began well before the vaccine and can be attributed to Covid itself.

    If you're a "I've made up my mind and now I'm going to find the evidence on the interwebs" type of person, I can't change you. But, "for fact's sake", do the math.

    All this said, you could probably convince me that job-loss mandates were too harsh and there could have been a middle ground on that. But, fact-free fear mongering helps no one.
  • ceramicsaturn2 December 2022
    If you have a brain, you've noticed some alarming data in passing, this documentary will give you even more to chew on. If you are the type to believe swamp gas is why people see UFOs, or that people x themselves by shooting themselves multiple times in the back of the head so you can sleep at night this isnt for you.

    For those who rate this doc 1, and say it's 'science fiction' or 'disinfo' my questions to you then are this: What is this being found in their blood, why is the blood sandy & what's killing unborn via heart attacks? And why are you ok with this, regardless of what is causing it?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film is obviously anti-vax, at least when it comes to the covid vax, which I totally understand, as I've never been anti-vax myself until the covid vaccine. Something with it just doesn't sit right with me. Believe it or not, WE ARE THE TEST, and this vaccine was rushed into production. We will not know for sure the long lasting effects for years to come. That being said, it's obvious that the agenda is being pushed hard in the anti-vax direction. To be fair and transparent, after watching the film, I did some research to see what the other side of the aisle had to say about it. I read an article from McGill University which raised some issues with the film such as the film makers using a few clips of people suddenly passing out, pushing the assumption that they died had all died from the vax. As it turns out, according to this article, 1 of the clips was from before the vax was even out, and another clip where the girl fell into the train - she apparently had a fractured skull, but lived. This does NOT mean that the girl didn't collapse due to a vax issue, however, but I just wanted to point out some of the film's missing context. That being said, the film showed about 10 clips like this, and the article mentioned only debunked 2 of them, so there is still likely some truth on the film maker side in regard to the other clips, they just used a few clips not pertaining to the vax to fuel their agenda, which is a bit of a no-no. As the article mentioned, these people in the film doing most of the talking are embalmers. TECHNICALLY, this is a field of science, and not medical professionals, so I somewhat understand the argument from the other side of that aisle that embalmers are not educated enough on the topic. I also understand that clotting can happen before and after death, and that it's not uncommon. HOWEVER, when the stats are in front of your face during the film, so long as the presented data is accurate, it can't be swept under the rug. When you have exponentially higher sudden death rates and stillborn baby death rates and all these young athlete deaths topping new highs - all since the vaccine releases, it's hard not to connect the dots. Add to that the fact that all these embalmers are saying that they have never seen clots like this material before, or as large of clots, or as commonly - and now there's really some red flags, again, assuming what all these embalmers say is the truth. Then there's the film's depopulation theory. Personally, I feel like the world IS overpopulated, and I don't even live in a huge city. That being said, if any population control were to be implemented, I would say to slow births, not create more deaths. It wouldn't surprise me if there were some big depopulation conspiracy theory that has some level of truth to it, I just can't say for certain based off of the facts presented in this film. Basically, all said and done, I think if you're open minded, it's worth a watch. There's arguments to both sides, and even as someone who leans more to the right, I can see why some would say this is all just a conspiracy theory, but the other side of the aisle also hasn't debunked enough of this film, and the article I mentioned tries to link people dying now to people dying 10 years ago, then even comparing people to whales at one point. Lots of farfetched comparisons to try and prove statements in the film are wrong. This is how I end with a 7/10. I don't think it's completely cut and dry in either direction, but I wouldn't be surprised one bit if there were some truth behind all this, and I certainly wouldn't underestimate big pharma. At the end of the day, all we know is what we are told, and when you're told several different things about the same thing, it can be very hard to sift through the garbage in any hope to find the truth. All we can do is keep an open mind, watch from both sides of the aisle, and make the best decisions we can.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A load of misinformation dressed up in high emotion so the gullible will believe. The idea that funeral directors can tell what causes any alleged blood clots are caused by is hilarious. Made by grifters to be watched by the gullible. Should be removed from all platforms asap as it's so factually inaccurate it's dangerous. They even contain reference to people who died before the vaccine programme or who aren't even dead at all. An embarrassment to documentary making.

    This film will be used as a learning tool in years to come to show how people can be utterly conned by unhinged conspiracy theories and lies.
  • coachhill-2108416 December 2022
    I watched the documentary 3 times! That's right 3 times!

    Each time I learn more than I did the time before.

    These are people with 20 & 30 years of seing dead bodies and they are testifying that risking their careers. Some of them more than that. They are publicly coming out saying what they are witnessing. And what do you hear over and over again something incredible!

    "They have never seen anything like this before!" And it only started after The JABS!

    So you can believe some paid writers tell you it "A conspiracy theory" Or listen to the people who are seing & Embalming the dead bodies. Choose wisely!
  • The witnesses and their evidence is very compelling. The film is very graphic, but for good reason...people need to see what they could fall victim to.

    There is some poor quality staging footage and commentary that todays audience would skip past. They could have done without it. The dilemma would be how to fill the last 15 min's of time, as it was already a short documentary.

    They obviously rushed the production, but rightfully so, as it is based on a real world catastrophic crisis. If the new experimental mRNA vaccines are indeed causing the 40% rise in all-cause-mortality, globally, then sooner rather than perfect is optimal. Still a must-see, but if you are squeemish, close your eyes through the gruesome parts.
  • Blackadder-6663 December 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is a mockumentary at best, and has absolutely nothing to do with facts. Loads of clips have been taken completely out of context, or simply isn't true at all. Even some of the clips contain people, who hasn't even "Died suddenly", they've just fainted. The clip with Bill Gates is also another great example.of leaving out crucial information and cherry-picking parts, so that they fit with their confirmation bias. This entire "Film" is a huge fail, from the conspiracy segment, and doesn't prove anything, other than misinformation is ok, as long as it fits a certain set of opinions. This kind of misinformation should not be allowed to be published, without a peer-review.
  • rhtdnj25 December 2022
    Amazing great informative documentary it hits you with all the facts is it really so hard to believe our government lies to us?

    Watch breaking bad & that's one example of the American health system.. MK ultra was a real thing why is this so hard to believe. " no babies are being born" ?!? People dropping dead all the same exact way. It's best to be aware don't you think? They take away roe vs wade but shove vaccines down our throat.. I think it's 28 days later that has the zombie apocalypse after vaccines I was waiting for it here it is. Maybe watch first then think whatever you want but you should watch first.
  • Many have already DIED SUDDENLY without a good reason that is with no previous health history to indicate such a tragedy. As more and more evidence is uncovered and brought into the spotlight the powers that be, the ones responsible and the ones who bought into the fear campaign will try their best to bring down the publication of all that destroys the mainstream narrative that is being drilled down into our consciousness. The collusion between the Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Brother is so obvious these days that one must be either too naive or too brain-damaged to deny it. The fake science behind the plandemics and the lockdown mandates of the ruling elites and their henchmen like Fauci etc have been exposed. They know it and it's a race which they are loosing! One can easily see the censorship when they search for anything that contradicts the mainstream propaganda: top results are all "fact-checked" and "debunked" and the like with 1 out of 10 thumb downs and negative reviews posted as a "featured review". This design works for the lazy, low attention, low IQ, scan the headlines-deep bozos which by Pareto Principle are 8 out 10, the followers of what is currently chic & pop, the ones who'd call you crazy tin-foil hat wearer, you know - all the usual name-calling to dissuade you from getting red-pilled and unplugged from the Collective. If you fancy yourself as someone capable of critical thinking and able to make your own mind, then you are already paying attention. This documentary is by no means the end of an investigation into what's been happening for the last two or so years. It is only a start! A film that will shed some light onto this new phenomenon quickly labeled with a new slick-sounding and "sciency" medical term of SADS. The rabbit hole goes much deeper than what is covered within an hour of this very important film. Those wanting to know more can find a ton of information out on Rumble, Telegram channels, etc. This documentary is a MUST-WATCH!!
  • coopr-366983 January 2023
    If the Oscars ever do an award for the biggest joke.

    But in today's world when any one with access to cherry-picking youtube can knock out a movie that contains whatever they want to say. And like any marvel movie doesn't need to contain anything real.

    History is full of examples of this type of conspiracy thinking and they will tell you that conspiracies are always proven to be true, but in reality not on this scale.

    They would have you believe that the 10s of 1000s of medical professionals around the world are in cahoots with the claimed 1% ers to depopulate the world or somehow subjugate us all to their whims, whilst in reality, the masses already are hooked to the products and services produced to them.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have one problem with a lot of commenters about this movie everyone wants to think that apparently You won't drop dead randomly from the vaccine potentially Even over a course of time they like to blame it on covid And yet to my knowledge almost nobody in fact I've never heard of a single case of someone that was unvaccinated randomly dropping dead of a heart attack while being healthy as an ox. While I do say keeping an open mind is crucial it is important to question the narrative given by mainstream media none of this is adding up. I believe the comments regarding over population in the movie are very valid point.
  • qbobpham-0905328 November 2022
    All these people who eat, drink, breathe and have sex, they are all dying too. And the earth is flat. Please, come back with some REAL scientific research. That is well-designed, long-term, double-blind, large-sampled, randomized controlled clinical studies. And there are plenty of those at this point. The fact that this team chose not to use them is an indication of biasness... or severe ignorance. Maybe there is a huge conspiracy to keep people from accessing a tool that saved millions of lives, and kill off those who would buy into this disinformation. Then there would be more resources for the rest.

    Unfortunately, this documentary is not worth anyone's time except for the biased, conspiracy theorists, and this "award-winning" team.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Too much conjecture and projected clips spliced in. The shots of ppl fainting and/or spinning before falling under trains, the filmmaker could not prove these were vaccine-related. I'm not saying vaccines are 100% safe, nothing is totally safe, but this film tries too hard to scare the meek with exaggerated risks and potential dangers. Of the billions who've received the vaccine, even if the medicine is not perfect, a huge % of people are still alive and living well. The numbers don't lie. If vaccines were a focused effort to kill off mankind or whatever some ppl want to imagine, then it's failing miserably. In the end, those wanting to believe that something is afoot will quickly accept that this film is exposing a conspiracy, while those on the other side will think this is a bunch of conjectured nonsense. I choose to believe that this film has many more falsehoods than truths.
  • This overview of the pandemic and its response is an unbiased analysis worthy of consideration and imperative to watch. You are not informed until you educate yourself on the good and bad. Is there good? Yes. Is there bad? Most certainly. Will you become well informed without personally seeking it? Sadly, no, you must be motivated to learn. You must take it upon yourself to learn lest you be brainwashed by the far right or left. This is a must watch but do not based your opinion on a single documentary, spend dozens of hours as a devil's advocate and perhaps you will be capable of making an informed conclusion.
  • krumokshne14 December 2022
    Great job for the brave writers and directors of this documentary. It is time for people to really talk about the possibilities of what is happening. Many will scoff at this and call it false information. It is time to educate and this is a step in the right direction to open the dialogue about it all. "When he opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!" And I looked and behold a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth" 40 out of 77 found this helpful.
  • It's only a conspiracy until the proof begins to unfold. No wonder this has the msm up in arms, they will do what's best to protect the propaganda they push so hard.

    The evidence is clear ; if you @ first posed questions, your answers lie here. This film is not for the faint of heart, you will actually see what the doctors & funeral directors have found while processing the patients who have been exposed to the jab. It's truly frightening what has been covered up or just plain ignored by our collective media, all to push the almighty agenda. Developed by the masterminds considered to be of superior intellect.
  • Loads of misinformation that will cause many to die.

    I assume Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey wrote this because it is a splendid comedy and they are both anti-vax.

    If you think this is educational and informative then you probably have to remember to breathe because your brain is not capable of multitasking.

    I was stunned that they didn't talk about the supposed GPS tracker that was in the vaccines. If that were true then none of the fans of this movie would be lost causes and I'd have an awesome 5g signal on my phone when I am out camping the in Boundary Waters.

    So, close your mouth, inhale through your nose and skip this film.
  • I waited for this documentary for a long time. Was not disappointed. If you think the government and elites have a depopulation plan, then it's clearly well on it's way to fruition. Scary times. And with the Twitter files coming out. It's mind-blowing the deception and deceit of our government and medical fields. The embalmer know what they are talking about and they see first hand the unknown clotting. Some even scared to go on camera. Like a horror movie in real life. Keep your family close and definitely don't get the mRNA shot. Stay safe and be well! Praise God because in the end, He wins!
  • Alright there is literally a Sasquatch in the opening montage. I understand if you enjoy this for entertainment. If you do buy into this please allow me to show you my inventory of snake oils and exotic salves.

    Would be cool if there was a variant that only attack mouth breathers. Maybe like something engineered to wipe out anyone with an IQ in the double digits.

    The movie starts with Tom Hanks talking about overpopulation of the Earth and the Malthusian theory. Of course we are going to run out of resources eventually at the rate we're going. Doesn't mean there is a biological attack of any kind.

    Pure speculation, for entertainment purposes only.
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