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  • I was the Media Coordinator on the committee that put on the 2013 World Aerobatic Championship in Sherman Texas.

    While there, I had the chance to observe much of the actual filming which was not only interesting, but also extremely educational (at least for me). I also had the privilege of providing some footage which was actually used in the project.

    I do not pretend to be another Stephen Spielberg by any means, and each day I wake up knowing how much I have yet to learn, but after recently viewing a screening copy, I was completely blown away by the overall story line, subject matter, overall quality and cinematography.

    This film is truly deserving of the awards it has received and anyone with an interest in Competitive Aerobatics, Women in Aviation or film making in general, would be well served to watch this film.
  • I have seen many, any documentaries. Skydancers was so unique and enjoyable to watch. It's very rare to see footage where you get an insiders view of a talent that is pretty much overlooked by not only the US but the world. Getting to see what these pilots do to make their flying look flawless is incredible. The interviews connects you with them and makes you cheer them on even more. If you looked up in the sky and started watching the stunts, most people would assume that men were flying these planes. To see women so graceful in the air and on the ground is a double bonus. The editing and directing were excellent and kept me interested. Highly recommended.
  • Saw this film at a festival in Los Angeles last November. I did not know anything about Aerobatic before. These female pilots are crazy! This film brings visuals I've rarely seen in a documentary (or even in films) about aviation as a sport competition. A good perspective about women and extreme sports and how hard it is for them to break the gender barrier. I really enjoyed the visual, cinematography and the informational aspects about this unknown sport. Skydancers is definitely film you should recommend to any aviation lovers and competitors who want to surpass their physical and psychological "limits".
  • A gorgeous film whose primary goal is to introduce us to the world's best Aerobatics female pilots.

    I watched it online via REDBULL TV network (ServusTV).

    The film captures their views on women and aviation from a myriad of stories, beautiful visual techniques.

    I learned so much about the important role women has had in aviation-especially in the 1920's, 1930's. I had no idea so many women contributed to the expansion of aviation.

    Beautifully shot and great Animation.

    Skydancers is a film that will inspire you to fly.
  • One of those rare films that promote women in an extreme sport. it's an entertaining and watching these women pilots can be inspiring to a lot of us - not just women. Follow your passion!
  • Saw this movie today. It is really really good! Truly spectacular.
  • Just loved this movie. Don't get all the bad reviews. Definitely recommend watching.