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  • I looooove the concept, a man disappears and gets trapped inside of a smartphone and becomes the very AI he has been developing all his life. He then seeks help from a stranger and his secretary to find out what happened to him and unveiled any possible conspiracy against him.

    There you have literally all the ingredients to make a fantastic show BUT I just can't stop thinking about one thing. The trapped CEO who is a computer prodigy and a genius has the capability of make use of every technology and digital tool to communicate virtually and just do whatever he wants online through his new "body" the smartphone but they seem to have limited his control/powers so he has to be connected via cable to a computer to use it? Is the director not aware of wifi? Bluetooth? What kind of computer prodigy cant hack systems? He was able at the beginning to send emails out to the world to ask for help, he was able to make phone calls and even sign contracts or delete CCTV footage but it seems that it's selective so when his friends are in danger he is almost helpless?

    I mean if you ignore that which I guess is purposely done so our leads also have a weakness, the show is pretty entertaining and funny.

    I absolutely adored the ML in his last drama Love all Play and OH MY BOD how much he has bulked physically since we saw him on Nevertheless ( he looks like a different person) I liked his super comedic side in this one too.

    The couple playing the ML's parents are so good and hilarious, specially the father , I just love how chameleonic Ahn Nae Sang is.

    Little girl playing the CEOs daughter is so endearing too and the rest if the cast does it great.

    Some chemistry between the leads but they don't focus too much on romance so it's good enough.

    Ah! And the OST was awesome! I kept shazaming the songs!

    Good show to watch something not complicated and with a bit of action and intrigue.
  • PennyReviews25 February 2023
    Korean Drama " Unlock My Boss " is a business thriller with a sci fi twist.

    The drama has some interesting characters that support the whole drama and craft a nice puzzle of unexpected heroes that come together to solve a mystery.

    The side characters were also pretty entertaining and their stories were emotional and gave a nice twist on the main story.

    The latter was suspenseful, but predictable as well, with the main mystery relying mostly on the power struggle and the dynamics of the characters than to create a fresh view on the story.

    The romance, moreover, was something that the story could live without.

    The performances, finally, were enjoyable by everyone in the cast.

    So, overall, seven out of ten.
  • I actually enjoyed watching this K-Drama but it had a few shortcomings. It is hard to concept actually liking a series where one of the main characters is a talking phone, but you fall into getting hooked into it.

    Starts out with a country guy who lives at home, but trying his hardest to get a job in the city, falls short on all his interviews. His dream has also been to be an actor since childhood but he failed in that endeavor with interviews as well. While searching online for a city job interview, he comes across an interesting posting that just popped up that says first one to find his phone & charges it will get 1 billion won. He didn't know what to think - a test to see who was the best fastest person out there for the job or what so he races, finds the phone, takes it home, charges it. The phone wants him to sign a contract for 1 bill won to take his job as a CEO; he of course is thinking it is a joke, an AR game, doesn't know what to think, and it all starts from there.

    Fun, entertaining, comedic moments by his parents, a very little romance, mystery, twists at the end.

    The shortcomings are that his assistance may have been casted to be robotic, but she was so mopey that she was not interesting at all. The other shortcoming is that the ending could have been much better, not disappointing, however could have been much, much better.
  • Chae Jong Hyeop plays Park In-seong a young man who comes across a phone where the spirit of a CEO Kim Sun Joo ( Park Sung woong) resides. The CEO is missing believed murdered and he asks for the young man help to locate his body and run his company which coincidentally had rejected his job application earlier. It is based on a webtoon and is an interesting idea with the usual evil executives trying to bring him down at every turn. I was disappointed with the overall pacing as some parts of the story seemed to drag but other parts seemed rushed. Well acted by the whole cast particularly the young girl who plays the CEO's daughter Ki So-Yu.
  • Rags to Riches - yes Romance - one-sided to ?

    Mystery - YES Thrilling - yes

    This is a great show! Follow the journey of young, handsome, kind, loving, warm, charming, bright Park In Seong (brilliantly acted by Chae Jong Hyeop) as he wrestles with ordinary life in Seoul, looking for a corporate job because his dream of being an actor is in tatters.

    What happens next as the drama unfolds is at its center a fantastic mystery, pitting evil vs good, corporate intrigue and power wars. As InSeong seeks to solve the mystery, he finds companions to assist him, love, another reason for living, gains acceptance and satisfaction, comes up with great solutions, brings warmth to a child's life, through kindness converts a former decent man turned loan shark back to a human, .... I could go on and on, but I want you to be intrigued and watch this drama!

    No filler episodes. This drama is tight, 12 episodes, beautifully written, masterfully subbed by the team at VIKI, and has no meaningless scenes.

    Inseong leads with his heart. He is thrust into a snake pit, but rises above what is needed to prevail. And always with optimism at his core and that beguiling smile.

    There is a lot of mystery in this drama, many villains who seem to switch, or did they?, who can he trust? Very fast paced, except for the pauses that are so necessary for a good life. Further, truths are revealed in these interactions that confirm or deny suspicions.

    You will not be disappointed.
  • The premise was too crazy for me and I wasn't planning on watching this but I thought I'd give it a shot since I had nothing else to watch. Plus I had just finished Eye Love You and Castaway Diva and wanted to see Chae Jong Hyeop again.

    He was really good as well as the rest of the cast, so this is probably what made this series so engaging and entertaining. Everyone from the main cast to the supporting characters were great. The direction was really good too.

    As far as the premise I just went along with it, just like in other AI/robot dramas and I thought it was interesting and fun, not too sentimental or preachy and the action scenes were not too overwhelming. So overall, good fun!