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  • This may not conquer new grounds with what it wants to say but it does what it set out to do immensely well. It's a dark comedy rom-com coming-of-age film with a lot of heart. The way it explores the themes of being different and being alone through multiple facets while being outwardly simplistic can be said to be derived from similar films but it still works great. There are a few things that could have maybe improved this but they weren't trying to be anything more really. What can I say, this is something tailor-made for someone like me. Loved both the actors in the main roles too. Looking forward to the director's future projects.
  • I watched this at the 2023 MAMI Mumbai Film Festival because everyone was raving about it and I can see why. The absurd idea of vampires living among ourselves is given a fresh angle in Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person. It centers around a young vampire who is unable to kill to meet her blood-food needs until she finally meets a human hoping to end his life. There's witty humour here, which is bound to make you laugh out loud and also make you think about life in general. Do not expect a groundbreaking plot here because it's a simple story with a weird tone that seems to fit in quite well. I loved how the plot uses its characters to make comedy and that is perhaps the best part. Go for it.

    (Watched at the 2023 MAMI Mumbai Film Festival.)
  • See this as soon as you can !

    A movie that seems tailor made for me. Melancholy Dark-Humor mixed with french by way of Québec styling all wrapped up in a vampire love story I could not more highly recommend this movie Sara Montpetit gives a beautiful performance as a vampire who, due to a traumatic early age clown encounter (honestly who can't relate to that), finds herself unable to kill people so that she can feed on their blood. She pairs perfectly with Félix-Antoine Bénard who completely embodies the character of Paul, a depressed homebody who finds himself contemplating suicide. Wonderfully composed and gorgeously shot scenes by cinematographer Shawn Pavlin raise the script written and directed by Ariane Louis-Seize to a perfect movie.
  • One of the best independent films I've seen in recent years. When I decided to watch it, I was expecting a trashy comedy, the kind that Taika Waititi made about ten years ago. But this film really surprised me. As soon as I started looking at it, I immediately realized that it was exactly what I had been looking for for a long time. I really enjoyed the film "Only Lovers Left Alive" by Jim Jarmusch and I was really sad to think that I wouldn't see another story like this, so well stylized. From the first minutes, I noticed the director's unique artistic touch. This film has all the elements of a cult film: the music, the work on lighting, the eccentric acting, the meticulous respect for the canon, and above all a huge dose of satire (and all of that pushed to the limit) It's truly a great film (even if it may seem funny to say), which should not be approached with any particular expectations. It will surprise even the most passionate movie geek about vampires I recently watched "The Last Voyage of the Demeter". It certainly brought something new to the genre, but it didn't provoke any emotion in me. And I'm also looking forward to the new "Nosferatu" by Robert Eggers, which I'm sure will be a masterpiece, a reinterpretation of a classic *There are moments that are a bit cringe * Definitely 9 out of 10.
  • Humanist vampire is nothing new and dull.

    This film is about a vampire who doesn't want to kill. Although her surroundings try to force her to do so, as killing would be the only way that she would survive. One day she meets a boy who is willing to sacrifice himself, from there on the story continues.

    This film is being advertised as a comedy film, I wish I laughed but I didn't at all. Overal the jokes are dull, just like the story. It isn't exciting and feels very much cliche, although that is maybe because it is a vampire themed film after all. The acting was good, especially the acting of the two main characters, who you could really feel for. The emotions they are going through and seeing how they feel stuck, not knowing how to get out until they meet each other. Those scenes about their desperation with only them in them made the film worth a 8 but the rest of the story pretty much dragged it all down. If the rest of the scenes were as good as those couple of scenes it would have been worth a recommendation, even more than that. But unfortunately that isn't the case.

    In the end I wouldn't recommend this film, only if you are bored you it is worth to consider it.