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  • The premise of Recipe Rehab is taking typical American dishes and making them healthy. American foods is high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt, and low in nutrients and fresh ingredients. Recipe Rehab's approach is to make replacements and adjustments to everyday recipes, turning dangerously unhealthy foods into satisfying and nutritious meals. Health concerns aside though, in every scenario I would take the Recipe Rehab recipe over the traditional dish.

    Most of their recipes use fresh and "super-food" ingredients (chia, dates, coconut, nuts, yogurt, greens, etc) from stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. Almost every ingredient on the show comes from one of these two stores, although it doesn't seem to be sponsored by either of them (otherwise the labels wouldn't be taped over).

    All of their episodes are available to watch for free online at the CBS website (Google it), and I've been catching up on the whole series with my wife. I'm quite astonished at how different it is from your typical cooking show. She is more interested in the recipes, while I'm constantly finding new healthy food replacements. I'm intrigued by little switches like substituting cream for pureed raw almonds, or a delicious icing made from nothing more than tofu, maple syrup, coconut oil, and natural flavorings (in "Chef Richard's Carrot Cupcakes").

    There are so many horrible cooking shows on TV, telling American's to revel in their obesity by pouring on the butter and animal fats. The Food Channel's lineup is downright grotesque. In another decade our entire generation will be paying the price with an even more dire obesity epidemic.

    Recipe Rehab is a refreshing alternative and offers a host of recipes and food swaps that can really change the way you and your family eat for the better. If nothing else, it's a great way to learn to use all of the incredible food options that are available at modern grocery stores like Trader Joe's.
  • I want to give this show a rating of "1", but I can't because it's entertaining for some reason.

    BUT...almost everything they promote on this show has been completely disproved. Carbs/sugars are dangerous, but everything else they push on this show is wrong according to new research.

    After a 30 year study (30 YEARS PEOPLE!!!!) has proved that there is simply NO correlation between saturated fats and heart disease (amongst other diseases), this show continues to stress how bad most fats are.

    This show talks about cholesterol being a killer, but cholesterol is an extremely complex subject. And eating foods containing cholesterol don't necessarily increase your cholesterol. And even if it did, experts are now saying that cholesterol isn't an accurate measure of heart health at all.

    Sodium is another interesting concept. For almost everyone, sodium is a non-issue. But this show is telling everyone to limit their sodium intake.

    I see the chefs (who are cute, but don't know what they're talking about) exchange potatoes for low fat tortillas etc. That's just exchanging one poison for another one that may be even more toxic! It's not really the chefs fault. Even my personal registered dietitian is using completely outdated information to "help me" get through a complicated pregnancy. She hasn't read ANY of the new studies and new research coming out. It's almost criminal! I just humor her and tell her whatever she seems to want to hear so that my HMO doesn't label me "uncooperative" on my chart.
  • For some reason I keep watching this program but I inevitably start lecturing the TV because the entire premise is flawed to the point that this show will probably cost lives. Fats are CRITICAL to good health, yet these 'chefs' mindlessly destroy classic dishes by robbing them of their animal fats. They also aim to cut salt which is another totally pointless exercise that will only lessen flavor and if you are too low in salt intake you are once again risking your health. They also cut sugars out, which is the only thing that makes sense, but in the end they have trimmed so many calories away there is no way these 'meals' will sustain anyone (as in, the people will be back in the kitchen in about an hour snacking on something, probably sugary junk).

    The show should just be how to mix up old recipes and make them tastier or more varied, but leave the fat alone! Instead we have another TV show promoting truly dangerous 'nutrition' concepts to young minds that will come back to haunt us all in the future.
  • GF Friends, Saturday May 4th, 2019 Just watched parts of 2 episodes of RR. Loved some of the gadget reviews, and hacks like peeling ginger w/ a spoon! That said couldn't believe my ears when Chef Vicky said not to overmix the sweet potatoes as they have Gluten in them!!??? Personally have been GF since 2010. Also night shade free same era. Vicky was working with sweet potatoes 🍠, while sweet potatoes are my potato 🥔 replacement, neither of these have ANY Gluten! Please do your homework before sharing nationally. Gluten comes from particular grains. Sweet or regular potatoes are neither grains. Lots of kids are watching, you are an influence. Thank you for this forum to respond in. Lou