User Reviews (13)

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  • not sure if the show is fixed or not...but my beef is this; i wish i had the power to fire the guy who's doing the camera work..or the one who is responsible for calling the shots of the Consistent terrible camera shaking and zooming! its not a movie..or is it?? it is SO ANNOYING and hard on the eyes to watch! one of the worse things the movies ever came up with and now TV shows are starting to do it! is it suppose to be some kind of a dumb artsy thing or is it suppose to put you in some kind of mood....i don't get it!

    i don't mind the show,but wish people would stand-up to all this camera shaking/zooming stupidity! i'm sure i'm not the only one that feels this way! i score it low because of its camera work! its that annoying!

    i wish i had the power to fire...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Two of the biggest guys I've ever seen, bemoaning the fact they are in a combined debt of $1 mil. They stand around while lean Africans dig holes for them... explaining to us how they have to "Provide for their families"

    The only work I've seen them do is in securing money from creditors.

    Episodes 1-5 is all I've seen.

    I like the episode where when the neighboring Chinese miner comes over to say "hello" he gets harangued as soon as he steps over their line(while "our crew" runs through his land constantly). (This was probably all arranged to create drama of course). Too much Contrivance, and Heroes you cannot cheer for. Rate it 04/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    **Spoiler Alert!! Just a 2 word review...&%#* sandwich. I have to put in at least 10 words, so I could not do what I wanted to do after watching the last episode. This show is so silly. Are people really this naive? Would any sane American person with a bulls eye on their forehead go to Ghana to mine for gold? Would any sane person HONESTLY expect to leave Ghana with bricks of gold in hand 'without incident'? Actually this show is so bad...I am not going to waste any more of my time typing up a review.

    Just a 1 word SUMMATION...

  • Warning: Spoilers
    These have to be the two least sympathetic dudes on TV right now. "Real estate investors" Scott and George lost their shirts when the market crashed, and rather than, I don't know, GETTING A JOB like everyone else in America, they decide to abandon their wives with their many, many young children and go risk their lives (and hundreds of thousands of private investors' dollars) to mine for gold in Africa. This is the equivalent of betting your life savings on a roulette wheel, if the roulette wheel was in the middle of the jungle in Ghana. The guys whine nonstop when their pipe dream of getting rich without doing any work doesn't go smoothly (rest assured, the only people actually working on this show are the nameless African locals who toil day in and day out for pennies so these clueless meatheads can pay the mortgage on their Utah McMansions).

    Some lowlights include: the guys flat-out lie to their private investor to try to squeeze more money out of him; one of the guys tries to make some quick cash through a shady deal to be a "middleman" for a "gold dealer" to "sell large quantities of gold to rich Americans" (the deal fell through when the dealer spotted the hidden camera the show sent in to the meeting); the guys walk out on their partners, who stepped in when it became clear that these dudes know absolutely nothing about gold mining and kept the operation running, but blame the partners for not finding enough gold; the guys decide to take the last $30,000 (of their investors' money) and use it to buy a $75,000 gold bar from some random shady dude in the middle of nowhere--to the surprise of no one but Scott and George, it's a trap, and they walk away without the money or the gold; after catastrophically failing and blowing an amount of money that most Americans could easily live on for 5 years (money that didn't belong to them in the first place), Scott and George learn their lesson, and return to their families determined to find decent, steady, respectable jobs and simply work to pay down their debts and support their families. JUST KIDDING! The guys vow they will return to Ghana, presumably with some other naive investor's money, to try again.

    Honestly, the ONLY reason to watch this show is the schadenfreude of seeing one horrible thing after another happen to these terrible guys.
  • of mining, but if you look very carefully you can see all the damage being done to the land everywhere that has been mined nothing grows. It's easy to tell when an area has been mined. That's because almost a pound of mercury is released into the environment for every pound of gold removed. It goes into the land the rivers into the fish and anything in the food chain that eats those fish. The large mining operations recover most of their mercury and reuse it but these small operations don't and are very destructive. They come into these third world countries, take and giver nothing back, but expect us to sympathize with them. You can be successful in America. You don't have to go and rape some struggling country's rain forest.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First off, gold mining is NOT a get rich quick scheme like these bozos seem to think. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to get started somewhere safer like Colorado or the Yukon or Australia. But you go somewhere wild like Ghana, you're asking for trouble. They go in with no plan other than: find gold, make money.

    Secondly in the second season one guy's son is diagnosed with autism and they're talking about it like it's childhood cancer. This kid still has a future and may be able to do great things in his life, but you're already giving up on him... Really what I enjoyed about this show was the schadenfreude I got from watching them fail over and over. Held at gunpoint, trees falling on them, threatened, chased, and run down. A couple of top of the line dude-bros that kind of get what they deserve. I can see how they fell into a million in debt before this started and just can't seem to recover.
  • Can't root for the main guys cause: (1) they remind you of the overgrown meatheads that bullied people in highschool, and (2) they were previously millionaires who lost their money in something that was overvalued in the first place. Now they try to the same thing again, in a dangerous third world country. George especially bothers me, as his arrogance and anger may someday leave his children fatherless.

    I tried to feel bad for the wives being left behind and in debt, but they're the ones that chose to marry these knuckleheads in the first place. From the looks of it, they probably met at the gym. The only ones you can feel for at all are the kids.

    I saw only the pilot, but that was enough for me. Even though gold mining is very interesting to me, this did nothing to satisfy. I'll stick with waiting for the next episode of Gold Rush Alaska. If you haven't seen "The Jungle" special that was done for that show, its well worth the watch. Maybe someday that show and their team of 50 crew will produce a quality program about mining in the jungle.
  • This series is fantastic, I love the dramatics of certain scenarios. I love the educational side to it and the hustling, wheeling and dealing. It seems the bad reviews are based on viewers hating on the 2 guys, but to be honest i cant see myself hating them at all. They were rich and lost it, they would find something do make the money again in America but they didn't. They risk their lives to go to ghana, i would never go there myself for any kind of money. So imagine they lived a nice comfortable life when they were rich and now they are broke and in debt and there travelling around a third world country where they have been held up at gun point once or twice. Hats off to them really. I LOVE THIS TV SERIES!!!!
  • urban-sotensek4 February 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    I have registered to this website, just to leave a review of this series...This show should be banned! I am outraged at how discovery is propagating the very destruction of our planet! * SPOILER ALERT * Exploitation of the planet as well as the local people. Not to mention that these two boys destroy many acres of land and still are in DEBT.

    Destruction and more destruction just to make profit.

    There's this one scene when the blond drives up to his new land when a village blocks their road and demand $100 to pass through.

    The whole scene makes the poor guy outraged because they try to "cash in" on him. And the poor guy does not want to pay. The land was supposed to be worth 1.5 million dollars in gold and yet he was not even man enough to pay the whole village $100, but he had no problem whatsoever stealing from THEIR land 1.5 million $.

    You think only you two have families to feed??? Because of your destruction you're CREATING hunger and tensions amongst locals. And you try to justify what you do to feed your family? Do you think that the people of Ghana are worth any less than your family? How can you play this on DISCOVERY CHANNEL? We feel NO SYMPATHY for the situation these guys are in. Total degradation of any moral values towards people and land! Stop propagating this on TV!!!
  • jsmn-kane2 September 2013
    I tried to keep watching after they showed the reruns from last season. This season is even worse. I refuse to keep watching as these knuckleheads keep making the same mistakes, so much so, I feel like the show is fake and scripted. I am so sick of them, especially George. He seems to be so full of himself, I could see him being the bully in high school as another reviewer stated. Sorry you lost a ton of money in the real estate market, but find a real job in America, not third world Ghana. They can't be in too much debt as Discovery Channel has to be paying them something to do these stupid episodes. Wanted to like the show, hoping to see them find a ton of gold have a happy ending, but I'm done with the melodrama of it all. Buh-bye.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really tried to like these guys but found them both immediately extremely irritating. You would think after managing to go bankrupt to the tune of more than $1.5million they'd be fairly focused on not throwing good money after bad. Nope, they seem hell bent on destroying pristine jungle and turning stupid decisions into an art constantly. They have no concept of real hand to mouth poverty and have little sympathy for the locals or their beautiful surroundings, all they see is the gold in the dirt that must be mined at any cost. They make desperate deals with dodgy characters without a seconds thought and are then surprised when it all goes horribly wrong. Their naivety appears to know no bounds, like when they failed to spot the set up when they bought $75,000 of gold for their last $35,000. No wonder they both went bust back home in the US with flawed decision making like that. My advice boys, forget the dream you'll be safer and more productive tossing burgers in McDonald's. If anybody is mad enough to give these two fools more money for further gold mining in Ghana, bear in mind you'll never see your money again or a promised return on it. So Discovery producers etc and potential investors, please, please spare the viewing public any further torture! Thank you in advance.
  • Here we are saying we have two at one point successful business men?, I fail to see how this is the case, These two men are absolutely useless in every sense of the word. They cant budget they can arrange well anything they lie and cheat there way into business agreements and thats just to start. I am appalled to say a friend in the states recommend this to me and have just watched 2 series. I am actually angry at the bumbling idiots I have watched. I am amazed they were able to procreate.... Any other gold program would be a massive improvement on this.Making television?, come on really watching a pair of useless idiots throw away any other opportunity would be much more fun. If you watch i hope you don't want to shoot yourself like myself. I know most is staged for television but really this had 3 million viewers per episode????
  • These guys deserve to lose their shirts, shoes and every cent they invest. Two huge losers who are so greedy that every set back makes me laugh at their stupidity. But I like to see gold, and this bunch of space cadets should've grown potatoes and leave mining to the smart people. I simply can't believe how unprofessional and inexperienced B1and B2 are and take on a job that requires at least 10 years of experience and successes before you even take on a hostile environment like Ghana.

    As a viewer and prospecter it would've been cool to see some shiny gold and big smiles, so I went to my cuboard and put on my gold watch which I bought from honest work.