User Reviews (6)

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  • A laugh riot with some toxic relationships & greedyness among the current generations does make an impactful weekend watch.... A big round of applause for Karthik sreenivasan for handling a plot with strong msg besides adding all the commercial elements for the family entertainers with a screenplay and sure the next director to watch out for in the mere future for KOLLYWOOD after the success of pradeep ranganathan... All the lead characters does add a neat and superb performance elevating the comedy to a new level with right blend of emotions... Special mention to the cleverness of director should be appreciated for the way he handles the climax.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The story of the movie is very good. The movie doesn't resemble another movie. A dark comedy set amid a family, that too, within the four walls of the house is something we haven't witnessed quite often. Also, when it comes to the performances of the cast, we feel like they have set limits for themselves on how each of them should react to a situation without any kind of exaggeration. Charlie sir did his role very perfectly. Vivek prassana nicely done their comedy role. KPY Dheena is introduced to us only in the second half, and it's quite funny to see him join their game as well. For this new year, a nice one time watchable movie.
  • RATED 8/10 Language: Tamil Media Partner: Aha Tamil RECOMMENDED

    The movie has some illogical decisions and some stretched scenes, but the climax and the solid message makes forget everything. They CUT STOP the movie at very brilliant place.

    The movie is fantastic to watch with family. The story is simple the execution and presentation is brilliant. Special kudos to the Art department and camera work. These two department brilliance make this movie more original and not boring one, even though most of the scene is inside house.

    Every one done their role very well with guilt and fantastic face reactions... Vivek Prasanna nailed the one liners superbly.

  • Most reviewers of Tamil movies complain of the poor writing. Not so for this movie. The dialogues were brilliant, the setup was great and so were the intense moments. If you are a fan of the Visu movies, you will like this one. But there are some modern twists which make this movie relevant to our times. The setting of the house reminds you that this is a family that needs money and so do some situational setups. The intense, emotional, yet comedic scenes needed some sensitive handling. The acting was epic in these scenes and the staging of the shots were brilliant. Have you watched the trailer? Another crowd puller!
  • Worth watching, the climax is very heavy hearted. The characters did their job very well without over acting and made you feel watching a real life of a lower middle class family with both fun and tears. The concept is very new and mostly I have never seen such dark comedy in Tamil industry. The film crew did their job very well, I love all the characters especially parama and his wife is amazing, they both lived in the character. No words to express Charlie sir acting he is extremely good. This movie ends with a note to the meaning of "Udanpaal" which I was not knowing the meaning before climax.
  • Udanpaal reminded us of the malayalam movie 'Joji' with family members coming together to profit from a patriarch's death. The movie could have definitely been a blasting experience had the cast and crew 'not' played it safe


    -Everything about the design of Parama's house was funny and accentuated the extreme poverty reigning in his house.

    There's no way we can forget the long chair with a broken leg supported by a pile of stones and the damaged clock with the numbers 9 to 11 written on the wall with a chalk 🤣

    -Linga and Vivek Prasanna saved the day! They were greedy, clumsy, calculative, and just couldn't come up with a concrete plan to handle their father's fate

    -What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his family and values? Udanpaal was a reminder of how desperation can bring out a man's self-centeredness. The way we treat our parents predicts the way our children will treat us


    -99% of the film was shot in Parama's tight and tiny house that we felt so claustrophobic 😓

    -Udanpaal appeared to be played safe with plain dialogues that weren't hilarious or entertaining. Additionally, acting was very average and the humor wasn't coming from within.

    Gayatrie was really over-doing it. The actors were just 'acting' without embracing the spirit of their characters

    -Cinematography, editing, and directing weren't executed in a comical, vibrant, or intriguing manner to glue our eyes to the screen.