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  • ullyssess19 January 2014
    I just watched this move today. Like all movies directed by Smarzowski this is not Hollywood-like story. A story about real problem in our life - alcohol. If you ever get wasted, if you ever had hangover and if you ever had black out or hunger for drinking another shot - you would not be satisfied after watching it. It is not a romantic story about drinking problems like "When a Man Loves a Woman". It is funny at first but then you realize that you might behave the same when you drunk - then it's not funny any more. No-one laughed at the end of this movie. My wife even wanted to leave cinema without watching it till the end. But don't get me wrong- it's a great movie. It's comparable to "Requiem For A Dream" but without such great music. That's why I gave it a nine.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When Hollywood sets out to portray alcoholics, you get something sanitary like "Days of Wine and Roses" or happy endings like "Arthur". This is European realism and you get to see all the puke, soiled underwear, bar fights and street urination of real alcoholics. I don't know if the actors have alcohol problems in real life but each one is perfect in telling their story and how low "the mighty angel" has brought them in life. Robert Wieckiewicz is particularly perfect as a ruined Jerzy. Compare his performance to a half-smiling Jack Lemmon (Days of Wine and Roses) or the women alcoholics to cutsie-poo Lee Remick (also Days of Wine and Roses).

    And what better country to make a movie on alcoholism than Poland? During the Soviet era in Poland, one of the few commercial successes was Palmos (the state liquor monopoly). Although the Soviets are long gone, alcoholism still persists in present day Poland. It will take a long time for Polish society to grapple with the problem. Let us hope this movie takes the glamor out of the bottle for the Polish people. I think that is what the end of the movie symbolizes. We see Jerzy just out of rehab standing in the middle of a street equidistant from a bar, liquor store and the safety of his apartment. Just like present day Poland.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There is a massive amount of movies in modern cinema about addiction, especially alcohol addiction, which is also the most common. This subject was exploited by a various directors and many times it was brilliantly played by an actors who created unforgettable characters.

    What extinguish this movie is a incredible story, taken form prizewinning novel of distinguished author Jerzy Pilch. The character of alcoholic writer, no without reason claimed as autobiographic element of the book, is one of the best case study of an addiction to alcohol and life style, which is inherent to the addiction. The movie emphatically states that anyone can normally function in real world, and be one step from cliffhanger at the same time. You can be a successful writer, you can be a decent husband, and yet every day you surrender to your weakness.

    The system designed to help is not perfect. In contrary, it's terrible ineffective. People - like main character of the story, when finally land in detoxification center – don't get the help they need. It's nothing more than a temporary detox. Residence in the facility is not the end of their Gehenna. It's just a point in history, because history is repeating itself over and over again.

    For Jerzy, datum point is The Mighty Angel, a bar. A place which is a first stop after he leave detoxification center. The movie is not anticipated for viewers amusement. It is as realistic as life itself. Viewer shouldn't look forward to a happy ending, to a win in a battle against the struggle. You can hope that next time the story will end in different way, that the last time was an actual last time. You can hope and wish that the story ends well. I recommend to watch and see for Yourselves.