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  • Poor Acting, poor writing and very basic plot. I wanted to explore some latin cinema but I could not stand the male protagonist's performance and the lack of connection with his female co-star who looks more like a neurotic and narcissistic woman than a girl desperate for find love and a reconciliation with her prejudgements.

    This movie (or cheap soap opera) is also a continuos evidence of a director wanting to mock lower class people by criticizing their habits and maximizing their misfortune to get laughs from the crowd.

    In an era of equality, diversity and inclusion I found this movie overdue and politically incorrect.
  • I found it entertaining, I laughed a lot, the plot is simple, but in my opinion it achieves its goal.

    It is a romantic comedy, in which the protagonist will have to deal with her prejudices and her idea of "happiness". I liked it and despite the bad comments I would recommend it, if what you want is to laugh a while without many complications.

    I understand that in these times when you have to criticize everything, just to criticize, some people will find many things to criticize in this movie, but if you are like me that one afternoon you want to see something that makes you have fun and make you laugh a little, this movie is for you.