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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "The Body" is a little live action short film that easily stays under the 20-minute mark and was released back in 2013, so it will have its 5th anniversary next year. The director here is Paul Davis and he is also part of the writing team who made this story happen. It is a British production and the title already gives away the horror component a bit, but it is at least as much about the comedy as here we have a young man who murdered a woman and now he drags out her body to take it to the woods. As it is Halloween, everybody thinks the killer has the most amazing costume ever American Psycho style. And things get even better for our "hero" when an old study mate recognizes him and takes him to a party where he meets all kinds of other potential victims. A feast for him. Not just sexually with the really hot female protagonists, but the gang basically leads themselves to the slaughterhouse. The ending is pretty entertaining too with the cops in costume. Overall, a pretty enjoyable little film that's hitting all the right notes really. A great inclusion for a horror film night or to check out during Halloween. But it's worth seeing at any other time of the year too. I give it a major thumbs-up and this was a film with a simple premise executed with a great deal of love to detail that makes it really worth seeing. Don't miss out here.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wasn't expecting such a well-plotted movie, unusual for its genre. I would have given it 10 stars except for the errors I reveal down below - do NOT read the spoilers if you're going to see this movie. Except for the errors, this movie delivers the goods and I simply cannot say anything more about it or I could ruin it for you. I will say that no movie ever gets more than a 6 star review from me unless they have a good ending. :-) -- spoilers a Okay, you've persevered so here's the spoilers.

    1 - The hitman completely encases the body in numerous layers of plastic wrap, obscuring the fact that it is a real body, with one glaring inexplicable exception - he doesn't wrap the feet AND the people that think the body is a prop can actually see the feet and they STILL think it's a fake - no way!

    2 - When the group go into Frank's locked room to drink and snort coke, the body on the floor spasms - it turns out the 'famous' guy (they never reveal his identity to us) is still alive. Wait - a professional hitman did not make sure the target was actually dead? That's why pros always put at least 2 bullets into the head.

    3 - Speaking of the body, the head was completely encased in tight, multiple layers of plastic wrap - that dude would have suffocated long before and hence could not be alive.

    4 - It is simply unbelievable that having witnessed the death of one of their friends by the hitman, and having made their escape outside, that they would actually carry the body out, which of course slows them down. No one in their right minds would do this - they would run like hell and if they were smart, they would all go in different directions to give themselves the best chance of telling the police what happened.

    But I didn't care because the movie was so good.
  • iounu228 January 2021
    There is a episode from the Into the Dark Series with the same exact show in it. Really weird that 2 people would make the same movie.