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  • riley8-831-29243130 October 2013
    If you don't have any paint to watch dry tune in to this ridiculous effort to show us a gold digger and her grandpa errr dad errr husband.

    Amazing they actual play up the gold digger angle. I guess having us watch these 2 would disgust us enough.

    All involved should be ashamed.

    It is garbage like this that needs to stop being recycled.

    This is the equivalent of a train wreck...only this time you want to look away.

    I would imagine in Episode 3 Trina will be changing 2 sets of diapers.

    Can I cancel A&E?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The network that brings you "Duck Dynasty and Storage Wars." Now brings you a beyond trash series. As it shows former Louisiana Governor, Edwin Edwards.

    After he served so many terms as Governor along with a prison term for corruption among many charges. And married and divorced twice. He has a trophy wife of a lady who could pass as his daughter. And she is pregnant with his child!

    The guy is 85 years old. And to have a reality show that looks to being trashy even more. It is beyond a May-December romance! Hope that the show fails. But then again, people just love trash lie this!

    Ignore the show and see something else!
  • livinginbrla3229 October 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    I give this series 3 weeks before A&E pulls it. They should just hold the script in their hands and read their lines. Terrible!! Also noticed directors never show Edwin Edwards actually moving. Just sits. Looks like the director rolls Edwin Edwards in right before the shot and props him up. Someone needs to check his pulse, make sure he is still alive. Kind of reminds me of Weekend at Bernie's. And I am only referring to the actor playing Bernie. You need not worry about me giving a second review. Watching 2 episodes of this horrible show was painful enough. I would rather sit in the Dentist chair and have my teeth pulled. I have been to preschool plays with better dialogue.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Louisiana has long held big reputations for many things. Our swamps, alligators, hunting, trapping, fishing, Cajuns, FOOD, New Orleans, oil, bayous... and of course, politics! Finally, a show about one of the state's most colorful governors, and his gorgeous, hot, and young enough to be a grandchild, wife. This show provides a reasonably intimate look at the inside life of what it's like to be married to a 4 time governor turned felon. Including handling his daughters who are (just) old enough to be her mother. Trina is clearly one of those 'steel magnolias' who understands the importance of love and family. Even combined family. This show is great reality television fun. Even if you aren't a big fan of reality TV, this is worth watching. After only two episodes, it is evident the characters are developing into an eclectic group of individuals with quirks and personality galore held together by dedication to the concept of family - constantly being scrutinized, and with all the privacy of living in a goldfish bowl.
  • When I was growing up, Edwin Edwards was Governor. My family loved him. My mother, who saw him at events, was always impressed with how he could work a room with smiles and charisma. Naturally, we were excited to here his wit come out in The Governor's Wife. Trina speaks from the heart and Anna and Victoria are true Louisiana! I like how it touches upon certain subjects, like stepchildren, IVF, EWE's birthday, the ELECTRICITY and it isn't a show about them just walking around the house. I am not a fan of reality shows at all - BUT this had us laughing. We cannot wait to see the rest of this season - even though we know the ending. On a personal note, I am glad to see that EWE found love and is living the rest of his life happy. We all deserve happiness.
  • I loved the show!!! It really shows that true love knows no age limit. I believe that just the 1st 2 episodes put all that gold digger stuff to rest. The show had us both laugh and cry in 30 min. We appreciate the gov for even more reasons now, the negativity that people are spewing is just that... Vomit!! He served his time and came back strong and ready to show the state and the world that he can't be put down for long, proud of him!! My sister and I have it recorded on our dvr & can't wait till the next episode. I'm sorry to EWE and Trina that they have nay sayers, because to us they are what true love is all about!!! Our congratulations to them on a job well done, in life and with the show.