User Reviews (15)

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  • Divorce Inc is brilliant and insightful. The movie captures the ugly and the nasty side of the Industry that any reasonable person will label as a racketeering and corrupt organization. The divorce Inc is the most totalitarian institution ever created by Family Courts, Family Bar Associations, Custody Evaluators, Guardian at Litems, unethical Judges, Therapists and other "court hangers". It is the most serious perpetrator of human and constitutional rights violations in the U.S. The divorce regime is responsible for much more than "ugly divorces," "nasty custody battles that lead decent citizens into bankruptcy and foreclosures and huge payouts to the "court hangers".

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Divorce Inc captures this essence very forcefully. Family Courts hearings should be subject to video and audio recordings and evaluated for fairness by citizens. Jury trials should become the norm when a Judge is accused of bias. Family Court Judges should be required and subjected to annual citizen hearings regarding their decisions in custody cases and graded upon their performances.
  • It is hard to get anyone to witness reality when the reality is so bleak. I went to the Fri opening in Denver with a buddy and another couple and there were less than 2 hand fulls of people in the theater. But the story was so well done I found myself having to leave after about an hour. It brought back so many bad memories of my personal experience as the victim of what I can only describe as racketeering.

    We worry so much about off-shore terrorism when we have a huge domestic terrorist threat in the family courts. Threats, intimidation, bribery, falsifications, forced imprisonment, loss of property, career, reputation it all happens - and justified with the biggest lie of all "in the best interest of the children'. I know many actual victims cannot afford to go to a theater movie or can't emotionally handle the replay of the horror story of life they lived through.

    But this is a must see for anybody concerned about basic justice - for ultimately it is largely about the abuse and use of children as pawns. It should be requited viewing for High School students and any premarital counseling. Society is paying a huge price for enabling and fostering the ability for anyone to "terrorize" another person and abuse the basic human rights of children merely for the sake of making some $$$.
  • "Divorce Corp." (2014 release; 93 min.) is a documentary that takes a closer look at the business of divorce in the US. Yes, business, as we are informed that this is a $50 billion/yr. industry, and the average divorce (including related child custody issues) costs $50,000. As the movie opens, we are introduced to a guy in Cincinnati who tells the tragic story of how his second wife, not long after they have a little boy, pulls the rug from under his feet and is able to not only ruin his finances and reputation but also to keep him from seeing his own son. As the movie progresses, we come to know others (in Memphis, Dallas, etc.) who have similar blood-boiling stories to tell. To tell you more specifics of the documentary would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see it for yourself.

    Couple of comments: first, even though examples are pulled from across the country, the documentary as a whole is heavily California-focused, perhaps not a surprise since it seems California is on the cutting edge of many divorce/custody battle strategies (and they do mean "battle"). Second, what really gets under your skin is the vested and interlinked interest that EVERYONE involved except the families themselves, has to keep this "industry" going and growing. The documentary does a great job contrasting this with the situation in "Scandinavia" (mostly examples from Iceland, some from Sweden). Third, kudos to writer-producer-director Joe Sorge for bringing us this riveting, and revolting, assessment of divorce, and family courts in general.

    This movie showed up a few weekends ago on a single screen for all of Greater Cincinnati. I figured this wouldn't be playing long so I went to see it a few days ago. I had a private screening, as in: I was literally the only person in the theater. No matter, this is an excellent documentary. Whether you can check it out in the theater or on DVD/Blu-ray, "Divorce Corp." is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
  • I just got back from the Phoenix opening show, and I have to admit that I am a little upset. I am not upset with the quality of the film, but the way it left me feeling after being reminded of the corruption and pain from my past cases.

    The film makers did and excellent job of compressing an extremely complicated topic into a well organized and an easy to understand presentation. I was not sure I was going to learn anything new, because I thought I had seen everything. Anyone who has been through a divorce or custody battle has a decent understanding of how the corrupt Family Court system operates. I was unpleasantly surprised to learn some new facts and injustices that I had not seen before. The corruption has always been obvious to me, but I didn't understand the motivation to the level the film exposes.

    The narration by Dr. Drew was perfect. People who know nothing about Family Court can watch this film and follow it. I strongly recommend this movie to anyone considering marriage, or anyone who is just starting out their divorce or custody action. For most of us, we didn't have the luxury of knowing how corrupt the family courts were until we were neck deep in tears and debt. Thanks to this film, many others will be able to walk into their unfortunate situations with a clearer expectation. The movie revived my promise to myself to stay single until the day I die.
  • Just saw 'Divorce Corp' in Boston on January 23rd, 2014. The Boston Embassy Theatre reported it having the largest ever turnout for a special showing. I estimated approx. 200 in attendance. At conclusion of the documentary there was overwhelming applause, followed by a very interesting panel of 4, assembled by Ned Holstein of the NPO (National Parents Organization) to Q&A, with audience participation. By a requested showing of 'hands', the audience was well represented by divorced mothers and fathers, family law reformers, along with those that feed off the misery from children of divorce. An outstanding film that brings bona fide legitimacy towards unveiling the corruption behind the black robe of judges and their disgraceful and criminal dealings of the kangaroo court, called "Family Court". Divorce Corp. reflects truth of our most disgraceful part of America which compelled me and thousands of others, like Alec Baldwin, to personally speak out and become an activist in support of millions of parents and children brutalized by the Family Court racketeering scheme. It is my promise as an infuriated American father to personally help widely distribute future released DVD's of this film across campuses at Harvard Law School, Suffolk Law, N.U., B.U. and then watch those respective anti-establishment activists spread the word globally. The movie included many candid interviews with retired judges, lawyers, parenting coordinators, a P.I., and Scandinavian people(whom I envy)from Iceland who do not have flourishing corrupt Family Courts, that our country will eventually model, if good trump's evil.
  • It is hard to get the word out on the injustice system out Family Court system is providing. This documentary does a very good job. Unfortunately a lot more could be said. The enemy within is not so much communists or terrorists, but family court. But its a start. Unless something is done Family court will destroy America. There were only 6 people at the showing I went to. I think many of the actual victims cannot afford to go to a movie. A must see for anybody concerned about justice. This should be requited viewing to all High School students. And required viewing in any premarital counseling session. It would have been somewhat better if they spent more time on false allegations and the political factors that have shaped this disaster.
  • I have never been divorced and have been happily married for almost 30 years, so I realize I am probably not the target audience for this film. However, if you, too, fall into a similar situation, it does not mean you shouldn't see "Divorce Corp"--in fact I think every American should as the film brings up many instances of judicial malfeasance that we SHOULD be aware of and which should make us angry. Imagine a court system with almost no oversight or right to appeal and whose aim is NOT a speedy resolution of family tragedies--whose ultimate aim, in many cases, is to bleed as much money from the divorcing couples as possible. And, imagine a system where what's best for the kids is sometimes unimportant. Welcome to the US family court system--where endless regulations, delays and costs practically bankrupt a person wanting a divorce. Learn about all this and more in this very hard hitting and interesting film. But also be prepared to finish the film feeling angry...

    And, by the way, if you are considering divorce, you may just want to watch this one first. After all, the idea of an easy, non- contested and inexpensive divorce is just about extinct and the acrimony that is to come is something to consider.
  • I found this movie all too real as it brought back my living hell of Family Court in Vista/San Diego, CA. Before I got married, my mentor and Investment Adviser encouraged me to get my fiancée to sign a Pre-Nump. I discussed it with her as I was very open with her and as I was already a millionaire on paper and as she was in debt, she agreed. After a 10 year marriage and her never working outside the home, I caught her having an affair with a Hollywood Agent named Jason Trawitz. It came out in Court she also had a brief affair with my best man in the wedding, Toby Russell. Guess its "my bad" for the betrayal of myself. How low of a despicable character does one have to be to sleep with your best friend, and what kind of best friend chooses to bang your wife? So my ex met this Hollywood Agent through the girl who gained fame as the Tool Time Girl who took Pam Anderson's place. Our families were tight and traveled together. In any event, after I found out about her divorce, I was still a sucker and tried taking her to Family Therapists. But as the good Dr's confirmed, she was more interested in being seen with Debbe Dunning in all the hot night clubs within the USA than she was being a good mother. One of the Family Therapists explained that some women's only self-worth is knowing they are sexually desired by the opposite sex. When they look in the mirror and see wrinkles, they resort back to when they were younger and gained self-worth by sleeping with popular guys. After I filed for divorce, she hired a Personal Injury Atty named Michael Quade (handling his first divorce)to represent her. She did not check this Vexatious and extremely deceitful person before she hired him. This guy was as dishonest as serial lying shysters Mohammad and Obama. As they are the two most prolific con men in history, that should tell you how shady this guy was and remains. He was able to dupe and incompetent and disinterested Judge named Brannigan into buying their lies of deceit. They refused to settle for any reasonable offers, and after walking into the Vista Court in 2006 with a Net Worth of 5 Million, I walked out a Victim of the System a broke man who was forced to declare BK to protect what little assets I had from the Vulture like White Collars Criminals known as Attorneys, and Judicial System who allows people to commit perjury, manufacture evidence, and manipulate the system to "legally" extort money out of a man who started washing dishes at 11, put himself through school, make countless sacrifices to honestly earn a slice of the American Dream, and fell Victim to the Great American Scheme; dishonest Attorney's and the Courts which allow them to hone their mass frauds upon an unsuspecting people...and now that I've become the first person ever in my family tree to be diagnosed with the disease of cancer, the Dr's at UCSD's Cancer Center say there can be a ling between "it" and the stress of a 6 1/2 year divorce which still continues to haunt me to this very day. You know I was on the verge of retirement and living the All American Dream when I discovered my ex was living a secret life. I was going to write a book on how to become a millionaire by treating people right, doing the honest and ethical thing, then after running into this Quade character, I did a 180* turn on the subject and just finished a book called Pieces Of Deceit. It's something that they don't teach you in business school, that the greatest threat to ones honestly accumulated Net Worth are the Con Men like Quade and the system which protects him.
  • Watch this before getting married in the United States. Really. Yes, really, because getting married indeed is easy and a lot of fun, but getting divorced in the USA can turn really easily into an absolute financial and emotional nightmare, because the American divorce courts can bleed you dry financially and emotionally. How? Simply watch this chilling documentary which will astound you beyond belief! Honest. I thought I knew there was some injustice, after having watched this documentary however, I honestly believe that injustice is baked into the core of American divorce courts.

    Never before seen such a chilling recount of corruption in the American justice system, where lawyers PAY judges, where lawyers AWARD judges with prizes, where lawyers sent judges on CRUISES and then still dare to state that they are impartial in their judgements...

    Any bad about this documentary? Well, you wont wanna get married, after having watched this. You wont feel cheery either, but I would still highly recommend it to any American young couple thinking about getting married... or to anyone else interested in the American NOT justice system...
  • The American Judicial system is a farce. Let's say you go to court in a custody battle. You think you are going to get a fair shake. You find out your ex-spouses attorney makes hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions to the judge. The judge orders you to to be evaluated by a court appointed psychologist. The psychologist finds you an unfit parent and charges you $35,000 for the evaluation. The psychologist also makes hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions to the "impartial" judge. Having been found an unfit parent the judge orders you to pay child support which you can not afford. When you are unable to pay you are imprisoned, even though debtors prisons are illegal in the U.S. You speak out against the judge on Facebook. You are imprisoned with drug addicts, sex offenders, rapists and murderers for slandering the court. The judge orders you to stop filing custody paperwork. You refuse and are again imprisoned. Judges leave office one day and begin consulting to their attorney friends the next.

    Finally a family court judge is caught on tape beating his child with the belt. Nothing happens.

    America is doomed and there's not a Damn thing we can do about it. File this one under YCMTSU. I wish I had better news.
  • Nothing about this movie is inaccurate. Anyone that says otherwise has an interest in the survival of the #familycourt #cultureofcorruption in it's current state. The filmmakers and narrator offer a brilliant depiction of high conflict divorce.

    This movie is a must watch and should be required educational viewing for high school students and any law student.

    The only thing that wasn't mentioned is that most shenanigans in civil court happen at the end of the day when there are fewer witnesses so the public never knows how corrupt our judicial system is.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The touching tale of Dr. Joe Sorge. A San Diegan who cooked the books in his divorce and got caught. Instead of being chastened by his folly, our hero blames "the system" and makes a film to share his newfound knowledge. Apparently, the good doctor sold his business for about $100 million and, in an attempt to avoid child support, asserted business losses which would have led to no child support. The judge chose to ignore the losses and ordered him to pay child support. The court of appeals agreed. There are problems with the system, but a man who goes to such effort to avoid supporting his child, is not the man to look to for answers. Double check him, and me, see 202 Cal App 4th 626.
  • Over the past 5 years, I have learnt a lot about how corrupt and unjust the family law courts are in most of the English-speaking world after reading books such as Helen Smith's "Men On Strike".

    However, the situation is way worse than I thought after watching this excellent documentary. The inner workings of the prison-industrial complex are the most immoral and unjust I have seen. This documentary exposes things that the mainstream media simply never covers, such as how families (and society at large) are being destroyed by corrupt judges, lawyers, and almost anybody that works in the family court system. The information is especially important for young men.

    I highly recommend this documentary to anyone who is thinking of getting married now or in the future.
  • This documentary is worthy of Oscar and every married MAN should see it.

    Protect yourself from evils of family law/ lawyers. Else they will make you bankrupt and homeless.

    People don't realize how corrupt the system is until you go through the family court.

    I have been through divorce and went through all this except alimony part. The divorce industry is brutal and lawyers are legal extortionists.

    The moment you speak to divorce lawyers, they want to know how much money you have, if you have a prenup and how many children.

    They later use these tools to rip you off financially by delaying the litigation, emotionally by separating you from children.

    Remember: lawyers from both sides are only interested in billing you maximum hours possible.
  • "A film titled "Divorce Corp," along with a companion book, debuted across the nation earlier this month," said David H. Levy, founding partner and former managing partner of matrimonial law firm Berger Schatz, in a statement. "In my 37 years of practicing law, I have yet to come across such a biased and misleading portrayal of the many attorneys, judges and other professionals involved in matrimonial and family law. The so-called "documentary" paints a distorted picture, focusing on anomalous divorce cases that — as sometimes happens in any legal case — have gone badly for everyone. However, in my experience, those anomalies represent only a small fraction of most divorce cases, which are rarely easy but most often end equitably in a way that allows families and individuals to move ahead with their lives. To suggest that the scenarios depicted in the movie represent "typical" divorce cases is false and misleading, and unfairly maligns the hard work divorce lawyers do to resolve cases efficiently and fairly. To read his entire statement, go to the Berger Schatz website and click on the news section.