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  • Wildcat (2023) directed by Ethan Hawke is an attempt on creating a portrait of auguished writer, Flannery O'Connor. The lead actress, Maya Hawke (daughter of Ethan Hawke/Uma Thurman) takes a huge leap to portray the Lupus illed short fiction writer.

    There are quiet, dreamlike moments in this film, giving insight to race and class through the writers and the Southern scenes. There's playful scenes of intertwining O'Connor's short stories with historical facts.

    At the end, the scenery filmed in Kentucky, carries a strong narrative with a decent soundtrack, hoping to bring it to the finish line. The film become a little lost -- not knowing if it goes on a religious or spiritual route on O'Connor story or take a hard look at racism and class in the southern intellectual culture.

    It's ending, shows an the tortured health of the writer continues and does the writing without knowing life's complexity, a maybe tribunal nod to the Catholic devout O'Connor.
  • Wildcat is the story of Flannery O'Connor (Maya Hawke), a Southern Catholic writer who lived from 1925 to 1964 and was disabled by Lupus in her later years. Although the movie shows O'Connor traveling to Iowa and New York to further her writing career, most of the plot takes place in her family's home as she types away on multiple drafts of her stories while the disease takes its toll. O'Connor is shown as socially awkward, and her mother and others cannot comprehend the motivations for her fiction. Possessing a strong faith, she explores the bizarre and twisted ways in which people can be affected by religion.

    Interspersed with slow-moving scenes of O'Connor's life (non-chronological) are scenes from her fiction, acted out by the same cast of characters. Where the real segues into the fictional is sometimes hard to discern. The fictional scenes provide some insight into O'Connor's mindset but, having not read her writing in many years, I was hoping for even more insight into the influences on her writing (I probably hoped for too much). The movie is a portrait of a troubled soul that will interest her devoted readers and perhaps entice others to sample her offbeat fiction.
  • WILDCAT, based on the stories of Flannery O'Connor, was even worse than my worst fears! Flannery O'Connor is one of my favorite writers, so I was thrilled that somebody was making a movie of her short stories. Previous attempts to film her work have yielded mixed results. (The best was WISE BLOOD with Brad Dourif and Harry Dean Stanton; most notorious was the TV version of "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" with Gene Kelly and a tacked-on happy ending.) This one takes on O'Connor's life after she has been diagnosed with Lupus (the disease that killed her father) and is frantically trying to write her very best before her death at age 39. Interspersed with the biographical episodes are vignettes from some of her short stories, which make no sense when removed from their contexts. It's an incomprehensible mess (starting with the title-there are no wildcats in O'Connor's work and she, a fanatical Catholic girl, could hardly be called one), with the same actors portraying real people Flannery knew and the characters she based on them. If you are not familiar with O'Connor and her work, I doubt this will make any sense at all. Top it off with the cringeworthy attempts at Southern accents by most of the actors. I enjoyed a few moments of it, but that's primarily because I had a frame of reference. Flannery's fans tend to be very possessive of her. I am no exception. I thought this was heartbreakingly bad.
  • april-to-may14 April 2024
    It appears that a lot of people have left poor ratings for this film without leaving a review to say why. Perhaps they are encountering Flannery for the first time and the shock was too much. I saw this film last night and thought it was wonderful. The script artfully mixes together scenes from what is known of Flannery's life, entries from her prayer journal, and brief reenactments of five of her stories (The Life You Save May Be Your Own, Revelation, Parker's Back, Everything That Rises Must Converge, and Good Country People). Bravo to Maya Hawke, she is a tour de force, appearing as Flannery and in all five of the stories. Strong support from Laura Linney and the rest of the cast. I'm looking forward to a re-watching sometime, hoping to catch things I missed.
  • Whether you're a devotee of writer Flannery O'Connor or unfamiliar with her work, 'Wildcat' is a very intriguing film. It challenged me like no other film I've seen in years.

    O'Connor was a Southern writer in the mid-twentieth century whose life was cut short by lupus. The movie not so much examines her life and work as puts you in the middle of it. It's like a dreamlike poem, with snippets of the artist's life seguing into vignettes from her short stories and vice versa. At times I wasn't sure if I was watching a scene from the artist's life or from her work.

    'Wildcat' is not for everyone but it is a beautiful film and should please the arthouse crowd and certainly readers of Flannery O'Connor.

    The film was a labor of love for its star Maya Hawke, who was an executive producer. You might know Ms. Hawke from TV's "Stranger Things". To me, her performance in 'Wildcat' is a revelation. She brings the artist to life, capturing her vulnerability, creative fire and physical frailty. Hawke plays multiple roles in the film in the various vignettes inspired by O'Connor's short stories.

    Esteemed stage and screen veteran Laura Linney hits the mark as O'Connor's well-meaning but sometimes clueless Southern Belle mother. Linney also plays multiple roles in the film's dreamlike vignettes.

    Renaissance man Ethan Hawke, Maya's father, directed and captured the sweeping southern landscapes as if they were postcards and much of the cinematography is achingly beautiful. The story goes that this was Maya's project all the way, and that Ethan had to be interviewed to get the job directing his daughter.

    Whether or not 'Wildcat' will find a large audience, its lasting legacy will be that people like me will find the work of Flannery O'Connor. It will also mark a turning point in the career trajectory of Maya Hawke, who is an artist to keep an eye on.
  • I was able to attend the premiere in Savannah, and this is how Maya Hawke introduced us to the film: it's their poem about Flannery. It's not meant to be an exact representation. That said, it's not for everyone (thankfully) and I left with my heart full and my brain spinning.

    It's a fever dream. It's a woman coming to grips with her immense talent and ambition housed in a body that is failing her. It's a search for grace and a struggle for goodness.

    I thought it was beautifully made, and the acting very well done. As a Georgia native I found the accents just fine and, at the very least, not distracting. (I can't say I was thinking about accents; far too many other things to focus on!) The title comes from one of her short stories, "Wildcat," and I think fits her very well: feisty, strong-willed, sharp teeth (or tongue, as you will).
  • As my title suggests, it is hard to describe how I feel about this movie. By the middle I was overwhelmed with emotion. By the end I was meditating on life. This movie is so profound, original, well-crafted and executed. Melding her stories with her life may be difficult for some to follow but hang in there. As Flannery says in her opening comments, fiction is reality. The fiction writer that she was was a dark soul who lived to dig deep and find meaning in every aspect of life. Whether the meaning was positive or negative didn't matter. She had to live as long as she could and created other lives to live them as well. After seeing the movie I had to come home, sit outside and contemplate.