User Reviews (3)

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  • The first two reviews in here are so unfair, that I can't let it slide. Mummola certainly isn't "your average christmas movie", but instead it's really relatable film about the continuum of Finnish generations.

    I just love the unhurried rhythm and natural, almost documentary-like vibe in it. The latter also thanks to the skilled actors. It captures the Finnish family gatherings so truly. The setting is built to be warm, but there's all kinds of time bombs under the surface just waiting to explode. Everyone knows that it's a mandatory duty to sit at the same table annually, but hardly anyone enjoys it.

    Mummola leaves a lot of room for the viewers. The style of shooting, the dialogue. What is shown and what isn't, what is said and what isn't. In my opinion it's one of the best Finnish films of 2023 with Kuolleet lehdet, Sisu etc. If interpersonal relationships are your thing, this could be a treat for you.

    This might be a long shot, but Mummola oddly reminds me of movies like Petite maman, La Fille inconnue and On Golden Pond to name a few.
  • zscnmkyq12 November 2023
    Scenes were nice. Maybe couple jokes.

    Then 1hour and 50minutes pure torture.

    Kaurismäki movies are real action movies, if you compare them to this.

    It takes much more than a couple good actress to make a good enjoyable movie.

    Camera work is like it has been made with 70' cinefilm camera, kind of one of the best parts in hole film. But didn't help enough.

    The film was boring me to almost death. Maybe the worst movie I have never seen in my life.

    If you think you need a good laugh, go to see some other movie. This movie only makes you feel worse than you did before it.

    I would like to get my money back and some sort of compensation.
  • The movie had no plot, no writing, no feeling it was a full boring pathetic excuse for a story.

    The movie starts with a family gathering on christmas they start to talk and literally nothing happens. The movie was even more boring than my dead grandmoms every day life when she was alive.

    I seriously don't know How bad writing this had why did u even make this movie?

    They also wasted time since there were a lot of unnecessary scenes like a girl swinging in a chair for TWO MINUTES STRAIGHT!

    If u see this never watch this movie save yourself from headache and a bad night this doesn't deserve anything.