User Reviews (7)

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  • Been waiting for years for more episodes: there is such crap on tv and this was so well done, what happened? Can't even find dvds !
  • Was really excited about this show as I'm an avid consumer of UFO/Paranormal documentaries. I have watched the first two episodes in the series.

    I found the stories, and the interviews with the people involved very compelling. The stories were deep, fascinating, and scary. The interview style was good, and reminded me of a similar show "Paranormal Witness". The issue, I believe, is with the re-enactments of the events in the stories. These were all done on a green screen, and its very obvious throughout. I'm not against green-screens per say. If you need to create the illusion that your characters are within an alien space-ship, then this is likely the way to go. The issue I have with the use of this technology is that it is used in the most awkward places. Scenes where the characters are talking outside in a drive-way by their car use green screen background. The lighting is off, it looks incredibly fake and it takes away from the entire draw of the story. It would be much better if the shots that didn't require special backgrounds (outside, in a car, in a house, etc) used real backgrounds with better lighting.

    I am looking forward to the next couple episodes and hopeful that the artificial portion of the visuals will be toned down and only used when required.
  • It's hard to find a good Alien show. When I started watching this one, I got hooked right away. They claim to be real stories. I know for sure that there are many UFO stories. Probably most people have seen or at least heard one story from someone they know. I Myself have my share of experiences. Just last year in Guanajuato Mexico, a big cloud with fire inside. Several balls of light came out, stayed there for a moment and then left fast all together. After that some military planes went by chasing them. Nothing was said on the news.

    Back to the review, it's a great show, and I hope they could continue with more stories. There is another show, I found after that, but it's not the same, (Close Encounters).

    The show, in my opinion, is very interesting and is doing a representation of the events using computer animation, and acting. Whatever they can do to tell the stories.

    It's sad that they have stopped the show, I looked around and couldn't find any explanation. I wonder if the government conspiracy theory has something to do with that. If any body knows why, please write a note or review.
  • I began watching the series with a somewhat sceptical eye but was soon drawn in. I enjoyed each episode and couldn't wait to see the next one. I think for reviewers to be too picky about green screens and lighting is a little harsh. This is not a big budget production and I found the production more than acceptable.

    It also reminded me of an account that was related to me some 40 years ago by a friend from South Africa. He told me about a craft that had crash landed and how army personnel came onto the scene (in a very similar way to what was portrayed in Episode 6) and took away all evidence of the crash - including alien bodies.

    I'd love someone to hack into NASA's files and get to the truth.

    I'm looking forward to the next series.
  • Played out stories and reenactments that mock the subject. One story I happen to know was of a woman who saw a UFO on several nights outside her home. Only in the reenactment, as she's walking through her house and you're expecting some alien to jump out at her.... a vase mysteriously breaks at her feet and she jumps and screams. of course, this never happened. The lights on her back porch were flickering, which in the experience they really never were. On several occasions they show the UFO shining beams of lights on her, and chasing her around the yard. She's screaming and running and then they show clips of the interview saying "i felt paralyzed". its implied that the beam paralyzed her, however the beams never shown on her at all, so she was simply scared and felt like she couldn't move, as happens when people are really scared. then she said "i honestly don't know how long i was out there" as it showed the beam on her again. but again, this part never happened, and in the real story on documentaries that are NORMAL, she makes it clear she steps out on her back porch and watches a ufo near to her house each time. there was no missing time or suspicion of abduction whatsoever. in another episode a basketball mysteriously goes from sitting still to rolling off the back porch and the lady looks down and said "oh that was weird". of course, none of those things ever happened... all added in by the producers of the show. this isn't a movie people. you can't spend 1/2 the episode showing someone walking around, scared, and adding in fake crap that never happened to try to "spook" the watchers every minute, who then won't have a clue which parts are real and which parts are added in and totally made up, unless they're like me and know all the details of the cases beforehand. this is supposed to show real occurrences and yet you twist and mess everything up with your blue-screen nonsense giving people a very false idea of what should be accurate depictions. you make the show look like a joke and the subject look like a mockery to people who might otherwise be interested. its a shame these shows aren't what they used to be. with this, and the past few other shows I've seen that are also laughable (not this series but others) its just ... well like i said, not what they used to be. now they're a joke. and 1/2 of the reason is the kids with computers making crappy documentaries. stop selling out and adding garbage to try to get viewers because you're accomplishing the opposite.
  • OK, enough of the "what ifs" and "could it be thats". I've got a question of my own, but a real question (and one of many):

    How is it that these alleged aliens with alleged "superior intelligence" allowed themselves to get caught and then stored like objects and animals in various bunkers and hangars by "inferior" humans?

    So they are STUPID aliens then, aren't they?

    Yet, if they're so stupid how did they manage to fly all the way here? So they're not stupid?...

    I'm confused.

    This is just one of numerous contradictions these goofy UFOlogists try to get away with, and get away they do (unlike the easily catchable aliens) because their audiences are so astoundingly... "smart".

    Google "Vjetropev UFO" for a very detailed explanation of this phenomenon - and by that I don't mean the easily explainable UFOs but its fanatical adherents.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I believe the Bucks County UFO encounter was a real encounter. I would like to begin by saying I know for a fact that that no one is ever acting in Alien Mysteries. The first review for this, I thought, had a lot of effort put into it, but the pill-shaped aircraft looks nothing like any aircraft we have here on Earth. Next, Green screens layer two image or video streams together based on color hues. I have looked on YouTube for any video that has an aircraft shaped anything like the aircraft that Denise saw in Alien Encounters, and I could not find anything. I also looked on Google Images, but I could not find anything there either. I completely support the idea that there could be extraterrestrial life elsewhere in the galaxy.