User Reviews (3)

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  • Don't you dare cancel this show. I love beauty and the beast. I am a big fan of the 1980's beauty and the beast of which these are the same writers. It speaks to so many issues, military experiments, love against all odds, strong but feminine women, friendship and the law. Cat, is awesome a strong women was sees the goodness in a man and is willing to stand by his side through thick and thin. Vincent's beastly side is equally powerful, when he is in beast mode his love for Cat shields her from any harm the beast can do. I am looking forward to more romantic, love scenes between Vincent and Cat. Fans, please lets convince the writers to move her sister out of her apartment she is a pain in the a**. Great show !!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was an amazing episode, best of them all in my opinion. From the beginning to the end I was on the edge of my seat, heart pounding. An adorable beginning and a shocking ending that left us with a jaw dropping cliff hanger. I've enjoyed every episode of Beauty and the Beast and each episode just gets better and better. If your expecting a repeat of the 80's show - throw it out - this is not the happy, sweet story we all knew growing up. This show has grit and danger and a love that feels so real it literally jumps out at you. Each episode is better than the last and if you found the pilot hard to get through, be patient and keep watching. I dare you to not become addicted.
  • Just picked myself up off the floor from Ep 15 only to be floored again for all the right reasons with the opening scenes and all the wrong reasons with the final scene.

    Happily ever truly is for Disney only, we didn't even get a week of bliss and non-drama for Vincat until unwanted attention came left, right and center. Poor Catherine the strain is showing and mistakes she and Vincent can do without are being made.

    ADA Gabe Lowan is playing a dangerous game but as of now I cannot figure out why and for whom? Muirfield I believe he is not or even fully human, there's surely going to be an amazing story about him. Joe is out for revenge and is barking at everyone to get the vigilante to avenge his brothers death. How he is allowed to be on this case at all, I do not know.

    Tess is sent on a mission that leads to the worst possible introduction ever...