User Reviews (4)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    An amazing directorial debut from Ella Purnell, and equally impressive acting debut from Max Bennett Kelly.

    The short film follows Hollywood Thompson (Kelly) as he faces various pressures from his girlfriend Dee (Purnell) and his manager Clauneck (Alex Mills) to get back into boxing after he steps down from the sport.

    The first thing I want to note is the cinematography of the film. It looks amazing, something I noticed throughout the entire film. Every shot is just absolutely gorgeous and come together to make an almost grungy/gritty aesthetic. Aside from the visual aesthetics of the film, it makes great use of light as a means to establish mood and camera placement/angles to build tension. I also appreciated the unique portions such as the stylized montage of LA or the glitchy security cam footage. Seriously some incredible directing talent from Ella Purnell, I'm excited to see what comes next from her.

    Next, the cast are all such good actors. While Purnell and Mills both have a wealth of experience when it comes to acting, this is both Kelly's acting debut and if I had been told that going into the film I would've been shocked. Though, I want to highlight Mills especially, he plays his role as a sort of scummy, money hungry manager very well. That is not to say that Kelly and Purnell were not also impressive, their performances are also great and their chemistry shines through in the scenes they share (we love a power couple!).

    And the music! With a soundtrack done by Kelly himself from his EP of the same title, it's no wonder that the music perfectly fits with the mood of the film. The man is gifted in so many fields, it's insane.

    Quickly I want to highlight the special effects work seen towards the end of the film, the gory punched out head of Clauneck Rice was seriously so cool. The effect was done by Jake Porath and I definitely recommend checking out his other work.

    I will say that while the story can be somewhat outlandish at times, that didn't detract from my enjoyment of the film. The scenario is definitely based in absurdity but the characters feel grounded in reality by the fact that the problems they're dealing with are that which can happen to anyone (demanding boss, needing to make rent, relationship troubles, etc.)

    Overall, such an incredible project. Just so well produced in every aspect. Gem of a cast and crew. Make sure to give it a stream or two.
  • iamlosimusic6 October 2023
    Just became a MBK fan. I was introduced to the short film by a friend today, and it didn't take me long to realize what a creative genius he is, and this short film is a testament to that. While I think it is an amazing way to introduce an EP, the film could stand by itself - it's entertaining, refreshing, and has excellent actors. Plus, I can't tell if the songs were made for the short film, or if the short film was made for the songs because they fit so perfectly. An overall great piece of art, with talented artists all around (from actors to editors). Hopefully it is not the last MBK film! Congratulations!!
  • sophianvx7 October 2023
    Absolutely loved this short film for so many reasons. For one, its pretty groundbreaking. Using a short film with an actual compelling plot to introduce an EP is something I personally haven't seen done before and it actually worked really well. The short itself is also legendary; especially the cinematography. Each frame was absolutely beautiful and told a story within itself, pretty sure I took about 30 screenshots. Also the characters ugh. I absolutely loved Dee's character and everyone else was also really dynamic. Overall it was just really refreshing to see something new like this done. Can't wait to see more!!
  • Junk Male follows Hollywood Thompson, portrayed by Max Bennett Kelly with a confidence and ease, that you wouldn't know this was his first outing as an actor.

    This short film, directed by Ella Purnell, a first time director is incredible. In the same way Kelly carries the movie with a strong supporting cast, including Purnell who portrays Dee, the girlfriend of Hollywood. And Alex Mills as Clauneck Rice who is Hollywood's sleazy manager.

    This is a hero's journey with a surprise ending that will leave your jaw on the floor.

    The soundtrack of the film is so good. Kelly's music from his EP is used throughout the short film. In a very clever way and fits so well with the moments in this movie.

    It's just a great looking film, and you can tell how much passion, creativity and hard work was put into this short film. Based on Kelly's concept. Purnell brings this world to life. Capturing some great moments throughout that compliment the soundtrack so well.

    It's just a really well done. One of the movie's strengths is the comedy sprinkled throughout at times absurd and perfectly fits into Hollywood's life.

    Definitely looking forward to more collaborations between Kelly and Purnell.

    Junk Male is free to view on Kelly's Youtube. Definitely give this one a watch or two. It's nineteen minutes long and it goes by so quickly. This left me wanting more.