User Reviews (13)

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  • What's most exciting about this film is its departure from the formulaic and often shallow movies that have dominated Egyptian cinema. It represents a bold step towards creating meaningful and thought-provoking films that resonate with both local and international audiences. It's a refreshing change from the typical silly comedies and predictable romances, and it paves the way for a new era of Egyptian cinema.

    In conclusion, this Egyptian film is a true gem that deserves recognition and praise. With its outstanding filming, impeccable writing, and exceptional acting, it's a testament to the evolving and promising future of Egyptian cinema. It not only entertains but also challenges and inspires, leaving a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to experience it.
  • This movie had it all. Drama and scenes that would make you cry. Dark and light comedy at the perfect chances given. Amazing acting from all the cast especially Mohammed farag. It is good and you won't come out disappointed from the movie. Such a nice plot (based on true events but with dramatic spices) and a great twist that I didn't see coming at all. I liked the music of the movie. The cinematography was ok but the colour grading was amazing in many shots. The dialogues we good too. None felt longer than needed and none felt shorter than needed. It's a really nice refreshing face for Bayoumi Fouad away from his silly comedy. Proves that he is a good actor. The only back side of the movie is the weird romantic interest between "Hassan" and "Inji" which felt rushed, immature, unexplained and not in place. But overall it's a really good movie and the last scenes were the icing on the cake.
  • The movie was so enjoyable time passed out and felt like every second of the movie was worth it, like for real it has a lot of actions you can't get bored in such amazing movie.

    The cast of the movie did a real great job as usual heavy actors that we used to see and they're perform really well as usual, but beside the acting the story combined with acting performances was a nice combo.

    Thanks to Faraj performance I'm really happy with his performance in addition to Bayoumi performance and Mohammed al dasouky as well.

    I recommend this movie for +15 people because it contains little sensitive clips.
  • lfateen17 September 2023
    Went to see the movie today with my family and daughter, and although my daughter was reluctant to go (she's 14) - she came. End result was, we loved, the kids loved it, and truly, every minute counted.

    The film took us on a journey of laughter, emotions, sadness, awe, shock, hope, despair .. all happening in a very smooth storyline that flows in a way that although shocking, seems normal ... It's also because the acting was superb. Mohamed Farrag is a master, he did a great role and did it perfectly. Bayoumi Fouad is always excelling. Nelly Karim is great in anll her role. But another wow for Taha Dessouky and Farrag's mum.

    Knowing the film originated from a true story made it all the more interesting and intriguing.

    But what I also have to note here, aside from the overall production, and how the despair of many Egyptians was depicted, flawlessly, is the directing. Getting that work together and compiling it that smoothly in 2 hours, with the level of directing, production, storytelling, and flow, only shows us the abilities of Omar Hilal, the director. Really impressed. And what is more impressive is that we were 5 people, 2 kids, we all left saying the same thing.

    Entertainment at its best. Great job everyone. Truly amazing work.
  • This movie is so well done! A must see if you know anything about Egypt and the region, but it has so much more to offer even if you don't.

    First of all the story (based on true and remarkable events) is one that is uniquely Egyptian and speaks to so much of our own personal struggles and insecurities and dreams for a better life. I don't think anyone on this planet understands the real struggles Egyptians go through except Egyptians. But even within Egypt, people don't understand each other's struggles or how these struggles can change what you are made of or what you are willing to do to make thing better for you or your family and friends.

    You will know from the trailer that the story is about a man who pretends to be blind to join a soccer team for the blind that will travel outside of Egypt which is his dream. It introduces the hero of the story as a bad bad man right off the bat. But you know a movie is good, when everything within the main bad bad character, you can find inside yourself, and you begin to root for the bad bad man to make it to his goal.

    I was so deeply moved by the main character's struggle, his coping strategies , and of course our trademark Egyptian humor skill set, that is such a necessary tool. It carries everyone in this movie and this country past the pain and uphill climb that daily life presents to each of us at varying degrees . As a people, we Egyptians have a stubborn strain of patience, resilience and tenacity that comes across so strongly in the way this story is told.

    It grabs you from the very beginning, and it's hard to guess the plot twists which keeps it exciting. To top it off the acting is so on point that you are invested in everyone's dilemma till the very end.

    Filming, lighting, music and editing are top notch, and I applaud the actors at how they totally had me sold on every motivation they had to take the actions they had to take in the movie.

    But most importantly this movie (especially if you are a thinker) will leave you feeling happy and guilty and maybe even wanting to do better in your own struggle at the very end. It's so damn funny too! Viewers in the cinema broke into applause in the end and I clapped spontaneously because that is what you feel you must do. I'm taking the kids for sure .. and I highly advise that you take your gang and go.

    Bravo ! I hope this movie reaches as many human eyes as possible. I want to google the entire story in depth and find out where these people are now.
  • abbio-2438217 September 2023
    I went to the movies with the whole family and not knowing what to expect. We all came out saying the exact same thing "Great movie" !!! We loved the entire movie, production and characters played. The actors made you feel every scene for the characters they were playing. The cast was great. The production was also perfect. We really enjoyed the entire movie and the story. We related to the characters and could feel what they were trying to portray. There were scenes that were emotional and heartfelt, I felt the emotions from each character. I highly recommend to go see it and enjoy. Must see !!
  • Before entering Voy! Voy! Voy!, I was worried about taking the true story (which the movie is based on it) to a cringe way filled up with moral messages mixed with silly jokes.


    I had one of the most amazing experiences watching Egyptian film.

    A risky journey full of pure funny moments and hilarious situations.

    It's a film meant to be a classic in the future. Perfect use of hard cuts and drawing characters with multiple dimensions. And the smart plot twists are a bonus!

    Do you love comedies? Thrillers? True stories? Adventures?

    You will LOVE "Voy! Voy! Voy!".
  • The movie is suitable for all ages it also opened my eyes and made me learn about a new sport that no one knew about and finally after a while a good and well made dark comedian movie it is going to be a classic a good submission for Egypt for the oscars and what an introduction for a new director with his first movie the acting was sensed every character played their role perfectly no one overreacted did not expect to see this when i bought the movie ticket at all. This is the type of movies i would rewatch a lot later by time . Highly recommended for anyone it is actually a good international film the way i can recommend it to anyone who is not egyptian and he would get it and like it. Surprisingly good movie.
  • Welcome back Egyptian cinema. It's finally a great egyptian movie since a while!

    It's very cool , light comedy and miserable.

    The film took us through a mixed feelings. Sometimes it gives us laughter then gives us emotions that made me cry in a scence.

    The cast is a perfect choice. I don't think there is someone overracting or not suitable for the role.

    All of them is stunning , Taha desoky especially is shining in this role.

    Each role helps the another and this is how the movie should be.

    Also , It's a very great start from director Omar Hilal. Makes us wait for his next works.

    I loved it so much and it's highly recommended.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie is indeed a true story. It wasn't at all well served in a 100-minute movie. Poor screenplay all the actors' decisions are not justified. Not showing the poor nature that led to the main character's decision. Very poor acting from all of the actors except Bayioumi Fouad. I heard a lot about this movie and expected a lot.

    The movie seemed to be void of its main content. Nelly Karim was absolutely bad; her role is unjustified. Catching emotions with the main actor was not a must. Her role could have been removed without affecting anything. The doctor's decisions are absurd and his reactions to the scam the main actor did to him was so blunt.

    I personally didn't feel there is a good solid story to tell in the movie, and the turnaround towards the end was so tedious and obvious, like something that a two-year-old kid would expect.

    Not funny at all, didn't even smile.

    It was completely unsatisfying. Shame that this movie was even nominated to participate in the Oscars.
  • I think I can easily say that "Voy! Voy! Voy!" Is one of the best movies I have watched in a very long time. It is clever, it's fast, it respects the audience and treats us to many fun moments. The messages are strong, without being imposing. The dialogue is witty. Several intense moments of transformation capture the audience by surprise.

    Passant Shawky is a bomb shell and her beauty spills into larger than life proportions all over the screen. Mohamed Farrag bears some resemblance in his acting to Ahmed Zaki and it's refreshing.

    Omar Hilal is an outstanding writer and producer. Looking forward to more of his movies.

    I'll take the family to watch it.
  • Perfect story with great direction loved the story and the shots that we're talking was very brilliant and simple.. the whole cast is bery well placed and each one did the role prefect.. the movie is not a one star movie every one did the job in attaching the audience and flipping your mood in every seen from the emotional part to the funny part .. overall this is a very good egyption movie in an industry that is lackin Such movies and casting. Very very good experience abloutly wont feel like wasting your time or bored and i remmoned it to any one.. shot out to all the cast and the writers well done.
  • Inspired by true events, Voy Voy Voy presents itself full of comedic realism. A directional debut worth the praise.

    Omar Hilal's narrative style strongly depended on dark comedy, which added an interestingly engaging layer to the storytelling while maintaining the balance of the classic Egyptian movie style. As a result, you will find yourself laughing out loud while still being emotionally focused at the same time through many scenes.

    The movie followed a cohesive structure and development of the story with strong writing focused on details and smart revelations, character building led by realistic performances from an incredible ensemble cast, and the right mix of dramatic emotional beats that I feel were utilized properly a bit later in the runtime but nonetheless left their impact by the end.

    The examination of real-life events and the depth of tackling crucially fateful societal issues from a relevant approach to the viewer created a sense of connection to the story and a sort of moral sympathy for the character's challenges despite the acts of fraud, which leaves your thoughts provoked in the grey areas of right and wrong. And from this perspective, I loved the efforts to leave the audience's interpretation of the character's images (whether as heroes or villains) open to varying personal perceptions.