User Reviews (6)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    S5 seems like it could become the strongest season since S1-2 with one terrific episode after another. Amazingly, I'm even starting to like Colin, a character who was so (intentionally) grating that I wished they'd just killed him off and not brought him back.

    Sadly, Nadja seems to be going the other direction, I just can't get into her storylines lately.

    Nandor's creepy sojourn in the health club was effective as usual, but nothing we haven't seen before. The character is in a holding pattern till they bring him back into the Guillermo plotline, which I'm sure will be apocalyptic, so they're saving that for the season's end.

    At this point, I'm really invested more in the Guillermo plotline. Good idea of the writers to bring Lazlo in. This is a more interesting pairing for Lazlo than the Baby Colin stuff.
  • Another week and another episode down, this episode definitely slowed things down compared to the previous episodes,

    Nandor is getting Lonely as Guillrmeo is still trying to avoid him as he feels guilty so Nan goes to the gym to try and make new friends. Naja is spending time in little antipacksos and Lazlo must make a good impression and Collin is now on the council to drain people at the speeches for power and reunites with a former flame.

    Definitely some good funny moments, not my favourite of the season so far but I liked the Nandor stuff and but the rest not as much, I of course love Matt berry ! An okay episode hoping it gets better again 7/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Collin Robinson + Evil Russell = the worst couple on the planet. Just like the first season episode with the two, this is all that plus better. Nandor tries to make Gizmo jealous and converts to Judaism ¿. Collin's ding dong is in full force and is the worst candidate in the history of politics. Lazlo tries to convince Nadja's new family and dies his tips red with and rocks the most masculine jacket in Staten Island.

    There should be no way that this episode isn't an 8.9 at minimum because whoever is bringing down the scores just doesn't like this show lmao.


    Please release the full 5+ hour debate for all the Collinzors out here.
  • The energy vampire counsel is so good. I have never laughed so much during a scene. All of my favorite actors in one place. I wish there was an entire Colin Robinson show. The fact that this is rated anything below 10 is criminal.

    Honestly I don't even remember the rest of the episode because the counsel eclipsed everything for me. The reveal of the head of the counsel was so great and every choice was perfection.

    This episode made me realize a lot about myself and my favorite comedy style because each actor represented my favorite characters on other shows.

    Please keep these types of episodes coming. And give Coin Robinson a split off series. Or else.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I can't stand the Colin character and there are very few good uses of him, but running for City Council, an absolutely boring role, is probably the best they could come up with. They definitely captured how ridiculous a role this would be, and adding in Vanessa Bayer as another boring personality, was the right fit. The council for energy vampires was a good touch as well.

    But not enough Laszlo in this episode, and I definitely feel like there was a lot of potential comedic paths with Nandor and his new friend Alexander that they could have headed down and for some reason they surprisingly did not.
  • The first couple of seasons were absolutely brilliant but by now it just feels as if they've run out of good ideas and are going through the motions.

    I get it, it's a successful show and they want to keep pumping it out and hauling in the cash, but without the overarching story moving forward, or glacially when it does, these episodes feel slow and ponderous.

    I'd like them to accelerate the main story but obviously if they do that then it will end, and we can't have that now can we?

    Even the language is less imaginative and amusing than it once was.

    It's still OK, better than a lot of other shows out there but that's more an indictment of the industry than praise for this show.

    They should wrap it up and end with dignity rather than whimpering to a dismal and quickly forgotten end.