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  • Such a realisticly strong funny tv series...I can't get enough of it...

    The best thing about this tv series it is very realistic, that way audience feels the experience very deeply, and learns the jargon, environment.

    Twists are very good too. Surprisingly unique jokes, around drama sometimes makes you emotional. That way we can say sometimes poetic approaches improves the atmosphere.

    There is nothing cliche about it. I really hope to see that this tv series would continue more seasons. They find very good sources. Obviously, screen writing is very good too.

    I would like to thank everyone who is involved with this project.
  • This TV series is a delightful blend of intelligence and humor that keeps me eagerly anticipating each new episode. What sets it apart is its ability to infuse humor seamlessly into the everyday, creating a realistic yet comically exaggerated world that's both relatable and hilarious.

    The humor in this series is refreshingly subtle and intelligent, avoiding the clichéd and over-the-top gags often seen on TV. Instead, it finds its comedic gold in the quirks and interactions of the characters. It trusts the audience's intelligence, rewarding attentive viewers with clever one-liners, well-timed expressions, and witty wordplay.

    What's remarkable is the authenticity it brings to its storytelling. The characters feel like real people, and their relatable situations make the humor hit home effectively. It's like watching a mirror image of everyday life, but with a comedic twist.

    Moreover, the attention to detail in both setting and character interactions adds depth to the series. It's as if you're stepping into a world that's familiar yet seen through a comically exaggerated lens, making it all the more enjoyable.

    This series keeps viewers on their toes with unexpected plot twists that add depth and engagement to the narrative. These twists aren't just for shock value; they enhance the characters and the story, keeping the audience pleasantly surprised.

    The characters are another highlight. They're not cookie-cutter stereotypes but fully developed individuals with quirks and flaws. Their authenticity makes you genuinely care about them, even when they find themselves in hilariously awkward situations.

    Additionally, the series excels in portraying the nuances of human relationships. Whether it's the awkwardness of a first date, the camaraderie of friends, or the tension of a family gathering, the dynamics feel genuine and relatable, enhancing the humor.

    What's commendable is the series' ability to balance humor with genuine emotion. It's unafraid to delve into serious topics with sensitivity and thoughtfulness, adding depth to the characters and reminding us that life's challenges and complexities are always present.

    The writing is sharp, witty, and filled with clever wordplay that keeps viewers engaged and eager to hear what the characters will say next. The talented cast brings these characters to life with natural chemistry, making their interactions feel authentic and effortless.

    Production quality, including sets, costumes, and cinematography, enhances the overall immersive experience. It's evident that the creators have gone the extra mile to craft a world that's both familiar and fantastical.

    In conclusion, this TV series is a rare gem that combines intelligence with humor, authenticity with hilarity, and relatability with creativity. It's a masterpiece of television comedy that leaves viewers eagerly awaiting each new episode. I can only hope it continues for many more seasons, as it's a true testament to the power of storytelling and the ability of television to entertain and touch our hearts. My heartfelt thanks to the creators, cast, and everyone involved for sharing this delightful series with the world.
  • It was very realistic, I honestly didn't know most of the things that was going on at the back stage. It was one of the unique shows I watched. I didn't think I would enjoy it at all when I first saw it but just seeing a book from the cover is not enough to judge. Tabii is doing an excellent job! I'm pretty dang amazed with their shows now. Main character Murat was really good and Canik was super realistic lol I absolutely loved the way he acts and talks. After watching Turkish shows on the tv and they're all 2.5 hours to 3 hours, after some time it feels like a torture to watch anything on the tv. I just wanna thank tabii for their show times and great plot. Keep up the good work!