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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Indiana Jones would turn in his grave. Glad he' s still alive. The last crusade but then with more kids. Also an orphan or else the copy would not be a good one. A lady who hates the supposed hero, who is really a jerk. In the end they get frends, more than that. Well that would be more clear in part two. I really hope part two will never be made. Will this movie be worth watching. If you like this kind of movies, bad copies that last to long and where nothing really is happening up to the last ten minutes or so, then do. There are much, much wors movies that aren't even copies. So watch and see for yourfelf.
  • For those of you trying to figure out what the vehicle is he is driving, its a 80's (after 1983) Fiat 125p cut down the front with a Ursus C-330 tractor nose/hood? In the middle. Looks pretty cool though, points for originality! :) Movie was ok, but car was the star in my book. If it was fleshed out a little more, and less wooden or pat I guess, it would have been better. Actors needed to be more believable, less rehearesed. No one interacts like that typically, conversations are more lax, less precise. But good effort, worth the watch, and it promises good things for this director in the future.

    I think the plot was good, but needed more action and more nail biting moments so to speak. The car definitely draws them in though. Hard to see what it is at first. So that's definitley an eye catcher.
  • The premise for this ridiculous pile of tosh is that when Tomasz, an art historian. Finds an ancient Templar cross, he must join forces with an unlikely group of adventurers on a quest to unlock the relic's secrets with the help of his ridiculous car.

    An unpleasant mix of The Goonies, Indiana Jones and the Da Vinci Code. The characters are bland, generic and unlikeable. The plot is confused, easily sidetracked and over-complicated, presumably to hide all the plot holes.

    It's a sort of rip-off of Indiana Jones, without the strong, charming lead or companions, the Goonies without the humour, and the Da Vinci Code without the clever research and hokum that make that story spooky.

    Tiresome, generic, and poorly conceived treasure-hunt film without any real character. Something Netflix commission all too regularly.
  • Big disappointment. Pan Samochodzik (Mr. Car) has a cult status in Poland. Series of books written by Zbigniew Nienacki in 60-70s are great adventure-treasure hunter stories. Still very popular. This one is the second in the series. What is worst for someone who read the book it's completely different story. Main character is like mix of James Bond or Langdon from Da Vinci code when in books he was more like Caine's Harry Palmer/Rathbone's Holmes. Additionally his car is a joke. It should be wreck with Ferrari superamerica engine. For Polish fans of book there's always great old series from 1971.
  • The movie has absolutely nothing to do with the book other than the name itself. Another good story wasted by Netflix.

    A series of books describing the adventures of Tomasz, an art historian, tracker of smugglers and thieves of national treasures. He was called Mr. Samochodzik in connection with the vehicle he drove. He inherited it from his uncle, who built a ridiculous body covering the wonderful Ferrari 410 engine and equipped this ridiculous structure with many interesting and useful inventions of his own invention. Tomasz's friends help scouts in solving puzzles. Nienacki's books are one that is read with bated breath. In addition, they develop great respect for Polish monuments and history.
  • Whoever made this movie made it abundantly clear that they have never read even a single Pan Samochodzik book. I cannot understand how one can transform an exciting story into such a mess of a movie. It is sadly one of the most boring movies I have had the misfortune of watching. The acting at times is terrible, and the dialogue sounds wooden.

    Another disappointment is how the iconic car looks. The car has a completely different look than in the books and the movie has made some horrible choices while designing it.

    If made right this movie could have been a polish version of Indiana Jones, instead it's a disappointing mess.
  • I have seen many movies and tv series on Netflix platform. Some of them were great and some of them were bad but this movie is the worst movie of all time that was aired on Netflix platform. This is not a family movie or an adventure movie. Very bad acting, very bad story and disastrous ending. In addition to all of these, very bad camera that can cause trouble to your eyes. The most funny thing is that there is so called Argentinian treasure hunter who speaks natively Polish and using some traditional Spanish phrases for the audience to believe that he is from Argentina. This is a very bad copy of Indiana Jones and National Treasure series. Stay away !
  • "Pan Samochodzik" books are a cultural phenomenon in Poland. They tell a story of a minor government official, who works in a department of Museum and Culture in the 1960s. What sounds like a boring job is actually a fascinating detective-like activity, where the hero tries to solve historical mysteries leading to lost works of art and other treasures. It's cleverly and engagingly written, although you can tell that its time has passed. The series of books have been adapted for film and TV a number of times, with the most successful being "Samochiodzik i templariusze", which you can watch on YouTube with automated English subtitles. Fans have been waiting for the next adaptation of the adventures of Pan Samochodzik for many years. Unfortunately, it wasn't really worth it. The production team of "Mr Car and Knights Templar" completely wasted the potential of the best book in the series. The title was chosen not only because Netflix decision-makers thought that they will have a ready fan audience, who remembered the excellent series starring Stanislaw Mikulski, but also because of the still prevailing "fashion" for the Templars. Fascination still seems to be going strong all over the world, so Netflix clearly wanted to score points here as well. Probably only the last reason was the consistency and quality of the original book. The author, Zbigniew Nienacki, was not a literary genius, but he was certainly an efficient writer, and "Mr. Samochodzik and the Templars" is a great example of this. How good this novel is was clearly shown by the excellent TV series mentioned earlier, which, although it differed slightly from the literary original, was logically coherent, and efficiently implemented, with great performances by all the actors. In the Netflix film, we have a contradiction of all this. It is completely unrelated to the book, has logical holes of which Swiss cheese makers would be proud, and is played hopelessly by almost everyone, both professional and respected actors and "rookies". The script is very weak and incredibly chaotic, which can be seen even in the first, introductory scenes with a silly James Bond-Indiana Jones theme. The main character is alternately repulsive, comical, pathetic, and sad. Netflix's assumption that the product (because let's face it - that's how they approach the production of any film) needs to be "modernized" tragically backfires creating a bizarre and illogical farce. It's a shame as Netflix obviously has the money and talented people who could do a proper job. Do yourself a favour and skip this atrocity and watch the original 1973 TV series instead.
  • "Mr. Cars and the Knights Templar" is a Polish film that tells the story of Tomasz, a narcissistic art historian who embarks on a treasure hunt alone.

    It wouldn't surprise me to see this film in theaters, as the lighting, color palette, framing, and camera movements are excellent. It's evident that the people behind it knew what they were doing and have a deep understanding of cinema. The performances are also great, especially the protagonist, who effectively conveys the character's emotions.

    Now, the screenplay, in my opinion, is one of the weakest points of the film. The main character, Tomasz, is well developed throughout the film and is even the central focus of the plot, but lacks depth. We don't know anything about his family, which doesn't necessarily worsen the film or leave us feeling like something is missing, but it certainly could have been better explored to create a stronger connection between the viewer and the protagonist. If the main character lacks depth, the secondary characters are even worse. Surprisingly, the children present in the story seem to have more depth than him. The "villain" also suffers from the same issues, being bland and forgettable.

    It's worth noting that depth and development are two distinct things. Character depth refers to the exploration of their traits, motivations, backstory, and relationships. On the other hand, character development refers to the transformation, evolution, or growth that the character undergoes throughout the story.

    As for the story itself, it's simple, but as I mentioned before, the main focus is on showing Tomasz's development, which is done masterfully.

    I highly recommend watching this film, especially if you've never had the experience of watching a Polish film. You might be surprised.
  • If you are looking to be bored senseless with wooden acting, thin plot and irritating child actors then look no further.

    This awful film is a fusion of Indiana Jones and the Goonies but forgets anything about entertainment.

    The opening sequence started with a bit of promise, however like many promises it was broken all too quickly.

    Ridiculous action sequences. Cheesy acting.

    Why they have the kids in it at all, who knows.

    Nothing about the film works.

    Only watched it as I was curious and it popped up on Netflix. Just so glad I didn't pay for the pleasure.

    Although there was one highlight - it came to an end.
  • I do not get the low ratings. This is a family movie, that indeed completely strays from the plot from the book, but is nevertheless a lot of fun to watch. The actors are great, the kids starring in the movie did a fantastic job, there is a lot of action, jokes and fun all around. I watched it with my three kids, ages from 10 to later teens, and they enjoyed this immensely. I think that all the bad reviews might stem from the PRL nostalgia of the older generation, or from the core fans of the book series. Do not be put off by them and give this movie a try. I would personally rate this as 9, but my kids, who are the real target here, regard this as a sure 10, so 10 it is.
  • Mr. Car is a fun film that follows the mold of most treasure hunting films. It's a little predictable, but we enjoyed it. The main character is a lighter version of Indiana Jones crossed with James Bond. It was filmed in Polish, but the dubbing was adequate. The humor is a little silly and the connections between characters tales a little too long to develop. On the other hand, there is no disappointment in the outcome and it is left open for a sequel. I found the characters endearing and would watch a second installment of the series. I can't imagine Mr. Car garnering the success of either the Indiana Jones, nor the James Bond franchises, but it is light hearted fun with just enough adventure to be interesting.
  • Iv'e always enjoyed the assassins creed series and also the uncharted series. And I fill this film satisfies my hunger for both game series and its the right mix of themes to help it along the way. Right from the get go we see two men fighting on a lighthouse that leads to a treasure and it sets us up for what we are getting into. We meet a art historian called tomasz as he tries to uncover the tempker treasure that was last years before. Along with a bit of a nosy reporter and some kids scouts they set up. There are some laughs mixed here and there. The action is decent enough and the story is pretty intriging. Overall mr car is pretty good and I enjoyed it.
  • This film takes on a well known and loved brand, and then uses it to create a completely different fantasy, hence the disappointment of so many viewers.

    In the source material Tomasz NN is almost the epitomy of "the grey man": he is supposed to be boring, unassuming, blend into the background and come across as a bit of a fuddy daddy. His biggest advantage over his opponents is that they always, always underestimate him, and he plays that card for as long as he can. The man comes across as if he has no ego or ambition: whilst his opponents and rivals boast of status symbols (often difficult to come by in communist Poland) his biggest achievement is working at a museum.

    The only thing that stands between him and being the grey man is his car which draws attention wherever it turns up. Tomasz inherited the car from his uncle, an amateur inventor and mechanic. The car is ugly, bizarre and invites mockery but it holds a powerful secret, just like Tomasz who hides intelligence, charm and a fair bit of altheticism under his unassuming exterior. Tomasz is a kind soul who looks after his boy scout friends, just like they look after him. Each book has a strong female character with a lot of agency, though viewed through a feminist lens (which I have nothing against) they probably suffer from being a male fantasy rather than a representation of womanhood.

    The film presents us with an obnoxious, self centred, childish character who is supposed to evoke both Indiana Jones and James Bond. His car is a cute-ugly, rat monster truck, something that plenty of people could see as cool.

    Poland in the film is a land of the 1960s USA's cultural landscape with some local props thrown in, so hopefully viewers will not treat this film as a way to find out anything about Poland and its history.

    For people who grew up reading and loving these books, this film has nothing to offer. However, it is decently shot with more than adequate production value (hence 3 stars) so if you didn't read or love the books you might enjoy this story. For me it was neither Pan Samochodzik (Mr Car), nor James Bond, nor Indiana Jones and I didn't enjoy it so I gave up half way.
  • Knowing nothing about the background/ history of this story, I went into the movie with no expectations.

    It was a great throwback to a different era in a relatively unknown culture to me. I found it interesting. The characters were quirky and the story well-suited to kids and teens.

    The cinematography was great and all the actors played their parts quite nicely.

    The main antagonist was villainous yet not overdone.

    I found the movie entertaining and didn't feel like there needed to be a complicated storyline. I enjoyed the movie for what it was.

    I'm glad there's another wholesome and fun adventure movie out there for kids and teens to watch... and which exposes them to another language and culture.
  • Most of reviews here are written by disappointed 40+ Poles who are biased by the original book and a tv series that aired a half century ago.

    The truth is, that if viewer has no such point of reference, meaning a pretty much everybody else, he'll get a decent movie. I especially liked the camera shots, the way they present locations in country side, castles or even communist era vehicles. There's a lot of action so it's hard to be bored.

    Yes, the characters are rather shallow, rheir actiona and plot sometimes make little or no sense, bit overall I can't say that watching this movie was a waste of time.

    And last, but not least, I'm 40+ Polish, who read the book and watched the original show but when I quit comparing them to this new Netflix production and put frustrations aside, I can easily rate this movie as 6/10.
  • I was about to give this movie 7 out of 10 - that would be a fair rating. I changed my mind based on so many low ratings given based only on I don't know the movie not being the same as the tv series from 70s they cherish? Because the movie is not exactly as the book?

    So it is not and it is not a bad thing. It is well made, well played. I had a lot of fun.

    I got more than I expected: main character development, great museum director (her clothes!), jokes, advetur.

    I am just not sure about the bad guy. I mean it would be better if his motivations would be bad. I don't need to feel sorry for him. Apart from that nice summer movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Other than that. I've read all the books. I've seen all the adaptations, and so far this one is the best. I'm not the fanatical fan of Nienacki's books. But I can feel flexibility here.

    We can see the feeling of soviet era, little or no cars on the streets. And our car is equipped with 410 Ferrari Superamerica engine. No match for any other vehicle back then and it can swim.

    We haven't seen the acceleration in the first instalment but we've seen swimming. And that's true, Tomasz N. N. is a Polish Indiana Jones, with

    I'm recommending this movie for everyone intrested in Polish state of mind. Knights look better than in The Witcher.