User Reviews (13)

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  • ... way all the storylines get tidied up nice and neatly at he ending is okay, if just a bit unrealistically-boring... it's well-done-acted-fun in Norway, just a bit more bite would have made it better

    ... one critic's review summing it pretty well.. "(were) this a longer show, there'd be time to understand the characters, find favorites, and support them in their finest glory, but with five episodes, there isn't really any emotional impact. Though the show does attempt to bring to the forefront the idiosyncrasies of each member present, it kind of leaves you a little bit unsatisfied. However, I will admit that the cast is fantastic, and each member brings nuanced performances and stands out individually. Still, it's a formulaic drama that has your betrayals, guilt, and misunderstandings to make it entertaining rather than feeling like you're watching a boring old family gathering."

    ... definitely worth a watch, just don't expect much from all the hectic-proceedings.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Soapy drama where almost everyone has issues. Always fun to see and completely unrealistic, nobody has this many issues in their life, only in the movies and tv they do. I was not convinced as to why the actress who played Schmi Skywalker wanted a divorce. I come from divorced parents and it did not resonate at all. She wants to do things and travel the world but for some reason the husband is too boring I don't know made no sense, I can only guess the real reason is she is in fact going to a galaxy far far away to raise Anakin Skywalker. Then there is the cheating daughter whose boyfriend for some reason forgives and they still get married right there, the old guy with the young girl who is pregnant (we get no resolution there as to whether she keeps it or not or the relationships is still on). The loner who secretly has a crush on the other daughter. Then there is another daughter from a previous marriage (?) that is mixed race which is there only to diversify the cast I guess. Did I mention the terminal ex-boyfriend? Ugh. I am giving this a 6/10, but just.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I will start with great cast, scenery, and score. The stories without going too much into it are great plot lines with a lot of potential. They make you feel for characters despite the short running.the entangled lives of everyone is balanced and I loved that about this.

    My gripes are mainly of how the father gave advice to his son which yes understanding the cause for cheating is important to knowing why things turned the way they did but it felt like he was just forget that it happened and move on. I feel like her reasoning for cheating wasn't very.. clear? I get the fear of him not wanting her but it feels that jumping into the marriage wouldn't be wise. If there are these problems marrying won't fix it. I could have understood if they moved the wedding date but were working on fixing things. Plus just kinda sad to have the ex dying of cancer and getting to marry her off. Just seems very sad for such a well liked character. Even if it brings police in seeing her happy it feels very bittersweet :/.

    I may have missed this part but did they tie up ends on if they're keeping the baby together or splitting?
  • 5 episodes. 30 mins per episode. Finished all in one seating. It felt like 300 eps of Lifetime Soap Opera family drama condensed into a 2.5hr movie, which I absolutely appreciate and love about it.

    Everyone has their share of things going on, in which you find out one after another. Everyone has their own flaws. Every bit of their struggle is so relatable - it makes you think "what would you have done if you were in their shoes?" and I love such shows.

    It truly is an evening of big confessions. Love the casting choices and hope to see more of Amalia.

    A midsummer night filled with drama and ends with love.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Stupid storyline. I'm sorry I wasted my time watching all episodes.

    It's not heroic or forgiving to marry a known philanderer. Why would his father try to convince him to do this? Will father be around when marriage doesn't work because trust was destroyed before it ever started? But Hanna is a good crier. That's all I can say about this very weird relationship.

    Divorcing a husband of 30 years with no warning or attempts to salvage because he's boring? Thinking you'd tell your loved ones about the divorce at a party that includes outsiders? I didn't find this believable.

    Location was beautiful.
  • Lola-5399913 April 2024
    Disregarding reviews from «top critics» in different medias, we started to watch «Midtsommernatt» in Netflix. It was quite late, so we decided to see just one episode. However, after episode 1, we were hooked... we continued. Then all of a sudden, we finished all 5 episodes!

    «Midtsommernatt» is definitely worth watching. The cinematography is beautiful, the casting is perfect, the music is good, storyline is simple yet compelling and I love the way the series «grow» from start to end.

    There is no doubt , Pernilla August is an excellent actress. Once again, she's amazing here as Carina. Nonetheless, the entire cast lends her a wonderful support with their lovable rendition of each character they play. Especially Sofia Tjelta who is remarkable as Helena. She is lovely to watch! I don't want to be unfair to Amalia Holm. She did a great job too as Hanne.

    Hats off to the director and thanking him for making a TV-series which is entertaining yet quite relatable to the viewers.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Really wanted to love this show, but it's kinda... meeeh... Seen it before I guess.

    Lots of half-told stories and different personalities creating some friction, but everyone's great friends in the end. Classic family drama with some old resentment and issues surfacing. Casting has a range from really awkward and cringe (happy couple), through cute (upcoming couple) to decently believable (soon-to-be ex-couple)..

    But the real star of the show is of course the house, well-known from the show Exit, and also as a destination for a sunday outing along Bunnefjorden (there's a cafeteria next door in the summer, spectacular place).
  • At first I felt provoked by some of the storyline and considered not continuing to watch it. But I am so glad I did. Felt my heart open in the end and a lot made sense, a clarity about the vision of the show, a beautifully crafted storyline that, as Scandinavian storytelling so often does, zooms in on the details of our life and relationships. Emotional intimacy, family care and real life is what you will meet in this series. It is not black and white, and precisely therefore does it open your heart to the people in the show and ultimately to the people in your own life. I really recommend this wholesome show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After introducing a number of tense conflicts and questions the storyline unfortunately resolves into a happy ever ending.

    Oh dear stuff should have really gone wrong with a huge bust up.

    Aghhj flowers in the hair and folk dancing. Avoid this family,

    The summer nights are too long and to stretch this out into 6 episodes is pushing it.

    The English dubbing uses local accents a good idea but not successful.

    Why finish the story in such a stereotypical way.

    Nice location and food but the storyline sticks in the throat at the end.

    Even the main question is passed over to keep everyone happy ans safe.
  • I found the casting and acting to be phenomenal. The setting was stunning as it primarily took place at a beautiful Norwegian home on a lake. The show is filmed in Norwegian but the English subtitles are accurate. I wish there were more seasons to come but this story is certainly meant to be told as a short series which adds to the appeal. I found myself thinking about the ending and its meaning afterward which is a metric I use to assess a series: is it thought provoking and impactful? Yes. There was a lovely musical element and focus on real Swedish Midsummer traditions that brought so much color to the show. I would rewatch this series in anticipation of taking away a different message or noticing new details.
  • Being a big fan of all kinds of Scandi productions and Amalia Holm as well I really enjoyed episodes 1-4 of "Midsummer Night". But the last episode kind of ruined it for me because of the enforced harmony at the end. After all what happened that was far from believable.

    The visuals of "Midsummer Night" are stunning, the cast in parts stellar, esp. Pernille August, Dennis Storhoi and said Amalia Holm, who certainly could have more played free with a stronger acting partner. All in all "Midsummer Night" is worth to watch, touching a lot of questions about what you really want to do with your life. Wish they had had more time to enfold the story instead of 30 minutes per episode.

    I'd love to give them 10/10, but had to lower my rating because of the last episode.
  • The series starts off during the joyful festivities of Midsummer Night in the beautiful backdrop of Norway.

    This show begins with the parents with one looming secret, however it turns out that it is full of plot twists, secrets and complexities every family seems to encounter in real life.

    Many times you will question the character's motives and actions and will want to know what happens next.

    Compelling stories throughout the 5 episodes, and I am hoping for a second season so we can see these characters and their stories continue so lingering questions can be answered

    Highly recommend seeing the diversity of characters Amalia Holm plays in such shows as Motherland Fort Salem, Delete Me, Alena and Playground.
  • The series starts off with a dramatic scene full of tension that sets the tone for the rest of the show.

    It's full of plot twists, secrets and complexities we face as human beings in real life too.

    All of this comes to light during the joyful festivities of Midsummer Night in the beautiful Norway.

    You'll have some foreshadowing here and there that you'll pick up a hint or two that'll make you think, hmm that is probably linked to this or that and that makes you want to keep watching until you know it all.

    Compelling stories, an even more interesting end with yet many questions left unanswered, hoping on a second season so we can see these characters their stories continued.

    Because there is so much more to explore for these characters and their stories that were told in these 5 episodes.