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  • Comparing this movie to big-budget Hollywood films with A-list actors is impossible. So within the genre of modest-budgets with aspiring actors, this movie shines bright. Based on the true account of missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are forced to flee Germany before the advent of WW2, Director/Producer TC Christensen weaves a story with suspense, humor, and limited political context.

    Some of the one-line actors (Elders) could have been better coached, and I didn't care for the delivery from some of the primary characters.

    Despite these shortcoming, the sets were fantastic, scenes were realistic, and the overall atmosphere was beautifully done. Beyond that, the core message of God supporting his missionaries in a period of crisis was spot-on and inspiring.

    The additional details, during the end-credits were a huge bonus. I will watch this again, and I'll recommend this to others who wish to know the true 1939 account.
  • This film is beautifully made, moving, and remarkably revealing about events leading up to World War II. It is based on careful research about real events, yet at the same time tells an almost unbelievably powerful story. The closing credits were one of my favorite parts of the film: we see photos of the real people who are portrayed in the film, along with information that confirms the veracity of the story we have seen while extending that story beyond what the film portrays. The issues dealt with are thought provoking and chillingly relevant, including the plight of refugees, racial and religious prejudice, and the abuse of government power. But we also see the power of goodness in so many who are willing to risk their own safety to help and protect others.
  • T. C. Christiansen delivers again in this inspirational true story set in the backdrop of the beginning of WWII. A call comes from then president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to a mission leader in Germany. The message: Germany will invade Poland in 3 days. Three days later Germany begins mobilizing the military. This movie is about the miracles that ensue and how God will guide any of his children as they turn to him. It is also a reminder of the atrocities committed against the Jewish people at this time. This reminder is sadly still relevant in our world today. A great film for the entire family.
  • This movie was so incredible and shows that God's hand is in everything. Incredible true story, and a great reminder to turn to God in all things because He will direct you. Many negative comments about the dialogue not being realistic, but it was realistic because they are missionaries. That's how me and everyone else in my mission spoke pretty much. Very common to constantly quote scripture and talk about God. Absolutely loved this movie. One thing I loved was at the end they showed actual footage that one of the elders had taken while trying to escape from Germany. I loved that they also were able to interview the last living missionary that had escaped so they could get it as accurate as possible.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I went into this movie expecting and hoping it would be good. Boy was I disappointed.

    I think the story that the movie was based is a truly incredible one me and absolutely deserves to be told on the screen...which is why it baffles me that Christiansen managed to drop the ball so hard on this one. The score is honestly pathetic. It plays the same 3 piano pieces over and over and over for the entire movie duration which ended up making the runtime feel double what it actually was. It was hard for me to get invested in the action when there's the one track that they use whenever there's tension playing. It also felt like there were no stakes especially near the end. The entire nazi force is represented by this one German soldier that's randomly hellbent on stopping the missionaries. There's also really no climax to the movie. It just has a montage where he saves the rest of them and then he get to the mission center where the most egregious writing sin happens. "And then everyone clapped" is the is one of the dumbest writing tropes there is and they employed it in the worst way possible at the end by literally having everyone clap. Which brings me to the dialogue. Oh goodness the dialogue. There is just one thing I have to say to anyone reading this that isn't a member of the church: WE DO NOT TALK LIKE THAT!!!! This movie makes it seem like we talk in ridiculous archaic language and always quoting scripture in every other sentence and I hate it. I must assure you we talk like normal people and we talked like normal people did in the '40s.
  • I absolutely loved it. I think for those with a spiritual bent, they will appreciate the miracles evident in this true story. Even so, it was a fascinating account from an historic point of view. Not having known the story beforehand, it proved particularly riveting.

    The main actors all, as expected, did a great job. What impressed me, in addition, was the fantastic performances across the board. Though her part was small, the young actress who played the role of a little Jewish girl really stood out to me. When her family, especially her father,was being picked on by a Nazi official I was utterly convinced by her sorrow and I felt heartbroken. Tremendous acting chops for one so young.
  • brigham-321093 May 2024
    The writing was drab and stiff. The idea of 'Show Don't Tell' falls flat. The script could have used another 3-4 full revisions before going to production. So many dialogue elements could have been cleaned up. The acting was horrific and hard to stomach. The protagonist's constant 'smoldering' looks and dry delivery was nauseating. I laughed out loud on a few parts only to realize they were not meant to be funny.

    I understand it is low budget and for a specific audience but this one was a hard pill to swallow.

    2/3 of the movie was unbearable. The latter half of the 3rd act was redeeming and interesting. I enjoyed the end credits and the stories about the real people.
  • jimanie29 April 2024
    We just got back from seeing "Escape from Germany." WOW!!! It is one of the best movies we have ever seen. I expected it to be good, but not THIS FABULOUS!! Of course, they had great research and good material to work from with Terry Montague's book, "Mine Angels Round About: West German Mission Evacuation 1939." It was SO well done, in every respect, from the script, the filming, even the acting. It was just a great movie to watch. I'd back today and even pay to watch it again. I hope it comes out on Netflix or something once it is done in the theaters, but, hey, GO SEE IT!!! It doesn't matter what faith you belong to - it's a fascinating story. *Make sure to stay to read ALL of the credits - so many extra details about the people involved. To the very end. Don't miss any of it.
  • That may have just been the longest 1 hour 37 minutes of my life. The dialogue is horrendous and the scores are abysmal. I understand that it did not have a large budget but the money that they did have was not put in the right places. The cast should have been hired. The lead was alright but the rest of the main characters looked and talked like they had never been in front of a camera in their life. Part of this was the script and how badly written it was but the delivery was not it. I wish they would have explored the theme of each character because the true stories in the credits were semi interesting. Please don't waste your time like I did.