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  • A perfect example of money-laundry Macedonian movie where lot of money from the 'National Movie Fund' are wasted under the cover of movie making. The movie is trying to give us the picture of the transition years in Macedonia during the 90s, but beside the idea everything in this movie is wrong. Even Meto Jovanovski who plays the grandpa has his worst showing compared with his previous roles in 'Tatoo' and 'Before the rain'. The same applies for the other actors, who have had some decent showings in their previous roles, but this time they did something very bad. Considering also that the costume designer of the movie is director's wife it is very obvious that this movie was made just to be done, and to put the money in someones's pockets. It's a pity for Macedonia's cinematography every year to choose from 2-3 produced movies for national representative on the Oscars, and to pick the less terrible thing.
  • "A touching story of family and social relations, permeated with love, hopelessness, but also with a belief in miracles, set in contemporary Macedonia". The production value and the technical characteristics of the film are at a very high level, the photography is really good, the music is exquisite and the set on the lake is excellent. All actors are assertive and, in principle, flawless. Vlado, Meto and Emir can always build a role out of nothing and function in the same manner here. The younger actors, Kire and Ivana, got a difficult task since their characters are uncompleted sketches and they were supposed to be the ones that carry the emotional weight of the film. They managed this challenge well, even more experienced actors would have had difficulties pulling this out.
  • Sufficient is a solar beam to blind you for a moment to let you turn inward and they recalled the sublime beauty of the world... "Children of the Sun" is the latest Macedonian film directed by Antonio Mitrikeski that through the story of one big family caught in the grips with the local mafia and the strong love between the main protagonists, Mark and Angela raises the question of the eternal dialectic structure poles ethical categories , good and bad, love and loss, betrayal and redemption. This seemingly simple story told in a quite avant-garde way with incredible dynamism leads the viewer on a journey 93 min. after which standard questions no longer have a standard answer, which opens the prospect of breaching stereotyped patterns of civilization placement. Immediacy as a key element of cinematic expression of authentic Eastern European film aesthetics ripples through all levels of the film, ranging from acting to excellent VladoJovanovski, BiljanaTaneski, MetoJovanovski, MilicaStoyanova, the actors of the younger generation Ivana Pavlakovic, KamkaTocinovski through music of genius VlatkoStefanovski until costumes, stage design solutions that encircle unique impression. The strongest part of the film art, and it is the visual communication in "Children of the Sun" is brought to perfection primarily due to the extraordinary poetry of the staff and the impressive art composition of scenes which causes high aesthetic experience in the viewer. Pure aesthetic expression which is typical for films Mitriceski, predominantly present in his latest film "Children of the Sun", the director gives the possibility of having many layered and intensive communication with the viewer, as Mitrikeski great use in this movie.

    Humor as director and dramatic intervention in the moments when the story experiencing the strongest emotional charge in January vivisecira reality through an optimistic and bright prism that has a strong charismatic effect on the recipient. Comic expression of human imperfection causes empathy that encourages the viewer to think about the different essence. It is extremely positive film, which sets the drama, not address the problem, opens the options, possible solutions and beer the best. Hence the basic philosophical thought that runs through the film, that we are all children of the sun, undoubtedly reaches the audience. This film spread optimism, hope, teaches how to overcome tragedies, how to reach out to themselves, to others. "Children of the Sun" does not deny the human tragedy, on the contrary, shows us, puts us in front of eyes, he cuts through, and transform us is in a different form, which loses its tragedy, but raises human choice. The choice to choose love against death, kindness against hatred, hope versus despair.
  • smithclarkst11 September 2018
    'Children of the Sun', a film that tells the story of a family who are forced to leave their home, as they have crossed one of the local mob's interests, and start life all over again. Big hopes are put on teenage daughter Angela to save them by marrying a prosperous - but more than twice her age - man, but Angela has a secret life with her true love, the dangerous gangster Marko. This is a story about love, trust, sacrifice, betrayal and redemption. All these ideas are presented by charismatic characters, excellently portrayed by a talented cast.