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  • Jackbv1235 January 2024
    The story is a take on the common one where a child wants a boyfriend for mom. In this case there is a department store wish contest and Lily wins. Zach was the creator of the contest and sticks close to Emma during the early dating process. There is a brief meet-cute with no antagonistic period between the leads. Also thankfully there is no series of awkward dates which are usually more stupid than funny. There is really only one suitor via the contest setup. He seems charming, even perfect other than being obsessed with his cell phone. "Camera eats first."

    Lilly and Emma are exceptionally close as mother and adopted daughter. Lilly is a bright and an appealing 10 year old and seems older. This is another case where the kid and the romantic opposite form a great relationship.

    It is pretty obvious where the story going, but how that will play out isn't as obvious. That's done nicely.

    The acting is good especially the mom/daughter relationship. The dialogue is good. There is good chemistry amongst the three playing Lilly, Emma, and Zach.