User Reviews (50)

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  • rosecreeper19 January 2024
    I'll start this off with Roger did carry the movie. The first scene fell flat. It just wasn't good. When Roger appears, that's when the movie starts. As great as Roger was there are long periods of him talking "into the camera". It's confusing to follow if this is found footage or not, it's definitely a hybrid of sorts. So know that going into this. Some of the sounds don't quite match what is happening on the the post production turned it up just a tad too loud. The sfx was good, light gore that was believable. The acting wasn't terrible don't let people lie to you. There are far worse out there. If you watch as much horror movies as I do then you definitely know that's the truth. Also cut them some slack damn. People gotta start somewhere.

    Decent movie I'd like to see what happens to Roger next.
  • I'm always down for a low budget - found footage film. This is low budget. And not a found footage film. It's a weekend project amongst "filmmakers." Many times they attempt jump scares with run of the mill sound effects and Walmart Halloween masks. The lead - clearly does not have a southern accent in real life - and is doing a piss poor job of one for the movie.

    When it comes to found footage you want to create the illusion of it being real. That's why Blair with was stellar, because it felt real. B for effort but overall F for result. 85% of the movie is the lead just talking to the camera.
  • Dear God the acting is bad. He says everything and nothing at the same time. Repeating the exact same statement just in slightly different wording for way too long. Not sure if it got any more tolerable because we. Couldn't sit through more than 15 minutes of it. The special effects weren't the absolute worst that I've seen, so that's something. However, it didn't make up for the fact that it was insanely boring and I felt like it was high and totally not in a good way. Just in a way like I had no idea what was going on and everything was confusing. Absolutely wouldn't waste your time watching this if you want any form of entertainment.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I cannot fathom for the life of me the positive reviews for this movie; I will admit they duped me into watching this.

    I want to preface by saying: I'm a huge horror fan, I love found footage AND low-budget films, especially. I'm usually one to grant a high suspension of disbelief and give fair credit for effort, even in some lower quality films. L

    Everything about this movie was god-awful. The plot was thin/non-existent, entirely ripped from Blair Witch Project. The acting was equivalent to The Room. The found footage continuity didn't exist- music stings and background music, camera angles that don't make sense for any character holding a camera, characters appearing without any explanation to who they are (hillbilly guy and girlfriend at the fire...?) No backstory. Don't give a damn about the characters.

    I'll grant that I was a bit scared by the witch, the jump scares got me. But we equated the entire film to that of a ticketed haunted corn maze at Halloween. Spooky masks and ghouls who suddenly appear or charge you but never really make contact or harm you. Sure, it'll get your heart rate up for 30 seconds at a time when someone pops out and says BOO!

    Honestly, I find value in any moviegoing experience and I'm not mad that I watched it. I'm just mad at the truly unhinged positive reviews for this movie; I'm 100% sure they must be people who personally know someone attached to the film in some way.
  • What a rubbish movie wasting people's time! The story and the acting are definitely ridiculous. It's like, you can't find a worse movie than this one because it's the worst. The only one star is for the actors of Roger and Eli, not because their acting skills are good, simply because they're good looking. When you guys are in danger or desperation, you have to act, let viewers feel what you want to convey. And Roger, when you pull a knife out of your leg, it's definitely painful, and you have to act like it, you were even smiling somehow in the movie. This is absurd. I saw some people give 8, 9 or 10 stars. Oh come on, that's an absolute insult to the movie industry!
  • Let me start out saying I am not a fan of F. F. movies but I am a fan of indie film makers trying to make a mark in today's Film Industry. For some reason I found this one to be oddly pleasing and liked it. Even my wife (she is relentless on movies) enjoyed this one. If you are into F. F. movies then you may love it and if you are not into F. F movies, it would be a hit or miss with what you enjoy. The Practical effects and SFX effects were great. The acting was good there was some over the top spots but over all it was good. There is a decent amount of jump scares. Give it a watch and make your own decisions on what you thought.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film was a solid film for DBS! Was a bit slow for the first half but the second half definitely had me interested! I could definitely see how this was one of their lowest when it came to budget. However it was elevated to the fullest because of Benjamin L. Newmark's performance as Roger and Tatum Bates' performance as Kaylee! The jumpscares were a hit and miss for me but some of them did get me! Again, audio editing and editing in general needs to be worked on, but that's just me. I was praying that Roger and Kaylee were going to survive but of course they had to trick us with that fake ending! DBS - if you're reading my review please make some films with a happy ending ! It would really make the film payoff instead of a cheap everyone dies kind of ending. Overall solid movie - 8/10.
  • If you're looking for a scary movie.. A Cold Grave isn't a terrifying watch. But it is enjoyable because of its characters. There are some unexpected jump scares which DBS always delivers. I do like that it's more on the campy side, (Not that it's intended to be) But that's what makes it more charming to me. That cop is amazing, he blew me away with his acting skills.. I was so convinced he was a real cop. Officer Hawk? Or officer HAWT?

    Ben who plays Rodger does do a fantastic job since the movie mostly follows him. His character is very likable and you'll be rooting for him and his sister who's played by Tatum (also a wonderful actress). All the actors were impressive.
  • shaezor19 January 2024
    In my opinion A Cold Grave was a fun movie to watch. At the start there is a disclaimer that the film is recovered footage. Roger (Benjamin L Newmark) is searching for his missing sister Kaylee. Benjamin Newmark did a fantastic job as "Roger" and was fun to watch. He shows a wide range of emotion with his acting and overall I was impressed with him. The movie was beautifully filmed and is much cleaner than previous DBS Films. That said the reasoning for my rating was that the story line was a little chaotic and hard to follow. I left with questioning what actually happened. I also wouldn't classify this movie as found footage solely because there were many different angles and times I wondered who was holding the camera. If you are a DBS fan you will be delighted to see some familiar faces that were in other DBS films.
  • A cold grave is a unique one man show approach that asks the question; Can a one man movie be a good movie? My answer is yes it can. I love the unique, sometimes confusing idea of this movie. Ben Newmark brought Roger to life for the second time and he killed it. Sit back and enjoy this ride. Im a sucker for new, creative movie ideas. Push the boundaries, don't follow the typical FF molds and see what you can create. A cold grave is a start to that. I hope DBS keeps breaking the molds and goes for bold movie ideas. This may not be your cut of tea. Keep supporting indie horror movies/movie companies like DBS films.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A cold grave is something I never expected to like! I've already seen a few of their movies before including Forest of Death and Horror in the forest! And a few other of their movies. I think I just wish there was a little more jumspcares. For me I want to jump out of my chair, or fall of my bed cause I screamed so hard from the jumpscare. Other than that the acting was amazing! I do remember at the beginning it saying that this isn't one of their typical movies as it's found footage. It was also interesting to see them using a ouija board to figure out what the motive for the missing people were! Again fantastic movie! Would recommend to watch as it's something new and different!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Full warning for everyone camping in the woods, if you hear a baby? Don't go looking for it, call park rangers or cops! Don't risk your own life trying to be a hero!

    A cold Grave has a very good base storyline - being trapped in a forest that you can't find your way out of? Immediately sounds like a "Nope Adventure." I absolutely love movies/series like this, however, it does feel like a story that has already been told. It had me wishing and wanting more from the story. Like, why is there a witch in these woods near an active campsite? Whats her story? I'd love to get more of a back story about this witch. Maybe that's in the sequel?! It did lasting lingering thoughts which is a win for me! I would absolutely recommend this movie for any at home scare night fest!

    The acting was chefs kisses. I think Tatum and Andrew did a fantastic job. Tatums acting felt incredibly sincere. So captivating!
  • A Cold Grave is a product of a "what if" idea What if we did a whole movie with Roger (the character from "Forest of Death").

    What if we did a film with a scaled back budget.

    What if we did a film and let the lead completely improvise all the dialogue.

    This is the truest form of collaborative creativeness, and taking a chance.

    In many ways, this film should not have worked. It should have fallen into the abyss of unreleased independent films.

    Instead "A Cold Grave" is a success story of completion, cohesion and being a damn good movie. This is a found footage love letter to horror films of all sub-niches, sub-genres and audiences who just love a good story.

    I'm proud of this film and everyone who was a part of it.
  • jwlasniewski19 January 2024
    I have to say that I'm quite surprised that this movie was mainly just one man improvising the entire time. Unfortunately the very beginning of the movie was quite slow for me, however I was quickly pulled in with a plot twist, and from there, I was at the edge of my seat, curious as to what was going to happen next. There were some great jump scares which DBS always does well with, and the acting was phenomenal. I was especially impressed with Benjamin Newmarks acting capabilities. He played the role of Roger incredibly well.

    Note: You will want to watch 'Forest of Death' to understand 'A Cold Grave' better.
  • Hits you in the face right in the beginning with what is happening and what you will see. Main character narrates the action well and pulls you in. There are some great suspenseful spots where you find yourself wanting the scene to hurry and show you what is about to happen as it makes you suffer and wait. Good twist at the end brings it full circle and teaches a lesson: don't go where others have disappeared. The acting was good. The sound and lighting can be very spotty in these indie films but this group has their act together and there were no issues throughout the film. It is a short running time which I appreciate since most movies are too long now.
  • Clearly the movie was low budget but they did well with what they had. I particularly enjoyed the opener and the twist at the end. The only reason I'm not giving this movie 10 stars (again, considering it was low budget) was that there were too many scenes where the main character spoke directly into the camera. Those scenes were a little slow and I felt lacked depth, as the character just kept saying he needs to find his sister over and over again. Overall I enjoyed the jump scares a lot they definitely gave me a scare! Lol I really hope they make a sequel eventually so I can learn more about the lore.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    DBS has come a long way and their latest movies are proving it. The makers of the movies listen to their fans' feedback and take it into consideration when making their movies, and it truly feels good to know your opinion is valued. Being able to help out as a fan just by giving our opinion makes us feel like we're part of something bigger and brings us closer as a community of like minded individuals with similar interests. This movie transformed into a journey for the lead character which, in many ways, felt inspiring and reminiscent of a sibling's love knowing no bounds. Family is everything to me, and the way he fought and searched desperately for his sister was evidently clear and honestly touching. The ending unfurled as expected, but my favorite part was his dream of what a happy ending could have been, in a perfect world with a corny Hallmark ending. I enjoy those moments when a character wakes up and that happy ending is ripped away from them by the cold sinking realization that they are doomed after all.
  • tinalee5919 January 2024
    This movie is intense. It keeps you guessing as to what is going on in the woods regarding Kayleigh's disappearance. Told through the eyes of her brother Roger, who is trying to find her. Suspenseful twists and turns keep you on the edge of your seat. Is she dead, is she alive? Is there some kind of portal she is stuck in? Is everything Roger experiences real, or figments of his imagination? Does he make it out alive with Kayleigh? Does he find her dead? Is he going crazy with worry? Do the woods make people go crazy? This is a must-see if you enjoy suspense, horror, mystery and adventure! Highly recommended!
  • Great indie film with a unique story line. It opens on Roger telling the story of how these people, including his sister, went missing and follows him as he searches for her in Rudwick Forest. Through his search he finds the recordings of others and shares with us. Eventually cul.inating in his needing to leave the forest.

    The pacing is good the writing is excellent and the cinematography eclipses the last films. As always I just see DBS Films getting better and better. It's only a matter of time till they are making theatrical releases.

    The lead, Ben L. Newmark, is fantastic as Roger. He can make you feel what he is feeling and pulls you in to the character. You are with him throughout the film as if your the Camera person, stuck in this forest with him.

    Nothing is of course perfect bit I give it an 8/10.
  • When you watch an indie film it's like listening to an undiscovered band's demo. You have to see the artistry and storytelling through the lack of hollywood budget. This movie does a good job of laying out the story in a slow burning way that makes you want to find out more. The tension builds as answers bring more questions. The ending is satifying and is somewhat predictable given what the main character is trying to figure out and how he goes about it. The main character is well acted and believable as a greiving brother understandible upset and stubborn enough to not wait for the authorities to take their time with an investigation and simply goes out on his own to figure out the mystery.
  • A Cold Grave is a slow burn dark mystery and a character study of a broken man searching for his sister when she goes lost in the woods. With some heartfelt and emotional acting, the found footage cinema style film hits well into the somber and dark realm of family, personal doubt, and with a hint of paranormal evil that keeps you engulfed in the story. Some points could have more gore and perhaps transitioned better into eachother but a solid and clear story was given.

    Benjamin L. Newmark gave a very solid and entertaining performance as the main character. The story follows his smart al-eck approach to a sibling in fear that falls into a very real sense of disguising pain by smoking, making smartass remarks, and yelling into darkness. Plus great rockstar hair Newmark carries the movie as it moves forward.

    Tatum Bates gives a very sweet wide eyed and excited performance which then becomes harsher as her circumstnces change and fear steps in. Her range of emotion hits very well and definitely fits every scene shes in. This young talent will definitley be in more movies.

    All in all the enitire cast gave solid performances and you can tell this movie was made with a low budget but with high hopes and great crafting with in a passion project. Great independent film. Highly recommended.
  • kcelkis19 January 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    I love this movie, the humor, the suspense, and seeing there is more to Roger. The ouiji board scene was amazing, it made my blood run cold, in a good way. The darkness of the forest and limited lighting really makes you wonder what would be lurking out there. Now I have to admit, I kind of laughed at the witch because she looked a bit cartoony, but hey what's a horror film without a little bit of humor to take the edge off before coming back at you again with another scare. Honestly, I waited so long to see this indie horror movie, and in my opinion it's worth the wait. Looking forward to what DBS Films will do next.
  • A crazy rollercoaster ride of emotions and cameras, "A Cold Grave" tells the story of a sibling bond broken by the evils that lure & lurk in the woods.

    There are plenty of creepy moments and intriguing monologues by Roger, the loving brother obsessed with finding his missing sister. He will reign down fury upon anyone that dares to get in the way of his mission!

    Humor is sprinkled amongst the gore and jump scares for a nice balance. There are times where it's hard to follow the storyline and which camera is watching who and when, but there are some good performances and unique elements that make it worth the rental.
  • A Cold Grave is a must-watch for fans of the horror genre, especially those who appreciate the found footage style. It successfully combines a compelling narrative, skillful cinematography, and solid performances to create an unforgettable and unique cinematic experience. This film stands out as a testament to the creativity and innovation that can be achieved within the horror genre.

    Without giving away any spoilers, A Cold Grave also manages to delivers a thought-provoking conclusion. The suspenseful build-up definitely pays off. Overall an enjoyable watch, excited to see what DBS Films does next!!
  • rmcgraw-5640721 January 2024
    Dbs never fails with their movies. I always enjoy them and a cold grave served my expectations. Overall the whole plot was great and the acting was even better. The sfx too is crazy. Dbs kills it every time and i look forward to the new movies they put out. If you like horror you will like this, watch it with some friends or put it on and watch it by yourself you will like it, but either way its an absolute must watch! Looking forward to seeing the future work for dbs and the amazing actors who worked very hard in this movie!! A cold grave is one of my favorites and i'll definitely watch it again!
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