User Reviews (10)

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  • A tragedy and human interest film. A nice tight little film with largely believable roles except for the mobster's wife. But since people do stupid things every minute of the day, I can't call it unrealistic. I found it entertaining to the end. Taking the low budget into account, and given the few sets and limited characters, it's almost brilliant. The negative for me is that it's not terribly interesting. But it's better than average for what it is. A human interest story . It stars the same guy who wrote and directed it. That's impressive for a film that holds its own for 90 minutes among other higher budget movies. J.
  • If I were you, I would read the storyline and then watch the first 15 minutes and then the last 20 minutes. Don't say I didn't tell you. The entire movie is really a waste of time. I was upset that I watched it through until the last 30 minutes. The ending is almost 2/10. I know this review might be a tough one, but it's the truth. It doesn't deserve the 4/5 start that's given on Amazon Prime.
  • Long and boring.

    Characters wasn't believable and plot plain stupid.

    It felt like a C movie.

    When dialogue is so not natural, it's really hard to judge the actors performance, but i think Patrick Lazzara did a good job, but I think he should stick to acting.

    Best advice: RUN!
  • I'm 30 minutes in it feels like it's been over an hour, the script is horrible. Every word just feels put on and not believable I've seen better films of the same quality as this Save yourself and watch stripper's Vs werewolves Or cockneys vs zombies bad films but 100 times better than this.
  • georgegiles-3202915 April 2022
    Good twisted thriller movie!!! A must watch movie if you like a twist in crime thriller! This movie is for you! Great movie overall! Good actors and so many twist to the movie u don't know what's coming next!
  • Filmmakers often wonder why they get all these one's; there's two reasons... 1) the wannabe critics can't count past one. 2) to offset clearly blatant shill high reviews. I'm going to guess it was the latter for the current two 1's, only because of the original five 10/10's, of which this film is clearly not worthy of. I too would normally avoid any films with shill reviews and automatically give them 1's. But I was bored, and gave this one a chance after the trailer intrigued me, but expecting to turn it off within 20 mins. I didn't.

    It's actually one of the better low budget B films I've seen in a while. Short-film actor Patrick Lazzara produced, wrote, directed and also starred in this, his first full length feature film, with only four previous short-film credits. I will say that from all the actors, Lazzara was the most convincing. He reminded me a lot of Donnie Wahlberg's character in Blue Bloods when he had his gun drawn approaching a crime scene. Maybe the others would've been slightly better with a more experienced casting director. Dawn Barber seemed the most inexperienced and unconvincing of them all, whilst Donnie Blankenship held his own, with John Fava and Agostino Bommarito being just way too overboard in many scenes.

    Lazzara's directing was surprisingly great, with excellent shots and cinematography. The fade ins and outs did get a little tedious though. The score was surprisingly spot-on, especially for a B film, where it's usually loud, overbearing, constant and unfitting. Lazzara knew when to score and when not to, and made an excellent choice hiring Pietro Milanesi for his music. Lazzara's writing was also impressive, with a very cohesive screenplay that flowed well with flashbacks at the perfect moments. The story was refreshingly original for your typical mob-story genre, with more focus on character-study dramatics than mob shoot-outs. The pacing was a little slow, but bearable in the decent 99 min runtime.

    Aside from your typical rookie mistakes and sub-par acting, for Lazzara to wear so many hats as an inexperienced filmmaker, and actually pull off an interesting and captivating film, flawed and all, is still an impressive feat. If you can look past the expected flaws from a new and upcoming filmmaker - and they're not that bad, this is a good one-time watch. It's better than some films I've seen lately from some seasoned filmmakers. It's not a 10, and surely undeserving of 1's, but it is a well earned 7/10 from me, especially considering it's a first feature film from an inexperienced filmmaker.
  • This film was captivating from start to finish. There are plenty of twists and turns that leave you guessing as to how it will end. Pat Lazzara carried the film with a great acting and directorial debut. The storyline is suspenseful and dark. A great movie to see!
  • If you are looking for a suspenseful crime drama, this is your movie! Don't want to give too much away but be prepared for some twists and turns. The actors shine as their characters and bring depth and interest to the screen. Support Indy movies and give this a try....
  • This is a great action movie, with just enough suspense and twists to keep you not sure what's coming next. Really nice camera work and cinematography.
  • Really enjoyed this flick. Great neo-noir cinemtography, great acting, plenty of surprises but still easy to follow.

    Great movie to stream at home if you missed it.