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  • The Catholic Church is the largest provider of charity in the world bar none. The idea of providing for the less advantaged was not originated by Bob (or perhaps I should refer to him as St Bob), nor does it end with the retirement of Bob. Fr. Bob was "retired" not because he "challenged", but because the faith he has is no longer catholic. His position as a catholic priest was based on his adherence to church teachings and humility...Fr Bob can no longer claim either of those things. The movie runs like an overly long advert for the Church of Bob. He spends most of the time "sound biting" the media attention grabbing, secular loving trite that has helped keep him in the spotlight. The funniest line was when he claimed that he hated all of the attention (yet he has always performed to a crowd?!)! The church services shown in this movie were Bob centric and surely highlighted why he needed to go rather than serving as an argument as to why he should stay.