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  • This anime is like a car crash, its terrible yet you can't help but want to watch it happen.

    The main character has the ability to kill anything, instantly. There's not draw backs, no weaknesses, if you want to kill him then you instantly die. That sounds about as entertaining as watching paint dry, given you'll always know what happens next.

    Yet this show manages to keep you watching with how poorly they show the story. The pacing was giving me whiplash, and they would spend so much time introducing a character and giving them a deep backstory to only kill them off two seconds later.

    This show had me laughing "why!" more times than I can count, I always was excited to see just how the next episode would top the stupidity of the last one. And they did a great job. At the end of it all, it was genuinely entertaining. If you go in expecting trash that's fun to watch and mock, you'll have an amazing time.

    4/10 execution, 7/10 entertainment.
  • Expect the same trope that they sling out every season: "A normal, average high schooler is nerd and now he's overpowered." This anime is the best kind of rubbish. Now, for the next twelve episodes, this dense, obnoxious self-insertion will beat people in progressively weird ways while surrounded by other obnoxious characters. Although what we received in its place may be inferior, it still receives a 10/10 for enjoyment. It's humorous because it takes the overpowering protagonist cliche to its logical conclusion. I adore this overpowered protagonist insane no story power fantasy spoof that is essentially junk food anime.