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  • kainatrc24 January 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    This series is neither about murder rape or brutal killing or ghost stories yet its scary and frightening. The name defines that it has something about related to marriage and this is absolutely true. Our country is a place where girls are always looked upon as inferior if they cross 25 or 26 and after this there is pressure from society as well as relatives to get her married soon and if they are not married even if they are financially independent,people start to taunt them either directly or indirectly. Here we can see how financially independent girls,single mother and widowed fall under the trap of scamners and frauds through the matrimonial websites. Infact this matrimonial frauds are very skilled and have a group of people who help them to trap any girl by observing their likes and dislikes,their emotional degree of trusting anyone nd also they study the full knowledge about their financial status. The frauds know very well how to play the card of cheating through various levels and after earning faith and trust they start destroying trust and love of their partners and at the same time they make them lose their hard earned or saved finances either in form of money or jewelery.

    This series is a must watch for everyone from unmarried girls and boys,their parents and also the single moms to widowed ladies. This series can help a lot of people to prevent themselves from any kind of cheating whether it's financial,emotional or physical.
  • hkgxukw14 April 2024
    This series us about intelligent women who are taken advantage of by con men and left hurt, betrayed, and shamed by society. This is not just an India problem, this has reached a global scale. These rom con men (and con women) should be prosecuted for many years and made to pay back the monies they steal. It is the same as an assault and should be prosecuted as such. We see this all the time in the United States where the woman tries to sue the partner after giving them "gifts" and then take them to court after he never returns the money and moves on. The law views it as- nope you were dating and therefore it was a gift. It doesn't matter if he is a womanizer who preyed upon her to get money because no law in place. Had there been no interaction and he stole from her purse, it's considered robbery. But take it further and do emotional damage and take money under the guise of love and promised marriage, and the law does nothing. It's robbery and assault and I think this is one of the best portrayals I have seen in regards to how men prey upon women and do lasting damage. This happened to a friend of mine who he engaged her and got close to her family so they would co-sign him to get a truck. Once he got the truck he broke it off with her leaving her ashamed and it created a financial burden and rift in her family. We prosecute those who get into relationships with elderly and take their money because we can classify it as elder abuse. Let's figure out a way to get this dating abuse legally classified in all countries and start prosecuting these pigs for robbery and assault.
  • I wud recommend everyone who as a tiniest interest in this serial must watch -The Tinder Swindler- before coming to understand this serial. I understand that all the Cons starts with same modus operandi they used in western world first.

    In India marrige is so important for Gals and the social pressure to have better husband monterey then them is what this serial reflects. The pressure makes you do mistakes I like the comment by phychologist in the serial that Non of gals are stupids or fool but they just ignore red flags blindly looking at monetory gains in marriage Story line is simple to financial cons looking for money from these husband seekers. And cons are oneup and professionals in plan.

    A good start for all gals to watch not to avoid cons but try to search husband not a start-up financer, and loose all the small capital U saved so far

    Not made well. But message is clear and boys U must also watch cons do come in Gals too.