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  • LaLuchaEsVida12 December 2023
    This come back... Last chapter was good and on the rise I would say from the rest since people have stopped playing. No builds have continue to rise and with OG season releasing we just knew something big was coming but what? Well not only did we just get Peter Griffin in the season pass as well as snake, new movement, and new map as well. I thought that would be peak but yet they dropped LEGO Fortnite and feels like a souls game with Minecraft stuff we been wanting for a while... Unbelievably just the most fun mode they dropped in a while! As well we got racing which ain't bad and Fortnite festival which is somehow actually having success and looking like a great times with friends, as well a battle pass that goes with that mode as well. It may be too soon to review this chapter but if this the BEGINNING, it's a 9/10. Excited was is yet to come.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Due to life reasons I didn't play fortnite OG a lot I also didn't hear of the big bang event until after it happened but chapter 5 season 1 got me back in fortnite there is lego fortnite which is just minecraft rocket racing which is just racing and fortnite festival which Is just guitar hero for some reason I love it when ever fortnite crossovers with family guy all though I don't watch the show and I just loved everything about chapter 5 season 2 from the live events to the family guy chicken but S3 it took away some of the stuff that I loved from S2 but I still like it oh also no fg yet😆 h.
  • In 2021, with two incredible chapters, we were waiting for Fortnite: Chapter 3 to release and hoped it would be great. However, Chapter 3 failed to impress us and some people called it the "worst chapter".

    In Chapter 4 though, Fortnite gave a great comeback and impressed me very much. OG Fortnite was Fortnite at its peak, and I loved how the chapter ended. We didn't see a live event in years before this.

    Then came this. I don't understand the point of adding Rocket Racing, LEGO Fortnite and Fortnite Festival, as they had nothing to do with the game whatsoever.

    Peter Griffin had no point coming into Fortnite as well, and I have to wait 1 hour before getting into the game because of these stupid queues! I also missed half the live event!!! In season 2 which recently came out, absolutely nothing changed, and yet so many people were hyping it up as if it's going to change the history of the world.

    If you think chapter 3 is the worst chapter, play chapter 5. What a bunch of crap.