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  • This Modern Man is Beat is a dramatic short film featuring professional cinematography and visuals. The narrative was intriguing, with a shocking plot twist at the end. I did anticipate the plot twist correctly within the first few minutes of the film, but was satisfied with the narrative, nonetheless. I do feel as if some of the dialogue and pauses between scenes were a tad awkward or artificial - the main character, Habib bin Habin al Fulan, often spoke too little or too long. Upon exiting the motel in the first half of the movie, the camerawork showed several angles to view Habib and his surroundings with, including a dog laying on the other side of the road. The lengthy shots suggested something significant or dramatic would occur, perhaps with the dog or the area Habib was in, but nothing of note happened besides the transition to the next location. The story itself was compelling, though it lacked the backstory that I felt was necessary to truly appreciate the film. Overall, I would rate this as a quality film with a lot of room for an expanded story. Much potential for a longer, more intricate adaptation.
  • "Exploring contemporary manhood and profound existential doubts, 'This Modern Man Is Beat' offers a gripping story. Its starkly minimalist style coupled with evocative filmmaking fashion an eerie environment for the main character's reflective quest. Characters navigate their identities, feelings of isolation, and outside pressures in a highly realistic manner. Guided by Director Alex Merkin's command, it weaves together insightful narratives that linger long after viewing end credits roll up on screen.

    In its short duration run-time spans out enough to allow viewers space to delve into themes around our existence and self-awareness journey."
  • This 17-minute-long film is enough to see the devastation that the main character, a foreigner called Habid, suffers due to lack of money to pay for the rent of the motel where he lives with his wife. The contrast between their tender happy moments of the past and the present tough ones that they go through comes to the foreground by a very good use of light. The loneliness and emptiness that the quiet desert portraits work as a backdrop of this man's lack of multiples resources to bring their lives back to normalcy. Unable to control his wife in one of her hysterical outbursts of anger and rage, he goes to the extreme of taking her life. He is too blind and desperate to see that there is always hope and a way out for people's helplessness. He returns to the pawn shop ready to accept whatever is offered for his guitar. To his surprise, the owner of the shop tells him that at that moment he is in luck because now his guitar is worth more money. Moreover, he is also given a job vacancy form to fill in. However, now it is too late. A police officer opens the door and aims his gun at him. With very little action involved, this short film highlights a bunch of feelings and emotions that ultimately convey what human beings are subjected to when torn by extreme situations.
  • This Modern Man Is Beat, a phenomenal short film with a very good unexpected turn of events. It had stunningly beautiful and colorful scenes. The film kept me tense the whole way through. Wondering what had gotten Habib in such a depressed mood. The small hints and details throughout specific scenes not giving you the whole picture but slowly leading you to to make your own assumption of the situation. The mains characters quick development of emotions towards the end was very well curated, it had really left you with a lot to think about. I would love to watch it again and recommend this film to everyone.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The greatness of this film lies more in what is intimated than in what is presented. On the surface, the plot of the movie seems relatively simple: a man goes to a pawn shop to sell his guitar. However, the backstory that is only alluded to and not even seen is incredible. I've never seen a movie use negative space so effectively. The narrative is presented in little fragments, leaving the remaining details to your imagination. It began by striking the person with the appropriate emotions. How effectively the primary character was able to convey each feeling. He conveys his sorrow over his wife's memories in a way that also conveys his feeling that there is a slim chance that things will return to the way they were. The small amount of joy he experienced upon learning that he was able to sell his guitar for a little bit more money. He started to feel the weight of what had transpired, the desperation he had experienced upon realizing the police were going to arrest him.
  • ul3vm10 February 2024
    I can see a lot of thought and effort went into creating this film. All the actors did great. It has some nice cinematic shots, my favorite one actually being used as the cover. At the same time, the dialogue is telling not showing. One example is the long drawn-out scene of his wife being still on the bed while Habib talks to himself. It has an abrupt tone shift from "Can you say something? Are you going to stay in bed all day?" to "You don't believe me but it's okay cause I was lying." It feels drastic because nothing happened in those 30 seconds. Unprompted, Habib overly narrates to the audience and both men at the pawn shop. His background and ethnicity give depth to the character but within the film itself, it's awkwardly stated and adds nothing. The events between Habib and his wife would be more impactful to the audience if you cut to flashbacks to hear and see what happened in real-time instead of Habib retelling it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie doesn't do much to steer far from your run of the mill thriller,. It has solid ideas presented and for the most part is actually well paced. For being a short film however, it could've honestly used some its time building on its characters, particularly the protagonist and/or his wife. I think if either of those characters had given me more material to care about them, all of the plots twists and structures could've landed harder. The short film excels with its acting and cinematography and those aspects I feel are the film's greatest strengths. The symbolisms in its cinematic style are also nice in its subtlety. Though the montages and muted dialogue scenes in the flashbacks I believe can be a weakness. I understand showing and not telling but sometimes these interactions can work better to serve its characters instead of appearing only as glimpses. However, for where the scenes are placed it contrasts well to the idealized daydreams he reaches for in denial. So far that lack of development and how predictable some of the story beats are, are what happen to make the film ordinary. I feel the film at best is a decent viewing if there is nothing else to watch; this film probably would work a lot better if it was a feature. With how short this film is though it should've focused on making its characters more interesting, the background info on Habib could've gone somewhere but it ultimately was just exposition. One thing that I strongly feel the film in its current state suffers from and can do without is Habib's depiction as a half Palestinian man, I can get behind him being El Salvadoran to bring a job opportunity but it does nothing for his character being an Arab. I bring this up because in a post 9/11 world, this portrayal of Arab people in villainous/violent roles is just a reflection of how wrongly perceived they are in real life. It may have not been the films' intentions but this aspect serves to reinforce western fears of "the untrustworthy middle eastern man" stereotype. If the film wanted to center around him being foreign, it can do that, but here it just feels like throw away information and feels poorly handled.
  • HayleyM123419 September 2023
    The short film "The Modern Man is Beat" is a wonderful film in my opinion. Most films are predictable but this one kept me on my toes wondering what was going to happen next. The quality of the film was top tier. It was very clear. It had "eye catching color". The actors chosen for this film were amazing and high level. But I would love to see more and learn more about the wife's story and see from her perspective. The ending surprised me and had me shocked which is surprising. I would 100% recommend this film to someone to someone who likes to be surprised and if you want to just watch a great film.
  • lauren-9529829 November 2023
    The short film "This modern man is beat" is a riveting short film produced and written by David Schroeder. From the amazing actors, to the intense cinematography, and engrossing music, this film keeps you entertained throughout the whole film. The story of a man trying to navigate himself in todays discriminatory society. The film shows a mans experiences while dealing with his personal relationships, such as that with his wife, and evaluating his personal life decisions. We watch as this foreign mans love for America is put to the test when it feels as though America may be against him. It is a feeling many can relate to and therefore creating a very touching story.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "This Modern Man Is Beat" tells the story of a troubled, guilt ridden man. It is a simple yet compelling story, though it may feel cliche, its storytelling is done wonderfully so, to the point where it does not feel as just a simple retelling of an exhausted cliche. The story revolves entirely around the protagonist, and for such a short film, it makes sense. All the elements of the story are very well done and introduced, it wraps everything up nicely. I personally really enjoyed how the character's (Habib) guilt plays a huge role in the film, as it's arguably the reason the film even happens to begin with. He murders his wife, which admittedly, was more predictable than rain in a desert, but the way it affects him, feels incredibly human. He's not some psycho mastermind, just a man, and as all men do, he has flaws and a conscience, and morals, and all those elements which makes us human. Naturally, the murder was an accident, and he goes on to cope by basically living in denial, which is very well portrayed up to the point where it boils up, eating him alive, and he confesses his sin to a store clerk. Very nice film, and for like 15 minutes of actual storytelling, it's worth the watch.
  • Actually a really good movie, at first didn't think it'd be worth my time watching it but the more I watched the more I connected with the protagonist who feels beaten by life, at this point where he is trying to do better for him and his wife, somehow the movie is short but able to provide a full story leading you to focus so deeply into the movie up to the part where it takes a drastic turning point and you learn what happened between the protagonist and his wife, which leads to the ending that caught me completely by surprise, also the way it is structured to fit right in the moment when you get hopeful for the character when everything is looking to get better the turning point happens and catches you off guard, something so unexpected.
  • Rating: 4 Stars

    Review: "This Modern Man Is Beat" is a captivating exploration of identity and cultural assimilation. The film follows the journey of a Muslim man navigating the unfamiliar terrain of beatnik culture. Through beautifully crafted scenes and genuine performances, it delves into the complexities of personal and cultural identity. While some parts of the narrative may feel disjointed, the overarching themes of belonging and authenticity resonate deeply. The cinematography adds depth to the storytelling, capturing the clash between tradition and modernity with striking visuals. Overall, "This Modern Man Is Beat" offers an engaging and thought-provoking cinematic experience that lingers in the mind long after the credits roll.
  • This Modern Man is Beat was beautifully shot and written. It tells the compelling love story turned deadly. Throughout the film the colors of it is was really did it for me and the amount of emotion in the film. The small hints through the film slowly but surely put the story together in such a depressing way. All through the depressive and grief filmed story there was truly a love story that blossomed and gave the watchers this glimmer of hope only to be shot down at the end of the story. The way Habib quickly switched any type of emotion he had gives it a disturbing point to the story. In all the film was awesome.
  • davidvaldes-645365 April 2024
    "This Modern Man Is Beat" is an exceptional short film that captivates with its unexpected plot twist. Its visually striking scenes are filled with vibrant colors, keeping viewers on edge throughout. The mystery surrounding Habib's melancholy state is skillfully revealed through subtle hints, allowing viewers to piece together the puzzle themselves. The main character's emotional journey is portrayed with depth and nuance, leaving a lasting impression. The film really opens your eyes to a new perspective on a different life. I'm eager to revisit and highly recommend this thought-provoking film to all.
  • This is great short film created by an amazing effort of a small talented group of professional actors and great developing crew back in 2015. The hypnotic film under 17 minutes long will have you on the edge of your seat. The film is full sounds and profound music, with every eye-catching color and romantic scenes completely sequestrated all the senses. it is easy to get lost into the storyline and get your mind blown away with the tragic emotional twist. Astonishing performance; The holistic story of a man broken man living in a world divided by cultural differences and confusion. Habib bin Habib al Fulan, (Jordi Villasuso) the submissive loving and dedicated husband whose sole purpose in his life was to cherish his wife (Sheena Colette). Fierce warrior cast from the Americas the antagonist of the story. The great dark secret that Habib and his wife share while sharing his state of denial. Turmoil and the struggle to reach out beyond the heartbreak and enormous grief in his heart. All that Habib could hope for was an attempt to reconcile his demons and return with his beloved wife. Longing to share one more moment with his beloved one. Habib attempting to pawns his guitar for fist-full of dollars, with the endeavor of a fresh start. The money would catapult new hopes and dreams for the young couple, together again. This is a great film that must be watch over and over, new twist along this great performance of splendid actors and the amazing direction of Prof. David Schroeder. The unique style of cinematography can only be contemplated as masterpiece amongst many. Congratulation to the Team for executing this fantastic film and creating this powerful impression of poetry in motion for all generations.
  • mariejiz6 April 2024
    One of a Kind Suspenseful movie, where the dramatic situation engages the audience's attention until the last minute. This remarkable film awoke my curiosity and I felt fascinated by every scene where the quality of the photography is amazing. The picture in this movie talks by itself. The main characters open your mind to millions of possibilities, where the intrigue plays its part to figure out the end. This incredible production and writing work were performed by David J. Schroeder. His Masterpiece attracted me to watch it again, so I highly recommend it to everyone. I feel so proud of your work, professor!
  • gonzalovc10 November 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    This phenomenal short film of 17 minutes with a surprising unexpected turn of events left me frozen at the end of the film. From the beginning of the film the beautiful and colorful scenes contrasted with the main protagonist's flashbacks caught my attention. The film kept me tense the whole way through the small hints and details throughout the scenes not giving you the whole picture but slowly leading you to make your assumption of the situation and turning the movie into a dark ending. The main character's quick development of emotions towards the end was very well curated, it left you with a lot to think about.

    Of course, I would recommend to my family and friends to watch this movie especially since we are in Men's Mental Health Month (MMHM) we should be aware that we all have our battles in our head and we can defeat them on time.
  • Being a younger movie enjoyer I find myself typically being interested in great shot setup and costume , so at first this movie did not really grab my attention. Once I rewatched it a few times I was able to see through my aesthetic gripes with some of the shots and see that the merit of the film lies in it's complex plot structure and deeply eerie vibe. The simplicity of the plot is mixed by being told in a non-chronological order. It can definitely through the viewer for a loop if they're not ready for such a heavy experience. Would recommend if you have time to kill and want to watch something that will leave an impact!
  • This short story thriller follows Habid who is in extreme emotional turmoil and reaches his breaking point. A once sweet, loving, and affectionate man becomes cold after bitterness and the many hardships of life. Unable to fathom how events transpired, Habid is lost and desperate to find a solution. This thriller drama leaves the viewer hungry for more, it is an absolute MUST-SEE! The film leaves the viewer engaged and at the edge of their seat from start to end. One is left wondering if this the end is or just the beginning of Habid's story. The writing is enticing, and the actor's portrayal is on point. Just go watch and see for yourself.
  • "This Modern Man Is Beat" is an extremely suspenseful and Intriguing film that leaves you with a lingering feeling that something is the best way possible. The cinematography of this short film was nothing short of amazing. The shots of landscape, close ups, and unique camera angles really gave this piece a mainstream movie touch. The acting in it was astonishing as well. The actor Jordi Vilasuso tied the whole piece together. His feelings of agony and frustration was presented beautifully throughout the piece. The writing itself was very intricate and makes you think. Many details are left for speculation or require you to really dig deep to understand. This Modern Man Is Beat is an exhilarating film that keeps you thinking and wanting more.
  • dguilian31 October 2023
    This is one of those films that leaves you with a reflection and a feeling of wanting to know more. The story becomes intriguing after a couple minutes of not exactly understanding whats happening. I admire its revolution about the meaning of what a ¨Modern Man¨ is as it is not often explored, it reflects on the effects that the stress of being reliable as a man signifies and it does it with just enough of a dramatic tone. On the cinematographic side, the lighting, the camera angles and the performance, create an intriguing mood that suits perfectly with the piece. Overall, it is a great film!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First off, The Modern Man Is Beat was amazing. I love the way this whole thing was executed, especially the characters. When I first saw the movie, it was boring, but during the middle of the movie, it had my best interest at heart. The character, Habib was amazing, but I did not like when he ended up killing his own wife, which made me cry a little. Overall, the movie was amazing and sad at the time because I did not expect the ending to be sad, but I loved the movie a lot. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is interested to watch this movie. Habib was such an amazing character and depressed.
  • "This Modern Man is Beat" is a poignant and thought-provoking cinematic gem. The film portrays daily difficulties, such as stereotypes, financial problems, and moral dilemmas, both captivating and truthful. Director Alex Merkin skillfully navigates the narrative, creating moments of happiness, anger, and intense sadness. Jordi Vilasuso captures the essence of a man who undergoes various struggles and emotions, delivering an outstanding performance. Besides the fantastic performance and writing, the photography and visuals are clear and match the scene's mood, constructing a stunning masterpiece. The film is 10 out of 10 stars, from the writing and performance to the visuals and music. "This Modern Man is Beat" is a must-watch emotional exploration of human fights and experiences.
  • saby-3305611 February 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    Is a gripping short film that delves into the psyche of a man who, left with nothing, confronts the consequences of his actions after killing his wife. Through stellar performances and evocative storytelling, it explores themes of loss, guilt, and redemption, leaving a haunting impression on viewers with its exploration of moral ambiguity and the resilience of the human spirit. It's a gripping story about guilt, loss, and redemption that captivates with its strong performances and thought-provoking themes. This film leaves a lasting impact, making viewers question morality and the human capacity for forgiveness.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is an interesting film, although there's not too much dialogue but the actor Jordi Vilasuso as the main character can express his struggle with emotions. This movie grabs the audience's attention by giving us little details so that they get the same sense of desperation as the protagonist. The final scene is very shocking, and it shows the complexities that come with being a man. I recommend watching this short film since it shows the struggle of being in an abusive relationship from a man's perspective. It also addresses man's pressures of bottling up their feelings. The open resolution at the end also lets you wonder what could have happened so everyone can have a different interpretation.
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