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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I used to LOVE this movie as a kid. In fact i used to love nearly ALL the Sune movies. But that was when i was a KID. Now these movies kind of suck when i go back to them.

    If you are 6-11 years old or something you'll find this movie quite funny. It's an OK movie when it comes to comedy, but when you get older and want to re-watch this movie when you are about 12+ years old it's just REALLY boring.


    • The movie is good for younger kids.

    • The movie has SOME unique and creative comedy scenes, but mostly only ones that a quite young audience will think are funny.

    • The acting is OK and Rudolf (the dad) is quite funny sometimes when he is trying to not get annoyed over something.


    • Sune just feels like a PERFECT example of a narcissistic person who also makes bad choices that could have been done WAY better.

    • The movie has some OBVIOUS big lighting to make for example a romance scene look good, but mostly it just looks funny.

    • The movie isn't very funny when you watch it when you are older, in fact, barely ANY of the jokes made me laugh except maybe 2 jokes in scenes.

    • I think that the ending of the movie was pretty good and unexpected but still quite annoying because Sophie feels like the person to never give Sune chances and when Sune could of done this way better maybe we'll have a better solution to fix they're relationship or at least being "friends".

    • The story of the movie gets quite boring quite fast and just feels like a lazy unfunny way to make a good romance/comedy movie.

    • The movie has some unfunny scenes, for example that one scene when Sabina and Karin were going like idk "really serious" mode or something like that where they had this overused western whistle or whatever it is.

    • The movie has especially MULTIPLE OVERUSED jokes that they THINK get funnier over time but are just SOOO UNFUNNY that just makes you want to skip forward in the movie!

    Otherwise this is an OK movie for younger kids to watch, i think they'll like it. But for a movie to watch again when you are older it's just the most unfunny and boring story EVER.
  • A little overwhelming when watching the three in sequence, the fact that it is based on the less interesting character, the Sune, may harm the franchise ... Less than funny than the previous ones...