User Reviews (3)

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  • Had the pleasure of seeing this on the big screen at the Deptford Cinema in London. Nothing could prepare me for the assault on the senses that ELLIOT turned out to be. A truly one of a kind art piece depicting a claustrophobic, dystopian and nightmarish future that was shot on videotape to give it the air of an otherworldly transmission.

    I would compare this on one level as being like somebody spiking the punch bowl at a Doctor Who monster's party with LSD and on another a strong return to the dying art of splattery cyber punk with added Cronenbergian touches.

    The film-makers worked truly hard on bringing this unique vision to life and it shows in every shot on screen.

    It is a must for all those interested in the underground, transgressive and more avant-garde cinema. It will certainly be a love or hate title but those who do appreciate it will see that there is something truly stunning here. I look forward to seeing what Dreams for Dead Cats productions offer up next.
  • secviar-9710913 July 2018
    Have you ever dropped so much acid that reality itself was changed forever? Yeah, me neither. But if you want that experience without all the pesky side effects, Watch. This. Movie.
  • What a wonderful little (and grande) film this is. It really drags you in and takes you down to a magically dark nostalgia trip through 80's/90's fantasy, scifi and horror. The beautifully designed organic sets, costumes and magnificent use of colors create such a bizarre and magical mood and the graininess adds to the nostalgia.

    It is hard to compare to anything and at the same time reminds one of so much. Movies like Gandahar, Alien, Robot Holocaust, Manborg, Conquest, The Dark Crystal, Actium Maximus, Were are the Strange, Baron against the Demons and so forth. And yet it is none of those movies but a unique little masterpiece with some Giger and Lovecraft vibes thrown in.

    I came across it here on imdb and was thrilled to find out the dvd was availiable on the website of the creators. It came with a set of Chroma Depth 3D glasses which made a second viewing (watched the first time without the glasses) even more interesting as it really works. As the title says it really felt like receiving an awesome new toy when I was a kid. I really look forward to any new stuff these guys come up with.