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  • Film Review: Creedmoria. Winner of over nine Awards since its 2016 debut, one would think director/writer Alicia Slimmer's family oriented coming of age flick would be a hit right out of the gate. However, after spending a painstakingly 1 hour and 30 minutes watching this 1980's inspired ameture production, one can only think 2016-17 was a slow year for Indie recognition! From the opening scene to end, this film is overacted, over staged, over costumed, under directed and just one cheese barely related scene after another. Candy (Stef Dawson "Hunger Games" I & II) and her brothers closeted Sean (Ryan Weldon), drug addict Danny (James Kelley "King Cobra") and unhappy nurse sister Marie (Giuliana Carullo "Life in Pieces") live in a home with a wacky and verbally abusive mom (Rachel DeBenedet) and a pushover dad (the usually interesting Ray Abruzzo "The Soprano's"). As Candy and Sean try to come to grips with youth angst, the local state mental institute and a few wondering patients are tossed into the mix. Director Slimmer's answer to bringing any sense of realism to the mayhem, is to toss in a few male cutie pies like restaurant patron Eddie (Tommy Nash) and Candy's love interest Billy Fenton (Steve Cavanaugh). However, tossing in a pretty boy here and there does not make a successful movie. "Creedmoria" is an over rewarded film that doesn't warrant any further attention.
  • The poor wardrobes really got in the way of enjoying this film. Whomever picked the outfits I don't believe was alive in 1980s or didn't do more than 5 minutes of research on the fashions of the decade. Most of the clothes are modern and some are polyester 70s clothes but it's a whole mishmash of styles of clothes that don't work to make a cohesive look. The film sets don't look or feel like NY in the 80s either. Take it from someone who lived through the entire decade, that's not what the 80s looked like. Not recommended.
  • So much fun. So quirky and real. Makes you want to go back to a time... You feel like you know these people and you just fall into the story. Loved it!!!
  • I loved every detail of this movie's amazing 80's costumes and soundtrack. The house it's set in is perfect too!) The characters are vivid, the narrative is powerful, and the jokes are charming as can be. Such a fun watch!
  • Creedmoria stays with you long after you've seen it, stirring emotions you didn't think you had. But somehow, this powerful coming-of-age story--set in Queens, New York, during the 1980s-manages to bathe all of its drama in belly laughs. And the whole cast is amazing. I absolutely LOVED THIS FILM!
  • Creedmoria is fantastic- it is quirky, hilarious, original, charming and very touching and realistic. It is rollicking fun to watch and it stayed with me well after I saw it which is a true testament. Highly recommend!
  • The '80s soundtrack and suburban setting took me back to the John Hughes movies I grew up with. But the darker story lines (no spoilers, but suffice it to say there's death, sex, drugs and a mental hospital) and the grittiness of the Queens/Long Island setting add an extra layer of surprise, edge and delight. I was really moved. Fun movie!