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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am 5 episodes into this marathon and still haven't gotten bored. Though I must admit I find it so odd how Sophia has been virtually absent on the show, especially considering Laverne Cox's profile probably benefited the most from this show. But, with her background story being done last year, what do you expect? Though I must admit, considering the racial tension, as well as Vee, I find it weird she is not only nowhere to be seen, but not throwing in her sass and humor into the situation. Maybe even trying to be a negotiator.

    Topic 1: Let the Games Begin – Nicky, Big Boo and Caputo

    After the whole Brook situation, Nicky and Big Boo decide to have a proper contest to get as many girls as they can, or get a quality girl to make up for quantity. Big Boo's strategy is a numbers game as Nicky goes for quality, though more so what would be a ten in their game: A prison guard. Which prison guard you ask? Well none other than the sweetest one around, Fischer (Lauren Lapkus). Thing is though, while Fischer wants to be nice and kind, when Nicky approaches her in such a way which isn't just a friendly chat, it upsets Fischer. In fact it upsets her to the point where she wants to be more involved in the surveillance of the prison, especially after Nicky sparks the idea, so now she maybe monitoring people's calls, and not just by overhearing things.

    As for Caputo, with Fig really blocking any sort of progress that can come with to the prison, due to a deficit, even fixing the plumbing in what is known as "Spanish Harlem" can't be done. But between him and Healy, there seems to be a desire to change things for the better. For while both have definitely seemed like jerks in the past, they realize they do have to work and interact with this women, so keeping them at least copacetic is in their best interest.

    Topic 2: Tainted Love – Gloria & Healy

    Keeping on the topic of Healy, his home life is in shambles. Katja grows tired of being at his beck and call and having him dare to demand she speaks English. Which, needless to say, brings on her immediate silence. Though not before noting he has no friends, which is true. But with him speaking with Caputo about bettering things, and seeing Caputo play with his band, he seemingly in his mind has a new friend. Though Caputo I don't think sees him as more than a possibly helpful co-worker, who could maybe help him out Fig.

    Leading us to the heart of the episode which is Gloria's back-story. She was a corner store owner who did a little food stamps fraud on the side. Her real issue though was Arturo, her Dominican boyfriend. He was good to her kids, but would hit her and wouldn't work. Then, to make matters worse, he was an undocumented immigrant. But with her friend, and possible family member, Lourdes by her side, she finds a way to survive. However, as Arturo becomes more abusive, even hitting Gloria's kids, she plans for them all to go to Florida. But then she is caught by the police for fraud. Luckily though, her kids get away from the environment and Arturo gets his. But with them not visiting in years, it seems all Gloria did to try to make a better life for her kids she won't even see the fruits of.

    Topic 3: The Player or the Played? – Gloria and Vee

    Leaving us to talk about the emerging war between the Spanish speakers and the Black folk. With "Spanish Harlem" bathrooms pumping up feces, they move toward using the Black girls' showers, with no thought of using anyone else's for some reason. This create a bit of a war as Taystee and Cindy steal all the Spanish girls shower shoes, and in retaliation they over salt all the Black girls' food. Something which Janae doesn't like because she didn't do nothing and when she talks to Daya about it, and gets an unwelcome response, she trips her and then Bennett damn near goes to break Janae's arm. Naturally causing a scene.

    But with the escalation growing, Gloria and Vee meet in the bathroom and bad ass Vee acts like a punk. With "acts like" being the keywords for they negotiate something interesting. For one, Vee gives up their bathroom so Taystee and Cindy can be reassigned to custodial work. Which I think would allow them to take over the trading system. Something Red notes as she tells Gloria she got played in front of her girls. Leaving us to wonder what exactly is Vee's big plan? I assume she is trying to takeover Red's old network and reestablish the Black women through this method, or is it something else? Being how manipulative Vee is, who knows.

    Things To Note

    Poussey and Vee seemingly don't have beef, though you'd think they would.

    Piper and Larry talk, and Healy arranges something for her so that she maybe able to see her grandmother who is sick. The same grandmother from episode 1 who taught her how her family deals with things.
  • Orange is the New Black Season 2 Episode 5

    Review: Acting - All the actors and actresses have performed well. Actors, actresses have performed well enough in the lead role as well as in the supporting roles. The performances of the child artists are commendable. Story - The story that the writers have written here for the episode is a little slower than that. I didn't find any interesting element in this episode. Main bhi the story of the episode could have been made a little more interesting if it had been tired. Dialogue - Many other languages have been used in the dialogue. also I think there is a bit of a problem with the dialogue delivery in the case of this episode. Direction - So the director has tired to do a good job. In some places the director may have filed to show the correct work. In my opinion, it would have been better if the director's work was a little better. Background score and soundtrack - There was no such thing as a background school in an episode like every other episode. Main low-level background scores have been used here. When it comes to soundtrack, the soundtrack that has been used is in line with the ending, so I will say it well. Others - Many thanks to the editing and cinematographer for gifting us with the such a beautiful episode. I think their work is more difficult than of an actor, actress or director. Overall episode - Overall I didn't like this episode very much. Season Two's worst episode ever.