User Reviews (1)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The conversation between Davina (Kim Cattrall) and the old woman is stellar; so well written, so wonderfully executed. The eponymous old woman (the late Helen Hughes) delivers the best lines - no small feat at the age of 95/96! "I'm too old for sensitivity, my dear. I'm at death's door ... we all are, my dear. It's just that some of us have our hand on the doorknob."

    Perhaps Helen was thinking this might very well be her final performance, motivating her to really shine. Mission accomplished. The way she plunked herself down on to that hospital bed was evidence she was giving it her all.

    The emotion in Davina's face, as she attempts to express her displeasure at this busybody's intrusion, reveals layers of personal grief that Kim knows first hand. The epitome of "sensitive skin".

    This series is a delight to watch. It's lovely to see a program filmed here in Canada that isn't pretending to be in America.