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  • Last Spring Break is shot in a documentary style, we follow adventures of these guys, on their spring break reunion, while they try to film footage for a smart phone app. App is conveniently called "Bikini Girls Behaving Badly". Guys are enjoying their time together and will often take things far out of the comfort zone with the ladies. There are many funny moments here, also some very hot shots of sexy ladies and even a bikini contest! This movie is something to relax with while you're having a beer on the Sunday afternoon, it is for male audience's pleasure mostly. I enjoyed this movie and recommend it. I give it a 9/10 !
  • Warning: Spoilers
    GREAT IDEA! Witty and funny! SOOO TRUE! My question is...when will "FRAT BOYS" learn that you must CHARM and EXCITE, before the "A-listers" will look your way? Anticipation is the foreplay that sets the stage!

    NOT sophomoric "jokes" and announcing primal desires....No, we women "get it", YOU want sex. Okay, try using your imagination and be a gentleman. And as every "good girl" knows....the best foreplay creates the BEST "end-play".

    WHEN you boys were younger (young, dumb, and full of c**), YOU had so many more "cards" to play. For one, the girls hadn't developed the knowledge of what was/is really going on...young and dumb as well.

    The ONLY reason Luis got his tit bit was the girls were drunk and BORED! Had there been a BBD, they would have fled. (BBD= Bigger Better Deal).

    LUIS...... those gorgeous eyes, and "bad boy" image only works when YOU are tight and "out of sight", NOT when you are in your 40's, flabby, and losing hair. Keep passing out those twenties$ to those people impressed by a twenty, until you LEARN to properly talk to a LADY....or continue to have little girls bite your tit for the camera. oh yeah. I hope that was just a character....otherwise a "Dirty Old Man" is just as bad as a "Middle Aged Tramp". Yuck!

    DO WE ever REALLY grow up? Or do we just "become responsible" and "put aside childish things"? We ALL remember "HOW" to "let loose" and PAR- TAY"! When do we learn to sacrifice and care for ourselves and others, putting away our "selfish desires"?

    This "documentary" is VERY CLEVER ! IF you don't "get it", you will....when you "grow up". By "Get It" I mean, understand the "pattern".

    "Exceptional Events" are exceptionally RARE moments, that simply, "magically" just happen; primarily during the "innocence of our youth" can't buy the passion, planning can't create it. Can we "go back to our youth" by just using drugs and having sex? Think there is a 12 step program for that line of thinking.

    Spending more time: wishing, wanting, hoping, dreaming, the foreplay to any "Kick Ass" event. Spending time waiting for the "event" increases the "illusion" of having a much better time. This is why those years were so special. The energy of youth, the unknown, the possibilities were endless we age WE SEE the end of some of those "endless" possibilities. .

    There are MUCH greater events than "Spring Break". Move forward! Be imaginative! Be better, not bitter.

    Thank you for considering this old gal's thoughts
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Last Spring Break pokes fun at male midlife malaise by transposing it with events of spring break on South Padre Island, TX. It is an undeclared melange of cinema verite and mockumentary. Much like the undeclared students in the film, the mix of styles works well, serving up authentic spring break events. There is no preening or obtuse production in the interaction between the generations in the film. It is a wonderful, almost entirely, humorous insight into both the conflicts and similarities between generations celebrating spring break on the beach. A truer or more honest slice of spring break would be difficult to capture. I hope to see more films from Backyard Shed Films in the future.