User Reviews (25)

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  • I enjoyed the show, I thought it was pretty funny and weird. Which are two of my favorite things. I hope it doesn't get canceled and we get to see some sort of character development. In the pilot you get to meet the main characters and their goals, which is important in starting out a sit-com. I found the jokes pretty funny and random which makes it quite fun and quirky. The short half-an-hour had quite a bit of content and you can easily see the running gags in the show. It remains to be seen if they're going to become annoying or catch on like the famous "Bazinga" or "Knock-Knock-Knock Penny". Overall, I'm excited to see another episode to see if I can really indulge myself in it. Been looking for a new sit- com to watch. I hope others can see the potential and humour in the show to make it popular.
  • SnoopyStyle9 May 2015
    Lizzy (Elisha Cuthbert) and Luke (Nick Zano) are lifelong best friends. She's an uptight lesbian and he's a charming womanizer. They follow up on a pledge to have a child together. Before she tells him that she's pregnant, he announces that he has met the love of his life and plans to marry the British Prudence (Kelly Brook) who needs help to stay in the country.

    These are perfectly workable comic actors but they are given the broadest and most cheapest of material. I like Cuthbert but she's playing slightly against type as uptight. It doesn't always work but I do like the attempt. Zano is a beautiful man with loads of charm. Brook has two big assets and her wild big personality do grow on me. The biggest problem is that the writing is groan inducing most of the time. The friend characters are boring. If the writing isn't so bad, the actors could have salvage something.
  • There are positives to this show: the energy, the look of the show, decent cast (except the male lead, Nick Zano is a good straight man in other sitcoms, but terrible when allowed to emote)

    His performance and the embarrassingly piped-in laugh-track, and 'woo' track, and the writing is corny. So far, of the post 'Happy Endings' alum, this is the worst. Marry Me and Weird Loners are far superior. Benched was even a little better than One Big Happy. New Girl with Marlon Wayans Jr, doesn't really count as he left the show and returned to it. The best of these don't rely on the fake laugh track. I'm starting to loathe Big Bang Theory too - which relies too heavily on it.

    All in all, the gags, as quirky and loud as they are, don't work. But there are worse shows.
  • What exactly is the point of creating such a comedy is beyond my understanding.

    Ellen DeGeneres is serving as a producer and the show is about a lesbian who got pregnant from her bisexual best friend/roommate, so I guess it's about trying to get people more familiar, even more tolerable to "new forms" of family.

    I didn't mention that her bff/roommate is married with...Kelly Brook (who plays a girl that he decided to marry after only one date) and they all live now together under the same roof.

    I'm writing this review while watching the 2nd episode that Liz Feldman (the creator) wrote.

    The script is lame as f.., the acting is terrible and the jokes are non existent. Add to all this the most annoying laughing track ever, that hits your ears every 3 to 5 seconds, and you have the recipe of a disaster.

    It doesn't seem possible for this to improve in later episodes, so you better stay away and watch something else.

  • onjfanaticonj21 March 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    I am sure that this show made it on air solely because Ellen produced it. Like American Idol, Ellen has no business taking away a position that somebody more deserving, more experienced, and more qualified should have gotten. I wonder how many more deserving shows were passed by because Ellen wanted this to air. Why are multimillionaires so hellbent on taking jobs away from more deserving people just to satisfy their ever-expanding egos. And the fact that she willingly associates her name with this garbage (and Repeat After Me for that matter) shows that she cares little for intelligent, thought provoking TV in lieu of her usual childish, second grade humor and has a very low opinion of the intelligence of her audience. Ellen, as her head gets bigger and bigger from fame, her ideas and shows get smaller and smaller (almost to the lowest depths of the reality TV she so obviously dearly loves). This "comedy" had no laughs whatsoever. The acting was preschool. The situations preposterous. NBC took a hit scratching Ellen's back and in the future, really needs to look at the quality of the programming and not the name attached to it.
  • fahdbt9418 March 2015
    I was actually waiting up for this show to kick off, but after that first episode I immediately wish that it gets either cancelled or get some significant revamping.

    There was an article on 'The Mirror' saying that Kelly Brook would almost do anything for fame and that is spot on in the series. The acting is poor (from all the cast), the jokes are outdated and seem downright stupid at times and then we have this triangle they have tried to build with a lesbian and her best friend and his new wife. This could have turned out pretty well but they really have managed to mess it up in a big way. If the series is to be judged on its pilot then this show would have been immediately pulled from the network it really was that bad.

    Given that I would set the standard on comedy shows high after watching friends,Seinfeld,that 70s show etc. this one just doesn't even begin to be credited a worthwhile show.

    Definitely not worth your time.
  • I really enjoyed this show, and no, I'm not being paid to say that. I love the characters, the dialogue has plenty of snap, crackle, and pop, and the producers of Smallville, among other shows, owe Kelly Brock an apology for writing such a blah character for her that American audiences didn't get to see what a charismatic presence she can be. I enjoyed the stories and storylines not just because they were interesting in and of themselves, not just because it was nice to see lesbian characters in stories that neither ignored their identity nor treated it as something inherently different from all the other situations that are mined for comedy, but because they're not the same old sitcom storylines we've seen over and over and over.

    Also, I want pretty much everything in Prudence's wardrobe, especially the dresses, especially the dress in the pilot with the pink print. Prudence included would be nice.
  • so the sitcom is okay the idea is new and fresh yet the execution was so weak and no where on point.

    I don't know maybe it's the Cast or the writer Liz Feldman but i know that a 100% i didn't even giggle for once ..

    I really love Ellen DeGeneres but i believe she jumped into producing this show just out of pity on her friend Liz and it was not a good idea.

    Elisha Cuthbert and Nick Zano used too much of talking with the "dumb,,dumb" voice in the beginning... I don't know what Kelly Brook is doing !! like seriously why !! just two big b00bs with a couple of censored nudity scenes ...

    Elisha Cuthbert's performance was so unconvincing as a lesbian. In happy endings she was hilarious ,, yet to be fair Nick Zano's was okay presenting the naive rational pretty face,,, but seriously thou the whole cast acted that way ,, i mean at least bring up a character who acts like knowing everything and acting smarter than everybody just to change the stupidity tone a bit.

    overall i didn't really think it's a comedy worthy of watching... it might be good but so not good enough.
  • My wife and I enjoyed this show and look forward to seeing the next episode. We found it to be a fresh, bubbly modern age comedy that like the accent wall on the show, pops. If they continue this show in the same style I foresee a long future. I look forward to the writers fleshing out the characters but understand that this may take a bit of time with a 30 minute comedy format.

    From the sounds of some (one) other reviews, they seemed to be expecting Shakespeare. Come on it's a sitcom, a situation comedy, lighten up.

    This show does very well with a somewhat socially thorny situation that may polarize some but I, for one found it very well done and in good taste. I am reminded too that taste in food or comedy can not be argued. I thought it was funny. Enough said.
  • No matter how hard I tried, this could not catch my attention. A board meeting with long winded speakers whom draw out their words is more appealing. Snooze-fest.

    I was excited about new comedies.. I began watching this comedy and it was flat.. the over-exaggerated English accent just toiled it to the ground - right when I thought it couldn't possibly get any worse.

    My husband began begging me to change the channel, saying, "I just can't take this anymore! It's horrible!" I like to offer things the benefit of the doubt, but this was even too much for me. I began daydreaming.. about work! Yep.. time to change the channel.

    I keep my eyes open for comedies with witty repartee, well written scripts, intriguing dialogue and characters whom are well played, well written and believable... none are found in this new comedy.

    Oh well, back to reruns, at least until something which can keep me awake is released.
  • Elisha Cuthbert is a star, but this character is poorly conceived and poorly written. I'd love to see her in something with smarter writing. It's not too late to bring back Happy Endings, is it? The other characters don't give us much to latch on to. Nick Zano is white bread. Kelly Brook seems to be acting with her boobs. Meanwhile, I'm not a fan of laugh tracks in general, but I find this one particularly loud and annoying to the point of distraction. I'd love to see Elisha Cuthbert in something with smarter writing. Is it too late to bring back Happy Endings?

    One Big Happy appears to have been hastily conceived and dashed off. After watching 2 eps, it's off my list.
  • The show at least has an interesting premise that could possibly happen in today's world.

    However the humor needs to come from someplace other than the 7th grade boys bathroom.

    Crass humor or poor presentation are the best way to kill even the best idea.

    The characters were not well developed, once again somebody resorted to lame brained stereotypes.

    Cheers and Frasier are proof that comedy can be smart, well done and still be popular.

    We need to go back to classy comedy, like Hepburn & Tracy produced.

    The key to a good comedy is to be appealing not revolting, look at some of the shows that are no longer produced but can still be found on many channels around the world.

    "I love Lucy" is a prime example of well done classic comedy.
  • I watch a lot of TV... everyone is different.. But in my honest opinion, anyone rating this a 8 out of 10 or higher, had to be paid or have something to lose. I think you could give it a 5 out of 10 for being a nice person.

    For me, to started off slow. By half way through, I was looking for something else. I just couldn't find this funny and not sure how it will last. The plot is just so so... I think I semi chuckled just once. Having the background laughs for each scene is so misleading. And the one girl with the British accent? I think it's being forced into the show too much and for me, was actually annoying.

    Don't waste your time on this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This sitcom got off the starting block fast with no holds barred and is exhilarating. The writing is crisp and delicious: BFFs, a lesbian, and a Brit, what could be better? The premise of a straight guy and a lesbian gal who have been best friends for many years deciding to have a baby delves into a very popular current topic. We take a look at what happens when one of the parents of the resulting baby finds love with someone else. We all want to see how this modern day story twists and turns. This reminded me of the classic "Three's Company" with the fast-paced delivery of story and jokes. I loved the three leading actors' personalities, and can't wait to see the next episode. I foresee a long run, and Ellen has another winner with her "One Big Happy" sitcom.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't understand why this is considered a fresh, new premise behind a sitcom. This first episode reads like hundreds of other attempts have (and even several movies); best friends decide to commit to something life-changing (insert marriage or babies), then one falls in love and wants a life with an outsider. Only this time one is a lesbian. However, we still get to see, presumably, the two chicks fighting over the attention of a man trope. Shocking that a woman is producing this.

    Insert more lame one-liners than actual plot dialogue, and there you have it.

    I see this maybe lasting a full season, since it has no competition. Otherwise, no thank you.
  • ethanlawless29 September 2015
    I do not understand why anyone would not like this show. Personally I loved that this show was quirky and off beat. It was refreshing and different. The story line is modern, upbeat, and funny. The actress's and actor's worked well with their characters. It is very well done show considering the difficulty(social land mines) the plot provides. A lesbian living with her bachelor best friend. They want to have a child together. Then the bachelor falls in love with another woman who is a British drifter. Its a very complicated story line but they manage to keep it very light hearted and comical. I absolutely loved this show and I really want to see more. I definitely recommend this show to anyone that likes a challenging story-line and likes to get a good giggle, laugh, chuckle in their spare time...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Spoiler Alert? - No specifics, just generalization's.

    'Shock Humor" seems to be a recent tool writers use to draw an audience. Absolutely! TV needs to be entertaining while transforming your mind to a fresh new and engaging place; for many of us to take our minds off the reality of our lives :)

    This tool that the writers often overuse, as they understand it allows them to open the door to our minds as it puts us in a place of mental reception and touch to forbidden fruit mentally and often import a portion of what they write into the makeup of our own lives. This is where content becomes critical as this type of program will change your outlook on life without you even realizing you've been morally changed; it's because you were manipulated to open your mind and allow liberties to be taken that are out of place.

    Although the content of this show will draw most people in; the question is, how will the message of the show change you while in the subliminally open state of mind? This show crosses pretty much all the sexually moral boundaries it can; for the sake of humor and draw.

    I believe the spoken word, projected or received, is permanently laid within us at some level and the plot of this show will ultimately change your moral boundaries in some way. One should ask, if moral boundaries are meant to be crossed, what power do they really have?

    This show goes to far in it's attempt to redefine what the family should be and why. With the family being the core root of society; crossing these moral lines we all know and live by to differing degrees is one area that has produced many. many undesirable results. The world has enough problems, why encourage more with a TV show like this one?

  • If this shows last more than half of a season, and Stalker gets cancelled, then I rescind my belief in God. This is honestly one of the stupidest sitcoms I have ever seen. The acting is horrible. I really wonder if the actors know anything about comic timing or delivery? In their defense, I guess you need good writing to have good delivery. Nick what's his name and the British lady are REALLY annoying. They are WAY overacting, to the point of absurdity. I feel sorry for Elisha Cuthbert. She is the only saving grace but what could she possibly do with poor writing. If I was her, I would take the money and run before her career is shot. STAY AWAY FROM THIS!
  • LouieInLove19 March 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    Sometimes a TV show will have a fantasy/dream sequence where the cast is transported to a poorly scripted alternate show for comedic effect; One Big Happy is a commissioned version of that alternate show. Watching it makes you feel like you're stuck in an episode of The Twilight Zone. It's so formulaic that it really does make you question your own reality.

    Is my life a TV show in which I'm watching this uncreative robotic imagining of another show? Hells Bells! Am I in the matrix?

    This show should come with a warning that it will make you question your sanity! NB. I've given it four, simply because no show has every made me feel so uneasy about my existential existence.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I think this writing is so good and hilarious that or reflects my own humour. My friend and I binge watched this and she was so upset at me because she didn't know there wasn't a 2nd season. We want to see the baby! Or Prego Lizzy!

    There's a reason why Ellen approved this show! Because it is funny. I compare the comedy to the Golden Girls, it's a lost art! Please NBC bring it back! Or my suggestion is to bring it to Neflix or Amazon.

    If you haven't seen this yet, the premise is Luke (straight man) lives with Lizzy (Lesbian best friend), they decide to have a baby, Luke meets a British bombshell and now 'trouble' ensues!
  • hdk7144219 March 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    I was going to turn this show off halfway through until it seemed like the British character was going to be leaving, to which I responded 'thank God' and I continued to watch. That was my mistake, getting my hopes up. She does not fit into the show at all. Her accent is hard to take, her voice is very loud and overbearing and she looks like a giant next to Elisha. I have no idea how she was cast except for the fact that there seems to have been a Hollywood law passed that there must be one token British actor in every single show now. I take immense pleasure in watching shows like Justified or Longmire where they can't seem to swing a British person in such environments. Most other shows would have us believe that there is one living on every street in America and that they somehow got a green card to become a barista.
  • The story in the show, is OK, the acting though..... Holy hell. There is NO talent at all in this show.

    Kelly Brook is like a brainless porn actress caught off guard... Pathetic.

    Elisha Cuthbert never had talent and still does not have any. She ruined 24 and Happy endings and has done nothing to help this show....

    Nick Zano.... Over acts all the time, is not believable and should just quit the game all together.

    I feel like i wasted time of my life i will never get back.

    Avoid this show at all cost, go watch paint dry instead!
  • I thought I would like this but after suffering through the first episode and some of the second, I decided it's not strong enough to pass time each week in front of the boob tube. Even Ellen Degeneres producing this couldn't make it funny.

    The rhythm is off that the actors wait for the joke's payoff, and the joke's aren't always funny or worth the wait. I don't believe Elisha as an overly organized lesbian, or her relationship with Nick Zano as her roommate/best friend/baby daddy. Kelly Brock is OK I guess, but I don't believe her chemistry with Nick Zano's character. The friends are funny, little bit players that add dimension to a very flat show.

    Cute cast but not enough to carry this sitcom. Bummer. I miss the days of really solid sitcoms on network TV.
  • I had Searching Kelly Brook on Internet and Stumbled upon " One Big Happy "

    I watched its first Pilot episode and I would say Ellen tried very hard to make this show successful but failed.

    She added the right Ingredient to make people watch that is Boobs( Kelly Brook) , Gorgeous girl from next door (Elisha) and a cute guy. The Idea of triangle was quite new but due to lack in the Jokes punches. Typical and used Jokes. the acting is terrible and the jokes are non existent

    Why all the Hot girls are so dumb? Kelly Brook typical dumb girl with Big boobs. Elisha Cuthbert Acting is not funny but irritating. , yet to be fair Nick Zano's was okay.

    I just couldn't find this funny and not sure how it will last. 4 out of 5 just because of (.)(.)
  • You will enjoy this if you dont take this seriously. i mean look at the basic plot of the show. it is a comedy. the plot has potential to go some where and generrate really funny situations. and it was going somewhere when it got cancelled. i wished it lasted few more episodes. shame it was a great premise for a sitcom. ofcourse it was not perfect. but they could have done a lot with this story line and characters.