User Reviews (3)

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  • I was looking forward to this based on the trailer, but it seems that unless your found footage film has "Paranormal Activity" in the title, you're in a losing battle.

    Over 600 people have disappeared from the tiny town of Happy Camp over the years (where are they coming from, and why aren't the Feds crawling over this death trap are just some of the glaring plot holes) and one man, Mike, (and three friends to document the experience) has come back to town to see if he can put together the pieces of his brothers disappearance. (He was taken over twenty years ago)

    Not much happens in the short running time, yokels talking about how "flat landers" should leave, arguing, drinking, blah.

    The last fifteen minutes ramp things up, but by then it's too little too late. Cheesy CGI ruins the whole mess, and what makes it worse is that the film has decent production vales, which just makes the whole thing sad, as they could have taken the time to do something more original. (For Pete's sake, walk into a bookstore and grab a random boom from the horror section!)

    Oh, and Drew Barrymore had something to do with it. That alone should have warned me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I suggest that movies that use the found-footage concept should carry a warning, now I was lured into this one unsuspectingly, and I'm pretty much fed up with all these annoying, shaky, out of focus images that I'm forced to watch for a whole movie long! And another warning, that somewhere along the line good old Sasquatch aka Bigfoot is going to pop up as the pivot of the story, would not be superfluous too, I mean: is there in horror-movie history any creature less exciting or more lame than this overblown furry gorilla?!?! This time they didn't use the guy-in-a-suit solution, but (cheap) CGI, with even more detrimental result: it looked like something from an outdated videogame.

    For the rest: mediocre acting, uninspiring characters that of course all the time do irresponsible and stupid things, way too little action, and the dubious claim that the movie was meant to be a tribute or a memorial to hundreds of disappeared people (suggested to be Sasquatch victims of course), but I dare to question the truthfulness and sincerity of the latter.

    To sum things up I would say: negligible (fortunately lasting only a meagre 75 minutes).
  • I thought this Movie was excellent. I gravitate towards Found Footage type Movies especially when they are believable! We all know Sasquatch's are real and have been here for a good 25, 000 years. So so many eye witness sightings throughout the World. Many in British Columbia. I have a good friend that has seen these People many times. There is ample Scientific DNA that states Human woman, Unknown Male DNA. If you read about per say the Nephilim for starters this will lead you to where WE are today with Scientific prroof of these Peoples/Beings, Forest People. Many names for certain areas.......................................