User Reviews (7)

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  • karienagy-8995922 October 2018
    Really enjoyed this movie and the family dynamic was great with a lot of fun laughs as well.
  • Written, directed, and starring ryan bottiglieri. Jody and ronnie are the adopted kids of a gay couple. They are trying to save enough money to reopen the restaurant they closed to pay the bills. To raise money, they wrestle in drag. A running theme of only being one step away from being homeless. And ronnie has a temper which often gets them in trouble. After an injury, they have to find a backup plan to raise money. Serious talks, which are a little out of place. More serious talks. Has some odd, awkward moments. Odd timing and some goofy lines that don't really make sense where they are said in the film. It's entertaining but a bit weird.
  • Slow paced, lots of shots of urban LA. I was planning a visit to Los Angeles but changed my mind after watching this movie. It's paced pretty slow, did I say that already. However, if you are able to get past the 60 minute mark, it gets more interesting. The last 15 minutes are the pay off.
  • Ronnie was a pest, but I guess thats the point and not to bad on the eyes.
  • I was only expecting a fun comedy but got so much more. Wonderful story and top notch acting.
  • Phenomenal - a movie that truly relates and resonates with so many. Within minutes you're completely drawn into this family and are pulling for them.
  • This is a really great movie about a couple of brothers that want to save the family restaurant the only way they know how... through professional wrestling. I really liked this movie. It has a lot of heart. I highly recommend it.