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  • slak96u3 April 2022
    This is a huuuuuge set up episode, the show is building its narrative and backstory. A lot of the details that come up can't really be appreciated until farther along in the plot. Episodes like this are so vague on the initial watch, but if you go through a rewatch, a lot of the details are considerably more clear. While not a particularly exciting episode, it is necessary nonetheless.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I enjoyed this episode. We learn more about Kevin's father and the scene in the restaurant is simply amazing. The Leftovers has some great actors in store. Matt has also some great scenes here.

    This TV show deals with a lot of harsh stuff. In this episode we learn how horrible the situation of Kevin's father is. I hope I'll never must suffer such an illness.

    This episode starts off with a very intense scene. Jill finds herself in a very dire (and also kinda stupid) situation. Man, my heart stopped when the handle snapped.

    Another nice and well-written episode. I really like this TV show. The characters are great and I like how the story is told. My vote is 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode had lots of moments that made me go wtf, and not in a good way. This can be summarised with these questions:

    Why did Garvey never tell Jill about her grandpa? Why is there a dream sequence about a dog in a mailbox? Why are we expected to care for Garvey's mad father who we've only just been introduced to? What's this stuff about the National Geographic magazine? Why would Tom have stayed loyal to Wayne despite not receiving any contact for so long and only now finally break after finding out the girl he's protecting isn't "The One"?

    All these unbelievable things happen in this one episode, the worst one being the grandpa. How he fits into the story is hard to understand.