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  • Camp X is a two-part documentary from Canada, about Camp X, where the first spies for Britain and America were trained during the Second World War. Seeing this on the History Channel, I quickly set it to record in order to sit and watch it through. Something that was highly secretive, and wasn't well known about. Something that isn't really spoke or talked about within England, I was definitely excited to learn more about Camp X.

    First of all, I think that splitting the documentary into two parts was a good idea. Instead of trying to force so much information into one 45 minute documentary, we were given an hour and a half of information, and the first part even ended in a cliff hanger that made me for sure want to watch on. Even if I wasn't already interested in watching it, the cliff hanger for sure caught my attention more than it already was.

    The information in this is precise. It's lengthy, and has all the details, but it is still precise. The documentary doesn't give us more than we need to know, and keeps things simple. Although a little infuriating for such simple terms to be used, and then explained, this is really well done. Anyone watching it can listen to the information, understand what this information is and what it means, and it allows much more understanding. People are more likely to watch this.

    I don't think there is anything I would change about this documentary, and I definitely recommend it to anyone with interest in the subject matter. This was really well rounded, with accurate information, and a clear and precise learning method. Everything a documentary should be.
  • lenferran10 February 2019
    When I was a little boy (1962), my grandfather loaned me this massive book on the history of WW2. I have been a WW2 buff since then. I watch an enormous amount of WW2 documentaries and when I stumbled onto Camp X I watched both parts immediately.

    Absolutely one of the best documentaries I have seen so far. When I choke up seeing actual men and women who served in the war documenting their experiences, I know the series was very well done. Thank you veterans for your courage.
  • This documentary was so interesting to me. In 1940 America had a long-standing 'non-involvement" policy about involvement in international disputes/wars. A small group of people in Canada, America and Great Britain saw the need for espionage if we were going to avoid u-boats in troop movement. They carefully selected US and Canadians with potential and brought them to Camp X, located in Canada. There, the men were trained in espionage: secret codes, bombings, killing, how to blend in, etc. Camps were also set up in the US after joining the war.

    The show opens with a dig at that Camp site, which had been destroyed. As they reveal different aspects of the training, they tell the story of men who taught or were students at the Camp. The student stories are told relevant to an aspect related to a dig discovery (i.e, ammunition) and many were still alive to reflect on their espionage during WWII.

    The narration of this documentary remained interesting throughout for me as it didn't lag in places. I would (and will) recommend this to anyone interested in the US' introduction to and use of espionage.